
#' Defines a jags Bayesian model to fit a two baselines trophic position model
#' (without fractionation for C)
#' Takes some parameters and returns a jags model object as a character string
#' for passing to \code{\link[rjags]{jags.model}}.
#' The two baselines trophic position model is defined as:
#' \deqn{dNc ~ dnorm(deltaN * (TP - lambda) + dNb1*alpha + dNb2 * (1 - alpha),
#' tauNc)} and \deqn{dCc ~ dnorm(alpha * (dCb1 - dCb2) + dCb2, tauCc)}
#' where dNc and dCc are d15N and d13C values of consumer, dNb1 and dCb1 are
#' d15N and d13C values of baseline 1, dNb2 and dCb2 are d15N and d13C values of
#' baseline 2, alpha is the relative proportion of N derived from baseline 1,
#' deltaN is the trophic discrimination factor for N, TP is trophic position of
#' the consumer and lambda is the trophic level of baselines.
#' In this Bayesian model, both dNc and dCc are modelled as having a normal
#' distribution with means calculated with above equations and precision (tau)
#' calculated as standard deviation ^-2. Furthermore, dNb1, dCb1, dNb2, dCb2 and
#' deltaN are defined as random parameters with a normal distribution with mean
#' mu_i and precision tau_i, TP is a random parameter with a uniform
#' distribution, alpha is a random parameter with a beta distribution and lambda
#' is a constant. All these distributions can be changed modifying them as
#' priors, while defining lambda within the call to the function.
#' You might want to change the mean, standard deviation or other parameters of
#' the distributions according to your prior knowledge of the system/consumer
#' you are working on. Although it is possible to use a number of predefined or
#' customized distributions (see distribution aliases in
#' \href{https://sourceforge.net/projects/mcmc-jags/files/Manuals/}{JAGS
#' documentation}), it is likely that most of the time you will be using a
#' normal distribution as prior for most parameters. This is the default option
#' (i.e. when the function is called without arguments). To change it, you need
#' to indicate a mean and standard deviation for the i-est parameter of
#' interest, for example "dnorm(0, 0.0001)". Here, a prior of normally
#' distributed mu_i is defined, with a mean 0, and a standard deviation of
#' 0.0001. This constitutes an uninformative and normally distributed prior, for
#' the mean of the i-est parameter.  As well as the priors for mu_i, JAGS uses
#' "tau", which is the precision for defining the standard deviation of mu_i.
#' Precision is a deterministic function (instead of the distributional "~"),
#' and it is calculated as "tau_i <- power(sigma_i, -2)", thus you could define
#' as well sigma_i, which stands for the standard deviation of the i-est
#' parameter of interest. In the case of alpha, the default is a beta
#' distribution with parameters a = 1 and b = 1.

#' @param sigmaNc a distribution defining sigma (standard deviation) for N of
#'   consumer. Default is dunif(0, 100).
#' @param sigmaCc a distribution defining sigma (standard deviation) for C of
#'   consumer. Default is dunif(0, 100).
#' @param muCb1 a distribution defining prior for mean (mu) for C of baseline 1.
#'   Default is dnorm(0, 0.0001).
#' @param sigmaCb1 a distribution defining sigma (standard deviation) for C of
#'   baseline 1. Default is dunif(0, 100).
#' @param muNb1 a distribution defining prior for mean (mu) for N of baseline 1.
#'   dnorm(0, 0.0001)
#' @param sigmaNb1 a distribution defining sigma (standard deviation) for N of
#'   baseline 1. Default is dunif(0, 100).
#' @param muCb2 a distribution defining prior for mean (mu) for C of baseline 2.
#'   dnorm(0, 0.0001)
#' @param sigmaCb2  a distribution defining sigma (standard deviation) for C of
#'   baseline 2. Default is dunif(0, 100).
#' @param muNb2 a distribution defining prior for mean (mu) for N of baseline 2.
#'   dnorm(0, 0.0001)
#' @param sigmaNb2 a distribution defining sigma (standard deviation) for N of
#'   baseline 2. Default is dunif(0, 100).
#' @param alpha a distribution defining alpha (mixing model between 2 sources).
#'   Default is dbeta(1,1).
#' @param lambda an integer indicating the trophic position of the baseline.
#'   Default is 2.
#' @param TP a distribution defining prior of trophic position. Default is
#'   dunif(lambda, 10), with lambda defined above.
#' @param muDeltaN a distribution defining prior for the mean (mu) of deltaN,
#'   which stands for trophic discrimination factor for Nitrogen. Default is
#'   dnorm(0, 0.0001).
#' @param sigmaDeltaN a value defining sigma (standard deviation) for the mean
#'   (mu) of deltaN. Default is dunif(0, 100).
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to this function.
#' @return A jags model as a character string
#' @export

