
print_reg <- function(data) {

  # width
  # prints
  a <- c("R", "R-Squared", "Adj. R-Squared", "Pred R-Squared")
  b <- c(
    format(round(data$r, 3), nsmall = 3), format(round(data$rsq, 3), nsmall = 3), format(round(data$adjr, 3), nsmall = 3),
    format(round(data$prsq, 3), nsmall = 3)
  d <- c("RMSE", "Coef. Var", "MSE", "MAE")
  e <- c(
    format(round(data$sigma, 3), nsmall = 3), format(round(data$cv, 3), nsmall = 3), format(round(data$mse, 3), nsmall = 3),
    format(round(data$mae, 3), nsmall = 3)

  w1 <- max(nchar(a))
  w2 <- max(nchar(format(b, nsmall = 3)))
  w3 <- max(nchar(d))
  w4 <- max(nchar(format(e, nsmall = 3)))
  w5 <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, 28)
  nw <- length(b)

  # model summary
  cat(fc("Model Summary", w5), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w5), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(nw)) {
    cat(fl(a[i], w1), fs(), fs(), fs(), fg(b[i], w2), fs(), fs(), fl(d[i], w3), fs(), fs(), fs(), fg(e[i], w4), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w5), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(" RMSE: Root Mean Square Error", "\n", "MSE: Mean Square Error", "\n", "MAE: Mean Absolute Error", "\n\n")

  # anova
  w7 <- nchar("Regression")
  w8 <- max(
    nchar("Squares"), nchar(format(round(data$rss, 3), nsmall = 3)), nchar(format(round(data$ess, 3), nsmall = 3)),
    nchar(format(round(data$tss, 3), nsmall = 3))
  w9 <- max(
    nchar("DF"), nchar(format(round(data$model_df, 3), nsmall = 3)), nchar(format(round(data$error_df, 3), nsmall = 3)),
    nchar(format(round(data$total_df, 3), nsmall = 3))
  w10 <- max(nchar("Mean Square"), nchar(format(round(data$rms, 3), nsmall = 3)), nchar(format(round(data$ems, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w11 <- max(nchar("F"), nchar(format(round(data$f, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w12 <- max(nchar("Sig."), nchar(format(round(data$p, 3), nsmall = 4)))
  w <- sum(w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, 21)

  p <- format(round(data$p, 4), nsmall = 4)

  cat(fc("ANOVA", w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(fg("", w7), fs(), fg("Sum of", w8), fs(), fg("", w9), fs(), fg("", w10), fs(), fg("", w11), fs(), fg("", w12), "\n")
  cat(fg("", w7), fs(), fg("Squares", w8), fs(), fg("DF", w9), fs(), fg("Mean Square", w10), fs(), fc("F", w11), fs(), fg("Sig.", w12), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("Regression", w7), fs(), fg(format(round(data$rss, 3), nsmall = 3), w8), fs(), fg(round(data$model_df, 3), w9), fs(),
    fg(format(round(data$rms, 3), nsmall = 3), w10), fs(), fg(round(data$f, 3), w11), fs(), fg(p, w12), "\n"
    fl("Residual", w7), fs(), fg(format(round(data$ess, 3), nsmall = 3), w8), fs(), fg(round(data$error_df, 3), w9), fs(),
    fg(format(round(data$ems, 3), nsmall = 3), w10), fs(), fg("", w11), fs(), fg("", w12), "\n"
    fl("Total", w7), fs(), fg(format(round(data$tss, 3), nsmall = 3), w8), fs(), fg(round(data$total_df, 3), w9), fs(), fg("", w10), fs(),
    fg("", w11), fs(), fg("", w12), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

  # coefficients
  w13 <- max(nchar(data$title), nchar(data$mvars))
  w14 <- max(nchar("Beta"), nchar(format(round(data$betas, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w15 <- max(nchar("Std. Error"), nchar(format(round(data$std_errors, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w16 <- max(nchar("Std. Beta"), nchar(format(round(data$sbetas, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w17 <- max(nchar("t"), nchar(format(round(data$tvalues, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w18 <- max(nchar("Sig."), nchar(format(round(data$pvalues, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w19 <- max(nchar("lower"), nchar(format(round(data$conf_lm[, 1], 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w20 <- max(nchar("upper"), nchar(format(round(data$conf_lm[, 2], 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w21 <- sum(w13, w14, w15, w16, w17, w18, w19, w20, 29)

