Man pages for compbiomed/TBSignatureProfiler
Profile RNA-Seq Data Using TB Pathway Signatures

addTBsignatureIntroduce a new signature into the TBSignatureProfiler.
bootstrapAUCBootstrap the AUC and conduct T-Tests for a collection of...
Bootstrap_LOOCV_LR_AUCBootstrap on Leave-one-out CV with Logistic Regression.
common_sigAnnotDataAnnotation information for published TB signatures.
compareAlgsCompare scoring algorithms on a single signature via heatmap...
compareBoxplotsCreate a comparison plot of boxplots for bootstrapped AUC...
COVIDsignaturesA list of published/pre-print COVID-19 signatures.
cv_glmnet_OriginalModelTrain original model for gene signatures Leong_24,...
deseq2_norm_rleNormalize gene expression count data.
distinctColorsGenerate a distinct palette for coloring different clusters.
dot-OriginalModel_NoRetrainingTB gene signatures that do not require retraining.
dot-OriginalModel_RetrainingTB gene signatures that require retraining.
evaluateOriginalModelA function that implements the original methods for multiple...
knn_OriginalModelTrain original model for gene signatures Berry_393 and...
lda_OriginalModelTrain original model for gene signatures Jacobsen_3 and...
LOOAUC_simple_multiple_noplot_one_dfPerform Leave-one-out CV with Logistic Regression.
mkAssayAdd SummarizedExperiment assays to the data structure.
ObtainSampleScore_OriginalModelObtain training data, testing data, and train signature's...
OriginalTrainingDataDiscovery datasets for corresponding gene signatures.
plotQuantitativeCreate a boxplot using logistic regression and bootstrap...
randomForest_OriginalModelTrain original model for gene signatures Maertzdorf_4,...
ref_combat_imputeA function for reference batch correction and imputation.
runTBsigProfilerRun TB gene signature profiling.
sigAnnotDataAnnotation information for published TB signatures.
signatureBoxplotPlot a boxplot of signature genes.
signatureGeneHeatmapPlot a heatmap of a single signature score with individual...
signatureHeatmapPlot a heatmap of signature scores.
SignatureQuantitativeUse logistic regression and bootstrap LOOCV to evaluate...
signatureROCplotCreate an array of ROC plots to compare signatures.
signatureROCplot_CICreate an array of ROC plots with confidence interval bands...
subsetGeneSetFilter gene expression value matrix based on certain gene...
SulimanOriginalModelTrain original model gene signature Suliman_RISK_4.
svm_OriginalModelTrain original model for gene signatures Bloom_OD_144 and...
tableAUCCreate a table of results for t-tests and bootstrapped AUCs...
TBcommonA list of published TB signatures, using author-given names.
TB_hivAn example TB dataset with TB/HIV data.
TB_indianAn example TB dataset with Indian population data.
TBsignaturesA list of published TB signatures.
TBsignaturesSplitUp/Down-regulated genes information for selected TB...
TBSPappRun the TBSignatureProfiler Shiny application.
compbiomed/TBSignatureProfiler documentation built on May 10, 2024, 8:46 p.m.