# This file contains functions related to prepping the input data
# Dylan Cole
# August 2021
# Primarily using code written by Laura Keating (July 2021) with some changes/cleanup
##### parameter_prep #####
#' Create a data frame with the number of iterations as rows and the inputs as columns.
#' Populate with randomly drawn values from the relevant distributions for each uncertain input.
#' Also does some preliminary calculations on costs and includes the results as they are used
#' for calculating the fundability parameter draws.
####Inputs loaded in here? wrapper script should include argument about where to find data?
# Need to change once all ready for manuscript to
inputs<-read.csv(file="C:/Users/Dylanc/OneDrive - The Calgary Zoological Society/Documents/NewSpeciesPrioritization/Inputs/inputs_manuscript.csv")
#Outlining what are organization_programs
#org_program <- unique(inputs$species)
#org_programs <- org_programs[which(org_programs != "N/A")]
##### Main function #####
parameter_prep <- function(inputs, org_program, G_and_A_prop,
number_of_simulations = 10000){
# Calls the specific species data when the input species is equal to the org_program species in question
inputs_parameter_prep <- inputs[which(inputs$species == org_program),]
##### Create a data frame to store the results #####
dat_cost <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=number_of_simulations, ncol=11))
colnames(dat_cost) <- c("cost_CB", "cost_RR",
"max_prop_total_external_funding", "G_and_A_prop_of_total",
"cost_total_project_without_G_and_A", "G_and_A",
"cost_total_project", "fundability",
"max_external_funding", "external_funding", "cost_organization")
dat_benefit <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=number_of_simulations, ncol=6))
colnames(dat_benefit) <- c("GSGainWithDynamicBaseline", "GSlongtermAspiration",
"GScurrentNational", "GScurrentGlobal",
###### Write functions for different types of simulations we will do below #####
simulate_bounded_continuous_distribution <- function(P5, P50, P95, lower_bound, upper_bound, number_of_simulations){
# If all three quantiles are the same, use a uniform distribution
if(P5 == P50 && P50 == P95){
results_vector <- rep(P50, number_of_simulations)
# If two of the three quantiles are the same, use a 2 term metalog
if(xor(P5 == P50,P50 == P95)){
metalog_dist <- rmetalog::metalog(c(P5,P50,P95),
term_limit = 3,
boundedness = 'b',
probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
results_vector <- rmetalog::rmetalog(metalog_dist, number_of_simulations, term = 2)
# If all three quantiles are different, use a 3 term metalog
if(P5 != P50 && P50 != P95){
metalog_dist <- rmetalog::metalog(c(P5,P50,P95),
term_limit = 3,
boundedness = 'b',
probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
results_vector <- rmetalog::rmetalog(metalog_dist, number_of_simulations, term = 3)
simulate_lowerbounded_continuous_distribution <- function(P5, P50, P95, lower_bound, number_of_simulations){
# If all three quantiles are the same, use a uniform distribution
if(P5 == P50 && P50 == P95){
results_vector <- rep(P50, number_of_simulations)
# If two of the three quantiles are the same, use a 2 term metalog
if(xor(P5 == P50,P50 == P95)){
metalog_dist <- rmetalog::metalog(c(P5,P50,P95),
term_limit = 3,
boundedness = 'sl',
probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
results_vector <- rmetalog::rmetalog(metalog_dist, number_of_simulations, term = 2)
# If all three quantiles are different, use a 3 term metalog
if(P5 != P50 && P50 != P95){
metalog_dist <- rmetalog::metalog(c(P5,P50,P95),
term_limit = 3,
boundedness = 'sl',
probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
results_vector <- rrmetalog::metalog(metalog_dist, number_of_simulations, term = 3)
# Write a function to apply a metalog distribution to the benefit inputs
metalogSelectBenefit <- function(P5, P50, P95, number_of_simulations){
if(P5 != P50 | P50 != P95){
metalog_dist <- rmetalog::metalog(c(P5,P50,P95),
term_limit = 3,
bounds=c(max(-100, P5 - abs(2*P5-0.0001)), min(2*P95, 100)), # changed from before to be more realistic for GplusD; added the -0.0001 in case the P5 is 0 since P5 and lower bound can not be the same
boundedness = 'b',
probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
results_vector <- rmetalog::rmetalog(metalog_dist, number_of_simulations, term = 3)
# If low, base, and high are all the same then use a uniform distribution
if(P5 == P50 && P50 == P95){ # then this is a uniform distribution
results_vector <- rep(P50, number_of_simulations)
###### Fill in dat_cost with the relevant parameter draws #####
# Captive breeding costs
cost_CB_total_low <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[which(inputs_parameter_prep$category == "Costs" &
inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Captive Breeding")])