  k <- length(data$mvars)

  sb <- c("", format(round(data$sbetas, 3), nsmall = 3))

  cat(fc("Parameter Estimates", w21), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w21), sep = "", "\n")
    fg(data$title, w13), fs(), fg("Beta", w14), fs(), fg("Std. Error", w15), fs(), fg("Std. Beta", w16), fs(),
    fc("t", w17), fs(), fc("Sig", w18), fs(), fg("lower", w19), fs(), fg("upper", w20), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w21), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(k)) {
      fg(data$mvars[i], w13), fs(), fg(format(round(data$betas[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w14),
      fs(), fg(format(round(data$std_errors[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w15), fs(), fg(sb[i], w16),
      fs(), fg(format(round(data$tvalues[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w17), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$pvalues[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w18), fs(),
      fg(as.vector(format(round(data$conf_lm[, 1], 3), nsmall = 3))[i], w19), fs(),
      fg(as.vector(format(round(data$conf_lm[, 2], 3), nsmall = 3))[i], w20), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w21), sep = "", "\n")

print_correlations <- function(data) {

  # number of rows
  nr <- nrow(data)
  vars <- rownames(data)
  cols <- colnames(data)

  # widths
  w1 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(vars))
  w2 <- nchar(cols[1])
  w3 <- nchar(cols[2])
  w4 <- max(nchar(cols[3]), nchar(format(round(data[, 3], 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, 12)

  # print
  cat(fc("Correlations", w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(fl("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("Zero Order", w2), fs(), fc("Partial", w3), fs(), fc("Part", w4), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(nr)) {
      fl(vars[i], w1), fs(), fg(format(round(data[i, 1], 3), nsmall = 3), w2), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data[i, 2], 3), nsmall = 3), w3), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data[i, 3], 3), nsmall = 3), w4), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_ftest <- function(data) {

  # width
  w1 <- max(
    nchar(data$numdf), nchar(data$dendf),
    nchar(format(data$f, nsmall = 3)),
    nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 3))

  w <- w1 + 16

  cat("\n F Test for Heteroskedasticity\n")
  cat(" ", rep("-", 29), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(" Ho: Variance is homogenous\n", "Ha: Variance is not homogenous\n\n")

  if (data$fv == TRUE) {
    cat(" Variables: fitted values of", data$resp, "\n\n")
  } else if (data$rhs == TRUE) {
    cat(" Variables:", data$preds, "\n\n")
  } else {
    cat(" Variables:", data$vars, "\n\n")

  cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    " Num DF     =   ", data$numdf, "\n",
    "Den DF     =   ", data$dendf, "\n",
    "F          =   ", format(data$f, nsmall = 3), "\n",
    "Prob > F   =   ", format(data$p, nsmall = 3), "\n"

print_bp_test <- function(data) {
  cat("\n", "Breusch Pagan Test for Heteroskedasticity\n")
    " ", rep("-", 41), sep = "", "\n",
    format(" Ho: the variance is constant", width = 41, justify = "left"), "\n",
    format(" Ha: the variance is not constant", width = 41, justify = "left"), "\n\n"

  if (data$fv) {
    if (data$rhs) {
      if (data$multiple) {
        w1 <- max(nchar(data$preds), 13)
        w2 <- max(nchar("chi2"), nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)))
        w3 <- max(nchar(length(data$preds)), nchar("df"))
        w4 <- max(nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4)))
        w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, 13)

        ldp <- length(data$preds)
        ldp2 <- ldp + 1

        w5 <- 11 + sum(nchar(data$preds)) + ldp - 1

        cat(format("Data", width = w5, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w5), sep = "", "\n")
          " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
          "Variables:", data$preds, "\n\n"

        if (data$padj == "bonferroni") {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Bonferroni p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        } else if (data$padj == "sidak") {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Sidak p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        } else if (data$padj == "holm") {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Holm's p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        } else {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Unadjusted p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

        bp <- format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)
        p <- format(data$p, nsmall = 4)

