
GetBonuses <-
bonuses <-
function(assignment = NULL, 
         hit = NULL, 
         hit.type = NULL, 
         annotation = NULL,
         return.all = TRUE, 
         pagenumber = "1", pagesize = "100", 
         verbose = getOption('MTurkR.verbose', TRUE), ...) {
    operation <- "GetBonusPayments"
    if (as.numeric(pagesize) < 1 || as.numeric(pagesize) > 100) {
        stop("'pagesize' must be in range (1,100)")
    if (as.numeric(pagenumber) < 1) {
        stop("'pagenumber' must be > 1")
    batch <- function(type='assign', obj, page=1){
        if (type=='assign') {
            GETparameters <- paste( "&AssignmentId=", as.character(obj), 
                                    "&PageNumber=", page,
                                    "&PageSize=100", sep = "")
        } else if (type=='hit') {
            GETparameters <- paste("&HITId=", as.character(obj),
                                   "&PageNumber=", page, 
                                   "&PageSize=100", sep = "")
        out <- request(operation, GETparameters = GETparameters, ...)
    if ((is.null(hit) & is.null(hit.type) & is.null(annotation) & is.null(assignment)) | 
        (!is.null(hit) & !is.null(hit.type) & !is.null(annotation) & !is.null(assignment))) {
        stop("Must provide 'assignment' xor 'hit' xor 'hit.type' xor 'annotation'")
    } else if (!is.null(hit) || !is.null(assignment)) {
        if (!is.null(hit)) {
            obj <- hit
            type <- 'hit'
        } else {
            obj <- assignment
            type <- 'assign'
        if (return.all) {
            request <- batch(type, obj, page = 1)
        } else {
            request <- batch(type, obj, pagenumber)
        if (is.null(request$valid)) {
        if (request$valid) {
            runningtotal <- as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(request$xml, 
                    "<NumResults>")[[1]][2], "</NumResults>")[[1]][1])
            if (return.all) {
                total <- as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(request$xml, "<TotalNumResults>")[[1]][2], "</TotalNumResults>")[[1]][1])
                Bonuses <- list()
                Bonuses[[1]] <- as.data.frame.BonusPayments(xml.parsed = xmlParse(request$xml))
                pagenumber <- 2
                while (total > 0 && total > runningtotal){
                    nextbatch <- batch(type, obj, pagenumber)
                    Bonuses[[pagenumber]] <- as.data.frame.BonusPayments(xml.parsed = xmlParse(nextbatch$xml))
                    batch_total <- as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(nextbatch$xml, 
                        "<NumResults>")[[1]][2], "</NumResults>")[[1]][1])
                    runningtotal <- runningtotal + batch_total
                    pagenumber <- pagenumber + 1
                if (verbose) {
                    message(runningtotal, " Bonuses Retrieved")
            } else {
                if (verbose) {
                    message(runningtotal, " Bonuses Retrieved")
                Bonuses <- as.data.frame.BonusPayments(xml.parsed = xmlParse(request$xml))
                if (!is.null(hit)) {
                    Bonuses$HITId <- hit
        } else {
            warning("Invalid Request")
    } else if (!is.null(hit.type) | !is.null(annotation)) {
        if (!is.null(hit.type)) {
            if (is.factor(hit.type)) {
                hit.type <- as.character(hit.type)
            hitsearch <- SearchHITs(verbose = FALSE, return.qual.dataframe = FALSE, ...)
            hitlist <- hitsearch$HITs$HITId[hitsearch$HITs$HITTypeId %in% hit.type]
        } else if (!is.null(annotation)) {
            if (is.factor(annotation)) {
                annotation <- as.character(annotation)
            hitsearch <- SearchHITs(verbose = FALSE, return.qual.dataframe = FALSE, ...)
            hitlist <- hitsearch$HITs$HITId[hitsearch$HITs$RequesterAnnotation %in% annotation]
        if (length(hitlist) == 0) {
            stop("No HITs found for HITType")
        Bonuses <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(hitlist)) {
          Bonuses[[i]] <- GetBonuses(hit = hitlist[i], return.all = return.all, ...)
        out <- do.call('rbind.data.frame',Bonuses)
        if (verbose) {
            message(nrow(Bonuses), " Bonuses Retrieved")
cloudyr/MTurkR documentation built on June 4, 2019, 3:30 p.m.