cost_CB_total_base <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[which(inputs_parameter_prep$category == "Costs" &
inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Captive Breeding")])
cost_CB_total_high <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[which(inputs_parameter_prep$category == "Costs" &
inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Captive Breeding")])
dat_cost$cost_CB <- simulate_bounded_continuous_distribution(P5 = cost_CB_total_low,
P50 = cost_CB_total_base,
P95 = cost_CB_total_high,
lower_bound = 0,
upper_bound = 2*cost_CB_total_high,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
# Release and Research costs
cost_RR_total_low <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[which(inputs_parameter_prep$category == "Costs" &
inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Release and Research")])
cost_RR_total_base <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[which(inputs_parameter_prep$category == "Costs" &
inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Release and Research")])
cost_RR_total_high <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[which(inputs_parameter_prep$category == "Costs" &
inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Release and Research")])
dat_cost$cost_RR <- simulate_bounded_continuous_distribution(P5 = cost_RR_total_low,
P50 = cost_RR_total_base,
P95 = cost_RR_total_high,
lower_bound = 0,
upper_bound = 2*cost_RR_total_high,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
### Check with Jana to determine if we actually want this included in the manuscript code or just in our CZ version
# Maximum proportion of total external funding allowed
max_pct_total_external_funding_low <- 100 - as.numeric(as.character(inputs$highP95[which(inputs$type == "CZ Skin in the Game")]))
max_pct_total_external_funding_base <- 100 - as.numeric(as.character(inputs$baseP50[which(inputs$type == "CZ Skin in the Game")]))
max_pct_total_external_funding_high <- 100 - as.numeric(as.character(inputs$lowP5[which(inputs$type == "CZ Skin in the Game")]))
dat_cost$max_prop_total_external_funding <- simulate_bounded_continuous_distribution(P5 = max_pct_total_external_funding_low,
P50 = max_pct_total_external_funding_base,
P95 = max_pct_total_external_funding_high,
lower_bound = 0,
upper_bound = 100,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)/100 # convert the results from percent to proportion
#Do we need this??? Should be already factored into the cost they are providing in the Excel inputs file
#total cost to go to G&A - so first need to calculate the project cost then take % of that and add it on to get total project cost.
# General and Admin costs
#G_and_A_prop_total_low <- as.numeric(as.character(inputs$lowP5[which(inputs$type == "General and Administrative")]))/100 # note, our input here didn't have uncertainty but we built in the flexibility to change it later if we want to.
#G_and_A_prop_total_base <- as.numeric(as.character(inputs$baseP50[which(inputs$type == "General and Administrative")]))/100
#G_and_A_prop_total_high <- as.numeric(as.character(inputs$highP95[which(inputs$type == "General and Administrative")]))/100
#dat_cost$G_and_A_prop_of_total <- simulate_bounded_continuous_distribution(P5 = G_and_A_prop_total_low,
# P50 = G_and_A_prop_total_base,
# P95 = G_and_A_prop_total_high,
# lower_bound = 0,
# upper_bound = 1,
# number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
# Add the cost inputs together to get a total project cost
dat_cost$cost_total_project_without_G_and_A <- dat_cost$cost_CB + dat_cost$cost_RR
dat_cost$G_and_A <- dat_cost$cost_total_project_without_G_and_A*G_and_A_prop_of_total
dat_cost$cost_total_project <- dat_cost$cost_total_project_without_G_and_A + dat_cost$G_and_A
# Calculate fundability (i.e. external funding potential)
fundability_low <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Fundability")])
fundability_base <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Fundability")])
fundability_high <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "Fundability")])
if(fundability_low == 0){
fundability_low <- 0.1 # can't have it be 0 as lower bound is 0 so make it 10 cents
if(fundability_base == 0){
fundability_base <- 0.1 # same reason as above
if(fundability_high == 0){
fundability_high <- 0.1 # same reason as above
dat_cost$fundability <- simulate_bounded_continuous_distribution(P5 = fundability_low,
P50 = fundability_base,
P95 = fundability_high,
lower_bound = 0,
upper_bound = 2*fundability_high,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
# Calculate the maximum amount of external funding that our
# organization will accept (i.e. multiply the maximum funding proportion
# of total cost with the total project cost).
dat_cost$max_external_funding <- dat_cost$max_prop_total_external_funding*dat_cost$cost_total_project