          " ", format("Variable", width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
          format("chi2", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
          format("df", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(),
          format("p", width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        for (i in seq_len(ldp)) {
            " ", format(data$preds[i], width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
            format(bp[i], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
            format("1", width = w3, justify = "right"), fs(),
            format(p[i], width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          " ", format("simultaneous", width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
          format(bp[ldp2], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
          format(ldp, width = w3, justify = "right"), fs(),
          format(p[ldp2], width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
      } else {
        ldp <- length(data$preds)

        w1 <- 11 + sum(nchar(data$preds)) + ldp - 1

        w3 <- max(
          nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)),
          nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4))

        w <- w3 + 19

        cat(format("Data", width = w1, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w1), sep = "", "\n")
          " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
          "Variables:", data$preds, "\n\n"

        cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          " DF            =   ", ldp, "\n",
          "Chi2          =   ", format(data$bp, nsmall = 4), "\n",
          "Prob > Chi2   =   ", format(data$p, nsmall = 4), "\n"
    } else {
      w1 <- nchar(data$resp)
      w2 <- w1 + 28

      w3 <- max(
        nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)),
        nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4))

      w <- w3 + 19

      cat(format("Data", width = w2, justify = "centre"), "\n")
      cat(" ", rep("-", w2), sep = "", "\n")
        " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
        "Variables: fitted values of", data$resp, "\n\n"

      cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
      cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        " DF            =   ", 1, "\n",
        "Chi2          =   ", format(data$bp, nsmall = 4), "\n",
        "Prob > Chi2   =   ", format(data$p, nsmall = 4), "\n"
  } else {
    if (data$multiple) {
      if (data$rhs) {
        w1 <- max(nchar(data$preds), 13)
        w2 <- max(nchar("chi2"), nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)))
        w3 <- max(nchar(length(data$preds)), nchar("df"))
        w4 <- max(nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4)))
        w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, 13)

        ldp <- length(data$preds)
        ldp2 <- ldp + 1

        w5 <- 11 + sum(nchar(data$preds)) + ldp - 1

        cat(format("Data", width = w5, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w5), sep = "", "\n")
          " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
          "Variables:", data$preds, "\n\n"

        if (data$padj == "bonferroni") {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Bonferroni p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        } else if (data$padj == "sidak") {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Sidak p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        } else if (data$padj == "holm") {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Holm's p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        } else {
          cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Unadjusted p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

        bp <- format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)
        p <- format(data$p, nsmall = 4)

          " ", format("Variable", width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
          format("chi2", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
          format("df", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(),
          format("p", width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        for (i in seq_len(ldp)) {
            " ", format(data$preds[i], width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
            format(bp[i], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
            format("1", width = w3, justify = "right"), fs(),
            format(p[i], width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          " ", format("simultaneous", width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
          format(bp[ldp2], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
          format(ldp, width = w3, justify = "right"), fs(),
          format(p[ldp2], width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
      } else {
        if (length(data$vars) > 1) {
          w1 <- max(nchar(data$vars), 13)
          w2 <- max(nchar("chi2"), nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)))
          w3 <- max(nchar(length(data$vars)), nchar("df"))
          w4 <- max(nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4)))
          w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, 13)

          ldp <- length(data$vars)
          ldp2 <- ldp + 1

          w5 <- 11 + sum(nchar(data$vars)) + ldp - 1

          cat(format("Data", width = w5, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w5), sep = "", "\n")
            " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
            "Variables:", data$vars, "\n\n"

          if (data$padj == "bonferroni") {
            cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Bonferroni p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
            cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          } else if (data$padj == "sidak") {
            cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Sidak p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
            cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          } else if (data$padj == "holm") {
            cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Holm's p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
            cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          } else {
            cat(" ", format("Test Summary (Unadjusted p values)", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
            cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

          bp <- format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)
          p <- format(data$p, nsmall = 4)

            " ", format("Variable", width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
            format("chi2", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
            format("df", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(),
            format("p", width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          for (i in seq_len(ldp)) {
              " ", format(data$vars[i], width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
              format(bp[i], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
              format("1", width = w3, justify = "right"), fs(),
              format(p[i], width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
            " ", format("simultaneous", width = w1, justify = "left"), fs(),
            format(bp[ldp2], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
            format(ldp, width = w3, justify = "right"), fs(),
            format(p[ldp2], width = w4, justify = "centre"), "\n"
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
        } else {
          ldp <- length(data$vars)

          w1 <- 11 + sum(nchar(data$vars)) + ldp - 1

          w3 <- max(
            nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)),
            nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4))

          w <- w3 + 19

          cat(format("Data", width = w1, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w1), sep = "", "\n")
            " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
            "Variables:", data$vars, "\n\n"

          cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
          cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
            " DF            =   ", ldp, "\n",
            "Chi2          =   ", format(data$bp, nsmall = 4), "\n",
            "Prob > Chi2   =   ", format(data$p, nsmall = 4), "\n"
    } else {
      if (data$rhs) {
        ldp <- length(data$preds)

        w1 <- 11 + sum(nchar(data$preds)) + ldp - 1

        w3 <- max(
          nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)),
          nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4))

        w <- w3 + 19

        cat(format("Data", width = w1, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w1), sep = "", "\n")
          " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
          "Variables:", data$preds, "\n\n"

        cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          " DF            =   ", ldp, "\n",
          "Chi2          =   ", format(data$bp, nsmall = 4), "\n",
          "Prob > Chi2   =   ", format(data$p, nsmall = 4), "\n"
      } else {
        lvars <- length(data$vars)

        w1 <- 11 + sum(nchar(data$vars)) + lvars - 1

        w3 <- max(
          nchar(format(data$bp, nsmall = 4)),
          nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 4))

        w <- w3 + 19

        cat(format("Data", width = w1, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w1), sep = "", "\n")
          " Response :", data$resp, "\n",
          "Variables:", data$vars, "\n\n"

        cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
        cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
          " DF            =   ", lvars, "\n",
          "Chi2          =   ", format(data$bp, nsmall = 4), "\n",
          "Prob > Chi2   =   ", format(data$p, nsmall = 4), "\n"

#' @importFrom rlang is_null
print_bartlett_test <- function(data) {

  # width
  w1 <- max(
    nchar(format(data$fstat, nsmall = 3)),
    nchar(format(data$pval, nsmall = 3))

  w <- w1 + 19

  # variable names
  if (is_null(data$g_var)) {
    ln <- length(data$var_c)
    w2 <- sum(nchar(unlist(lapply(data$var_c, l))))
    w3 <- w2 + ln + 10
  } else {
    w2 <- max(nchar(l(data$var_c)), nchar(l(data$g_var)))
    w3 <- w2 + 19

  cat("\n", format(
    " Bartlett's Test of Homogenity of Variances",
    width = 48, justify = "centre"
  ), "\n")
    rep("-", 48), sep = "", "\n",
    "Ho: Variances are equal across groups\n",
    "Ha: Variances are unequal for atleast two groups\n\n"

  if (is_null(data$g_var)) {
    cat(format("Data", width = w3, justify = "centre"), "\n")
    cat(" ", rep("-", w3), sep = "", "\n")
    cat(" Variables:", unlist(lapply(data$var_c, l)), "\n\n")

  cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    " DF            =   ", data$df, "\n",
    "Chi2          =   ", format(data$fstat, nsmall = 3), "\n",
    "Prob > Chi2   =   ", format(data$pval, nsmall = 3), "\n"

print_score_test <- function(data) {

  # width
  w1 <- max(
    nchar(format(data$score, nsmall = 3)),
    nchar(format(data$p, nsmall = 3))

  w <- w1 + 19

  cat("\n Score Test for Heteroskedasticity\n")
  cat(" ", rep("-", 33), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(" Ho: Variance is homogenous\n", "Ha: Variance is not homogenous\n\n")

  if (data$rhs == TRUE) {
    cat(" Variables:", data$preds, "\n\n")
  } else if (data$fv == TRUE) {
    cat(" Variables: fitted values of", data$resp, "\n\n")
  } else {
    cat(" Variables:", data$preds, "\n\n")

  cat(format("Test Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(" ", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    " DF            =   ", data$df, "\n",
    "Chi2          =   ", format(data$score, nsmall = 3), "\n",
    "Prob > Chi2   =   ", format(data$p, nsmall = 3), "\n"

print_step_backward <- function(data) {
  n <- data$steps

  if (n < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been removed from the model based on p-values.")