jagsTwoBaselines <- function (sigmaNc = NULL,
                              sigmaCc = NULL,
                              muCb1 = NULL,
                              sigmaCb1 = NULL,
                              muNb1 = NULL,
                              sigmaNb1 = NULL,
                              muCb2 = NULL,
                              sigmaCb2 = NULL,
                              muNb2 = NULL,
                              sigmaNb2 = NULL,
                              lambda = NULL,
                              TP = NULL,
                              alpha = NULL,
                              muDeltaN = NULL,
                              sigmaDeltaN = NULL,

  ## Check priors

  arg <- do.call(cbind, (as.list(match.call())[-1]))
  colnames <- colnames(arg)
  count <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(arg)) {

    if(colnames[i] == "lambda") next()

    if(grepl("dnorm(", arg[i], fixed = TRUE) &
       grepl(",", arg[i], fixed = TRUE) &
       grepl(")", arg[i], fixed = TRUE)) {
    } else if (grepl("dunif(", arg[i], fixed = TRUE) &
               grepl(",", arg[i], fixed = TRUE) &
               grepl(")", arg[i], fixed = TRUE)) {
    } else if (grepl("dbeta(", arg[i], fixed = TRUE) &
               grepl(",", arg[i], fixed = TRUE) &
               grepl(")", arg[i], fixed = TRUE)) {
    count <- count + 1

  if (count > 0)
      msg = "It seems that you are not using dnorm(mean, sd),  dunif(min, max)
      or dbeta(a, b) as priors, or they are not correctly written. Please check
      the arguments."

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # JAGS code for fitting Inverse Wishart version of SIBER to two groups
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  modelString <- "

    model {
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # First we define all the likelihood functions
  # Likelihood for dC of baseline 1 (normally distributed)
  for (i in 1:length(dCb1)){
    dCb1[i] ~ dnorm(muCb1, tauCb1)

  # The same is repeated for dN of baseline 1
  for (i in 1:length(dNb1)){
    dNb1[i] ~ dnorm(muNb1, tauNb1)

  # And is also repeated for dN of baseline 2
  for (i in 1:length(dNb2)){
    dNb2[i] ~ dnorm(muNb2, tauNb2)

  # The same is repeated for dC of baseline 2
  for (i in 1:length(dCb2)){
    dCb2[i] ~ dnorm(muCb2, tauCb2)

  # Likelihood for deltaN
  for (j in 1:length(deltaN)){
    deltaN[j] ~ dnorm(muDeltaN, tauDeltaN)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #And now we are ready to calculate the trophic position
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Likelihood for dC of consumer (dCc) is a simple mixing model of
  # the dC of the two baselines

  #dCc is modelled as having a normal distribution
  #with mean calculated with the two baselines weighted by alpha
  for (i in 1:length(dCc)) {
  dCc[i] ~ dnorm(alpha * (muCb1 - muCb2) + muCb2, tauCc)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Likelihood for the nitrogen data in the consumer uses the estimated
  # proportion of baseline 1 and 2 in the consumer to inform trophic position.
  for (i in 1:length(dNc)){
  dNc[i] ~ dnorm(muDeltaN * (TP - lambda) + muNb1*alpha + muNb2 * (1 - alpha),

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors for dCb1
  if (is.null(muCb1)) {
    newString <- "muCb1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)"

  } else {
    newString <- paste("muCb1 ~", toString(muCb1))