# Take the minimum of the fundability and the maximum amount of external
# funding. The resulting vector is the external funding amounts.
dat_cost$external_funding <- pmin(dat_cost$max_external_funding, dat_cost$fundability)
# Calculate the organization project cost as the total project cost minus
# external funding.
dat_cost$cost_organization <- dat_cost$cost_total_project - dat_cost$external_funding
###### Fill in dat_benefit with the relevant parameter draws #####
# Benefits
row_GSGainWithDynamicBaseline <- which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory == "GSGainWithDynamicBaseline")
benefit_low <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[row_GSGainWithDynamicBaseline])
benefit_base <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[row_GSGainWithDynamicBaseline])
benefit_high <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[row_GSGainWithDynamicBaseline])
dat_benefit$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline <- metalogSelectBenefit(P5 = benefit_low,
P50 = benefit_base,
P95 = benefit_high,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
#In rare scenario where benefit < 0, making it 0
dat_benefit$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline[which(dat_benefit$GSGainWithDynamicBaseline <0)] <- 0
# Long-term aspiration
row_longterm_aspiration <- which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "GSlongtermAspiration")
longterm_aspiration_low <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[row_longterm_aspiration])
longterm_aspiration_base <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[row_longterm_aspiration])
longterm_aspiration_high <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[row_longterm_aspiration])
dat_benefit$GSlongtermAspiration <- metalogSelectBenefit(P5 = longterm_aspiration_low,
P50 = longterm_aspiration_base,
P95 = longterm_aspiration_high,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
# current - national
row_current_national <- which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "GScurrentNational")
current_national_low <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[row_current_national])
current_national_base <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[row_current_national])
current_national_high <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[row_current_national])
dat_benefit$GScurrentNational <- metalogSelectBenefit(P5 = current_national_low,
P50 = current_national_base,
P95 = current_national_high,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
# current - global
row_current_global <- which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory== "GScurrentGlobal")
current_global_low <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[row_current_global])
current_global_base <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[row_current_global])
current_global_high <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[row_current_global])
dat_benefit$GScurrentGlobal <- metalogSelectBenefit(P5 = current_global_low,
P50 = current_global_base,
P95 = current_global_high,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)
# Identify how many spatial units were used for the assessment
dat_benefit$GSnSpatialUnits <- as.numeric(inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[which(inputs_parameter_prep$subcategory == "GSnSpatialUnits")])
#populate the organization portion of the benefit
pct_benefit_organization_low <- as.numeric(gsub("%", "", inputs_parameter_prep$lowP5[which(inputs_parameter_prep$type == "pct_benefit_organization")]))
pct_benefit_organization_base <- as.numeric(gsub("%", "", inputs_parameter_prep$baseP50[which(inputs_parameter_prep$type == "pct_benefit_organization")]))
pct_benefit_organization_high <- as.numeric(gsub("%", "", inputs_parameter_prep$highP95[which(inputs_parameter_prep$type == "pct_benefit_organization")]))
organization_portion_benefit_metalog <- NA # initalize
dat_benefit$organization_portion_benefit <- simulate_bounded_continuous_distribution(P5 = pct_benefit_organization_low,
P50 = pct_benefit_organization_base,
P95 = pct_benefit_organization_high,
lower_bound = 0,
upper_bound = 100,
number_of_simulations = number_of_simulations)/100 # convert from pct to proportion
# Populate the species range vector with the species range input, using a
# probabilistic approach if more than one possible value has been specified.
range_1_pct <- as.numeric(gsub("%", "", inputs_parameter_prep$lowGeneral[which(inputs_parameter_prep$type == "Area in Country")])) # unit is pct
range_1_prob <- as.numeric(gsub("%", "", inputs_parameter_prep$lowGeneralprob[which(inputs_parameter_prep$type == "Area in Country")]))/100 # divide by 100 to change from pct to prob
if(range_1_prob != 1){
range_2_pct <- as.numeric(sub("%", "", inputs_parameter_prep$highGeneral[which(inputs_parameter_prep$type == "Area in Country")])) # unit is pct
range_2_prob <- as.numeric(gsub("%", "", inputs_parameter_prep$highGeneralprob[which(inputs_parameter_prep$type == "Area in Country")]))/100 # divide by 100 to change from pct to prob
dat_benefit$species_range_pct_in_nation <- sample(c(range_1_pct,range_2_pct), size=number_of_simulations, prob=c(range_1_prob, range_2_prob), replace=TRUE)
if(range_1_prob == 1){
dat_benefit$species_range_pct_in_nation <- rep(range_1_pct, number_of_simulations)
###### Combine dat_cost and dat_benefit #####
dat <- cbind(dat_cost, dat_benefit)
# Return the result
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