  # width
  w1 <- nchar("Step")
  w2 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$removed))
  w3 <- max(nchar("R-Square"), nchar(format(round(data$rsquare, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("R-Square"), nchar(format(round(data$adjr, 3), nsmall = 4)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("C(p)"), nchar(format(round(data$mallows_cp, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w7 <- max(nchar("RMSE"), nchar(format(round(data$rmse, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, 24)

  cat(format("Elimination Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    format("", width = w1), fs(), format("Variable", width = w2), fs(),
    format("", width = w3), fs(), format("Adj.", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w5), fs(), format("", width = w6), fs(),
    format("", width = w7), fs(), "\n"
    format("Step", width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Removed", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("R-Square", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("R-Square", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("C(p)", width = w5, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("AIC", width = w6, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("RMSE", width = w7, justify = "centre"), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      format(i, width = w1), fs(), format(data$removed[i], width = w2), fs(),
      format(round(data$rsquare[i], 4), width = w3, nsmall = 3), fs(), format(round(data$adjr[i], 4), width = w4, nsmall = 3), fs(),
      format(round(data$mallows_cp[i], 4), width = w5, justify = "centre", nsmall = 4), fs(),
      format(round(data$aic[i], 4), width = w6, nsmall = 4), fs(), format(round(data$rmse[i], 4), width = w7, nsmall = 4), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_best_subset <- function(data) {
  w1 <- 11
  w2 <- max(nchar(data$predictors))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, 4)

  w3 <- nchar("Model")
  w4 <- nchar("R-Square")
  w5 <- max(nchar("Pred"), nchar(format(round(data$predrsq, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("C(p)"), nchar(format(round(data$cp, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w7 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w8 <- max(nchar("SBIC"), nchar(format(round(data$sbic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w9 <- max(nchar("SBC"), nchar(format(round(data$sbc, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w10 <- max(nchar("MSEP"), nchar(format(round(data$msep, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w11 <- max(nchar("FPE"), nchar(format(round(data$fpe, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w12 <- max(nchar("HSP"), nchar(format(round(data$hsp, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w13 <- max(nchar("APC"), nchar(format(round(data$apc, 4), nsmall = 4)))

  v <- sum(w3, w4, w4, w4, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, w13, 44)

  cat(format("Best Subsets Regression", width = w, justify = "centre"))
  cat("\n", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  cat("Model Index    Predictors")
  cat("\n", rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in data$mindex) {
      format(as.character(data$mindex[i]), width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(data$predictors[i], width = w2), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

  cat(format("Subsets Regression Summary", width = v, justify = "centre"))
  cat("\n", rep("-", v), sep = "", "\n")
    format("", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("Adj.", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Pred", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w6, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("", width = w7, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w8, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("", width = w9, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w10, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("", width = w11, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w12, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("", width = w13, justify = "centre"), "\n"
    format("Model", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("R-Square", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("R-Square", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("R-Square", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("C(p)", width = w6, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("AIC", width = w7, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("SBIC", width = w8, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("SBC", width = w9, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("MSEP", width = w10, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("FPE", width = w11, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("HSP", width = w12, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("APC", width = w13, justify = "centre")
  cat("\n", rep("-", v), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in data$mindex) {
      format(as.character(data$mindex[i]), width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$rsquare[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$adjr[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$predrsq[i], 4), width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$cp[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w6, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$aic[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w7, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$sbic[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w8, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$sbc[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w9, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$msep[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w10, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$fpe[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w11, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$hsp[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w12, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(round(data$apc[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = w13, justify = "centre"), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", v), sep = "", "\n")
    "AIC: Akaike Information Criteria", "\n", "SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria", "\n",
    "SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria", "\n", "MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality",
    "\n", "FPE: Final Prediction Error", "\n", "HSP: Hocking's Sp", "\n", "APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria",

print_step_forward <- function(data) {
  n <- length(data$predictors)

  if (n < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to the model based on p-values.")

  # width
  w1 <- nchar("Step")
  w2 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w3 <- max(nchar("R-Square"), nchar(format(round(data$rsquare, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("R-Square"), nchar(format(round(data$adjr, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("C(p)"), nchar(format(round(data$mallows_cp, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w7 <- max(nchar("RMSE"), nchar(format(round(data$rmse, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, 24)

  cat(format("Selection Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    format("", width = w1), fs(), format("Variable", width = w2), fs(),
    format("", width = w3), fs(), format("Adj.", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w5), fs(), format("", width = w6), fs(),
    format("", width = w7), fs(), "\n"
    format("Step", width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Entered", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("R-Square", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("R-Square", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("C(p)", width = w5, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("AIC", width = w6, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("RMSE", width = w7, justify = "centre"), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      format(i, width = w1), fs(), format(data$predictors[i], width = w2), fs(),
      format(round(data$rsquare[i], 4), width = w3, nsmall = 4), fs(),
      format(round(data$adjr[i], 4), width = w4, nsmall = 4), fs(),
      format(round(data$mallows_cp[i], 4), width = w5, justify = "centre", nsmall = 4), fs(),
      format(round(data$aic[i], 4), width = w6, nsmall = 4), fs(), format(round(data$rmse[i], 4), width = w7, nsmall = 4), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_stepwise <- function(data) {
  n <- data$steps

  if (n < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to or removed from the model based on p-values.")

