#' Convert R colours to hex colours
#' @param colours Character vector of R colours
#' @return Character vector of 6-char hex colours
#' @noRd
col2hex_latex <- function(colours) {
colours <- grDevices::col2rgb(colours)
colours <- structure(sprintf("%02X", colours), dim = dim(colours))
colours <- apply(colours, 2, paste0, collapse = '')
#' Convert a vector of colours to opening latex code for background colour
#' @param colours Chcaracter vector of R colours
#' @return Character vector of latex opening span tags
#' @noRd
col2fill_latex <- function(colours) {
no_colour <- is.na(colours) | colours == ''
colours[no_colour] <- NA
colours <- col2hex_latex(colours)
paste0("\\colorbox[HTML]{", colours, "}{")
#' Convert a vector of colours to opening latex code for text colour
#' @param colours Chcaracter vector of R colours
#' @return Character vector of latex opening span tags
#' @noRd
col2text_latex <- function(colours) {
no_colour <- is.na(colours) | colours == ''
colours[no_colour] <- NA
colours <- col2hex_latex(colours)
paste0("\\textcolor[HTML]{", colours, "}{")
# 'reset' text ready for next text block
# Turn underline on/off
reset_latex <- "\\vrule height 3mm depth 1.25mm width 0mm}}"
underline_on_latex <- r"(\underline{)"
underline_off_latex <- "}"
# \texttt{
# \colorbox{BurntOrange}{\textcolor[HTML]{AFFE90}{hello }}
# \colorbox[HTML]{AFFE90}{\textcolor{blue}{there}}
# }"
# Escape latex
escape_latex <- function (x, newlines = FALSE, spaces = TRUE) {
x = gsub("\\\\", "\\\\textbackslash", x)
x = gsub("([#$%&_{}])", "\\\\\\1", x)
x = gsub("\\\\textbackslash", "\\\\textbackslash{}", x)
x = gsub("~", "\\\\textasciitilde{}", x)
x = gsub("\\^", "\\\\textasciicircum{}", x)
x = gsub("\n", "\\\\\\\\ \n", x, perl = TRUE)
# I really struggled finding a way to insert significant whitespace at
# the start of a line. This is the best I could come up with.
x = gsub(" ", "\\\\hspace*{0.52em}", x, perl = TRUE)
#' Render an emphatic object to Latex
#' @param x emphatic object
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{as.character.emphatic()}
#' @param font_size Integer value indicating font size measured in points.
#' Default: NULL.
#' @return single character string containing a latex representation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hl_diff("hello", "there") |>
#' as_latex() |>
#' cat()
as_latex <- function(x, ..., font_size = NULL) {
font_text <- NULL
if (!is.null(font_size)) {
if (!is.numeric(font_size)) {
stop("as_latex(): 'font_size' must be a numeric indicating font size in points")
font_size <- as.integer(font_size)
font_text <- sprintf("\\fontsize{%ipt}{%ipt}\\selectfont\n", font_size, font_size + 2)
res <- paste0(
as.character(x, ..., mode = 'latex'),
class(res) <- unique(c('knit_asis', class(res)))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.