
Defines functions lm

Documented in lm

#' Fit a linear model
#' Run a regression using ordinary least squares.
#' @details
#' @usage
#' lm(formula, data)
#' @export
#' @param formula A symbolic description of the model. For example:
#'     `y ~ x` estimates the model `y = beta_0 + beta_1*x + u`.
#' @param data A data frame like a tibble.
#' @usage
#' @examples
#' # A tibble with the heights and weights
#' # of 5 individuals:
#' library(tidyverse)
#' htwt <- tibble(
#'   sex = c("male", "male", "female", "female", "male"),
#'   height = c(62, 72, 68, 64, 70),
#'   weight = c(169, 243, 147, 135, 183)
#' )
#' # Simple regression:
#' lm(weight ~ height, data = htwt)
#' # Simple regression with tidied output:
#' lm(weight ~ height, data = htwt) %>%
#'   broom::tidy(conf.int = TRUE)
#' -----------------------------------
#' # Multiple regression:
#' lm(weight ~ height + sex, data = htwt)
#' # Multiple regression without an intercept:
#' lm(weight ~ 0 + height + sex, data = htwt)
#' -----------------------------------
#' # Interaction terms: ':' versus '*'
#' #   Use ':' to include only an interaction.
#' #   Use '*' to also include the terms alone.
#' #   So 'x*z' is equivalent to 'x + z + x:z'
#' #   And `x*y*z` is equivalent to
#' #     'x + y + z + x:y + x:z + y:z + x:y:z'
#' lm(weight ~ height:sex, data = htwt)
#' lm(weight ~ height*sex, data = htwt)
#' -----------------------------------
#' # Transformations of variables:
#' #  To include a term squared, use I()
#' #  to first parse the expression
#' #  before fitting the model.
#' lm(weight ~ I(height^2), data = htwt)
#' -----------------------------------
#' # Fitted values and residuals
#' lm(weight ~ height, data = htwt) %>%
#'   fitted.values()
#' lm(weight ~ height, data = htwt) %>%
#'   residuals()
#' -----------------------------------
#' # R squared
#' lm(weight ~ height, data = htwt) %>%
#'   broom::glance() %>%
#'   select(r.squared)
lm <- function(){}
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