  # width
  w1 <- nchar("Step")
  w2 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$orders))
  w8 <- max(nchar("Removed"), nchar(data$method))
  w3 <- max(nchar("R-Square"), nchar(format(round(data$rsquare, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("R-Square"), nchar(format(round(data$adjr, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("C(p)"), nchar(format(round(data$mallows_cp, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w7 <- max(nchar("RMSE"), nchar(format(round(data$rmse, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, 28)

  cat(format("Stepwise Selection Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    format("", width = w1), fs(), format("", width = w2), fs(), format("Added/", width = w8, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w3), fs(), format("Adj.", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w5), fs(), format("", width = w6), fs(),
    format("", width = w7), fs(), "\n"
    format("Step", width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Variable", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("Removed", width = w8, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("R-Square", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("R-Square", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("C(p)", width = w5, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("AIC", width = w6, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("RMSE", width = w7, justify = "centre"), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      format(i, width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format(data$orders[i], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(data$method[i], width = w8), fs(), format(round(data$rsquare[i], 3), width = w3, nsmall = 3), fs(),
      format(round(data$adjr[i], 3), width = w4, nsmall = 3), fs(),
      format(round(data$mallows_cp[i], 3), width = w5, justify = "centre", nsmall = 4), fs(),
      format(round(data$aic[i], 4), width = w6, nsmall = 4), fs(), format(round(data$rmse[i], 4), width = w7, nsmall = 4), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_stepaic_forward <- function(data) {
  if (data$steps < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to the model.")

  # width
  w1 <- max(nchar("Predictor"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w2 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aics, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w3 <- max(nchar("Sum Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$rss, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("RSS"), nchar(format(round(data$ess, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("R-Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$rsq, 5), nsmall = 5)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("Adj. R-Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$arsq, 5), nsmall = 5)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, 20)

  ln <- length(data$aics)

  cat(format("Selection Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("AIC", w2), fs(),
    fc("Sum Sq", w3), fs(), fc("RSS", w4), fs(), fc("R-Sq", w5), fs(),
    fc("Adj. R-Sq", w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(ln)) {
      fl(data$predictors[i], w1), fs(), fg(format(round(data$aics[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w2), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$rss[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w3), fs(), fg(format(round(data$ess[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w4), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$rsq[i], 5), nsmall = 5), w5), fs(), fg(format(round(data$arsq[i], 5), nsmall = 5), w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_stepaic_backward <- function(data) {
  if (data$steps < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been removed from the model.")

  # width
  w1 <- max(nchar("Full Model"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w2 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aics, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w3 <- max(nchar("RSS"), nchar(format(round(data$ess, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("Sum Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$rss, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("R-Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$rsq, 5), nsmall = 5)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("Adj. R-Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$arsq, 5), nsmall = 5)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, 20)

  predictors <- c("Full Model", data$predictors)

  ln <- length(data$aics)

  cat("\n\n", format("Backward Elimination Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("AIC", w2), fs(),
    fc("RSS", w3), fs(), fc("Sum Sq", w4), fs(), fc("R-Sq", w5), fs(),
    fc("Adj. R-Sq", w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(ln)) {
      fl(predictors[i], w1), fs(), fg(format(round(data$aics[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w2), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$ess[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w3), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$rss[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w4), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$rsq[i], 5), nsmall = 5), w5), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$arsq[i], 5), nsmall = 5), w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

print_stepaic_both <- function(data) {
  if (data$steps < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to or removed from the model.")