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(sigmaCb1)) {
    newString <-     "tauCb1 <- pow(sigmaCb1, -2)
                      sigmaCb1 ~ dunif(0, 100)"
  } else {
    newString <- "tauCb1 <- pow(sigmaCb1, -2)"
    newString2 <- paste("sigmaCb1 ~", toString(sigmaCb1))
    newString <- paste(newString, newString2, sep = "\n")

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors for dNb1
  if (is.null(muNb1)) {
    newString <- "muNb1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)"

  } else {
    newString <- paste("muNb1 ~", toString(muNb1))

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(sigmaNb1)) {
    newString <-     "tauNb1 <- pow(sigmaNb1, -2)
                      sigmaNb1 ~ dunif(0, 100)"
  } else {
    newString <- "tauNb1 <- pow(sigmaNb1, -2)"
    newString2 <- paste("sigmaNb1 ~", toString(sigmaNb1))
    newString <- paste(newString, newString2, sep = "\n")

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors for dCb2
  if (is.null(muCb2)) {
    newString <- "muCb2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)"

  } else {
    newString <- paste("muCb2 ~", toString(muCb2))

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(sigmaCb2)) {
    newString <-     "tauCb2 <- pow(sigmaCb2, -2)
                      sigmaCb2 ~ dunif(0, 100)"
  } else {
    newString <- "tauCb2 <- pow(sigmaCb2, -2)"
    newString2 <- paste("sigmaCb2 ~", toString(sigmaCb2))
    newString <- paste(newString, newString2, sep = "\n")

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors for dNb2
  if (is.null(muNb2)) {
    newString <- "muNb2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)"

  } else {
    newString <- paste("muNb2 ~", toString(muNb2))

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(sigmaNb2)) {
    newString <-     "tauNb2 <- pow(sigmaNb2, -2)
                      sigmaNb2 ~ dunif(0, 100)"
  } else {
    newString <- "tauNb2 <- pow(sigmaNb2, -2)"
    newString2 <- paste("sigmaNb2 ~", toString(sigmaNb2))
    newString <- paste(newString, newString2, sep = "\n")

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors on the carbon mixing model
  if (is.null(alpha)) {
    newString <- "alpha ~ dbeta(1,1)"

  } else {
    newString <- paste("alpha ~", toString(alpha))

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(sigmaCc)) {
    newString <-     "tauCc <- pow(sigmaCc, -2)
                      sigmaCc ~ dunif(0, 100)"
  } else {
    newString <- "tauCc <- pow(sigmaCc, -2)"
    newString2 <- paste("sigmaCc ~", toString(sigmaCc))
    newString <- paste(newString, newString2, sep = "\n")

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors on the dN in the consumer
  if (is.null(TP)) {
    newString <- "TP ~ dunif(lambda, 10)"

  } else {
    newString <- paste("TP ~", toString(TP))

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(sigmaNc)) {
    newString <-     "tauNc <- pow(sigmaNc, -2)
                      sigmaNc ~ dunif(0, 100)"
  } else {
    newString <- "tauNc <- pow(sigmaNc, -2)"
    newString2 <- paste("sigmaNc ~", toString(sigmaNc))
    newString <- paste(newString, newString2, sep = "\n")

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Priors on the deltaN (trophic enrichment factor)
  if (is.null(muDeltaN)) {
    newString <- "muDeltaN ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)"

  } else {
    newString <- paste("muDeltaN ~", toString(muDeltaN))

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(sigmaDeltaN)) {
    newString <-     "tauDeltaN <- pow(sigmaDeltaN, -2)
                      sigmaDeltaN ~ dunif(0, 100)"
  } else {
    newString <- "tauDeltaN <- pow(sigmaDeltaN, -2)"
    newString2 <- paste("sigmaDeltaN ~", toString(sigmaDeltaN))
    newString <- paste(newString, newString2, sep = "\n")

  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  if (is.null(lambda)) {
    newString <- "lambda <- 2"

  } else {
    if(!is.numeric(lambda)) stop("lambda must be numeric")
    newString <- paste("lambda <- ", toString(lambda))
  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  newString <- "}" # end of jags model script
  modelString <- paste (modelString, newString, sep = "\n")

  class(modelString) <- append(class(modelString), "twoBaselines")


} # end of function
clquezada/tRophicPosition documentation built on Jan. 4, 2023, 12:31 p.m.