  # width
  w1 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w2 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w3 <- max(nchar("RSS"), nchar(format(round(data$ess, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("Sum Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$rss, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("R-Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$rsq, 5), nsmall = 5)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("Adj. R-Sq"), nchar(format(round(data$arsq, 5), nsmall = 5)))
  w7 <- nchar("Addition")
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, 24)

  ln <- length(data$aic)

  cat("\n\n", format("Stepwise Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("Method", w7), fs(), fc("AIC", w2), fs(),
    fc("RSS", w3), fs(), fc("Sum Sq", w4), fs(), fc("R-Sq", w5), fs(),
    fc("Adj. R-Sq", w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(ln)) {
      fl(data$predictors[i], w1), fs(), fl(data$method[i], w7), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$aic[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w2), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$ess[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w3), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$rss[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w4), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$rsq[i], 5), nsmall = 5), w5), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$arsq[i], 5), nsmall = 5), w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

print_norm_test <- function(data) {

  # width
  w1 <- 18
  w2 <- 14
  w3 <- 7
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, 8)

  # vectors
  tests <- c(
    "Shapiro-Wilk", "Kolmogorov-Smirnov", "Cramer-von Mises",
  stats <- c(
    data$shapiro$statistic, data$kolmogorv$statistic,
    data$cramer$statistic, data$anderson$statistic
  pvals <- c(
    data$shapiro$p.value, data$kolmogorv$p.value,
    data$cramer$p.value, data$anderson$p.value
  n <- length(stats)

  # print
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    format("Test", width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Statistic", width = w2, justify = "centre"),
    fs(), format("pvalue", width = 7, justify = "centre"), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      format(tests[i], width = w1), fs(), format(as.character(round(stats[i], 4)), width = w2, justify = "centre"),
      fs(), format(round(pvals[i], 4), nsmall = 4, width = 7, justify = "centre"), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_pure_error_anova <- function(data) {
  wt <- max(nchar(data$resp), nchar(data$preds)) + 13

  cat(format("Lack of Fit F Test", width = wt, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", wt), sep = "", "\n")
  cat("Response :  ", data$resp, "\n")
  cat("Predictor:  ", data$preds, "\n\n")

  # widths
  w1 <- max(nchar(data$resp), 12)
  w2 <- max(nchar("DF"), nchar(data$df_rss), nchar(data$df_ess), nchar(data$df_lof), nchar(data$df_error))
  w3 <- max(
    nchar("Sum Sq"), nchar(format(data$rss, nsmall = 2)), nchar(format(data$ess, nsmall = 2)),
    nchar(format(data$lackoffit, nsmall = 2)), nchar(format(data$pure_error, nsmall = 2))
  w4 <- max(
    nchar("Mean Sq"), nchar(format(data$rms, nsmall = 2)), nchar(format(data$ems, nsmall = 2)),
    nchar(format(data$lms, nsmall = 2)), nchar(format(data$pms, nsmall = 2))
  w5 <- max(nchar("F Value"), nchar(format(data$rf, nsmall = 2)), nchar(format(data$lf, nsmall = 2)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("Pr(>F)"), nchar(format(data$pr, nsmall = 2)), nchar(format(data$pl, nsmall = 2)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, 20)

  cat(format("Analysis of Variance Table", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fc("", w = w1), fs(), fc("DF", w = w2), fs(), fc("Sum Sq", w = w3), fs(), fc("Mean Sq", w = w4),
    fs(), fc("F Value", w = w5), fs(), fc("Pr(>F)", w = w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl(data$preds, w = w1), fs(), fg(data$df_rss, w = w2), fs(), format(data$rss, nsmall = 2, width = w3), fs(),
    format(data$rms, nsmall = 2, width = w4), fs(), format(data$rf, nsmall = 2, width = w5), fs(),
    format(data$pr, nsmall = 2, width = w6), "\n"
    fl("Residual", w = w1), fs(), fg(data$df_ess, w = w2), fs(), format(data$ess, nsmall = 2, width = w3), fs(),
    format(data$ems, nsmall = 2, width = w4), fs(), format("", nsmall = 2, width = w5), fs(),
    format("", nsmall = 2, width = w6), "\n"
    fl(" Lack of fit", w = w1), fs(), fg(data$df_lof, w = w2), fs(), format(data$lackoffit, nsmall = 2, width = w3), fs(),
    format(data$lms, nsmall = 2, width = w4), fs(), format(data$lf, nsmall = 2, width = w5), fs(),
    format(data$pl, nsmall = 2, width = w6), "\n"
    fl(" Pure Error", w = w1), fs(), fg(data$df_error, w = w2), fs(), format(data$pure_error, nsmall = 2, width = w3), fs(),
    format(data$pms, nsmall = 2, width = w4), fs(), format("", nsmall = 2, width = w5), fs(),
    format("", nsmall = 2, width = w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
cmlopera/olsrr documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:34 a.m.