#' Highlight elements of a matrix or atomic vector
#' \code{hl_mat()} and \code{hl_mat()} are identical functions which both work on
#' matrices and atomic vectors.
#' @inheritParams hl
#' @param .data \code{emphatic} matrix or atomic vector.
#' @param selection specify the locations in the matrix which will be highlighted.
#' \describe{
#' \item{NULL}{(default) Apply highlighting to all elements}
#' \item{numeric vector}{Numeric vector of indices. e.g. \code{c(1, 2, 3)}}
#' \item{logical vector}{Either length 1, or a length which matches the
#' total number of elements in the matrix/vector e.g. \code{TRUE}}
#' \item{expression}{An expression which evaluates to a logical vector,
#' or vector of indices.
#' The matrix/vector itself can be referenced in these expressions
#' using the variable \code{.x}
#' E.g. \code{abs(.x)> 0.5 & .x != 1} or \code{row(.x) == 3}}
#' }
#' @param byrow if replication of the selection is required, how should the data be replicated?
#' @inheritParams hl_grep
#' @return emphatic object
#' @noRd
hl_mat <- function(.data, colour, selection = NULL, elem = 'fill',
byrow = FALSE,
show_legend = FALSE, opts = hl_opts()) {
# Sanity check
stopifnot(elem %in% c('text', 'fill'))
stopifnot(is_matrix(.data) || is_atomic(.data))
# Promote to
if (!is_emphatic(.data)) {
.data <- as_emphatic(.data)
# Capture expression and evaluate with the matrix in the evaluation
# environment as '.x'
.x <- .data
mat_ids <- eval(substitute(selection))
# print(mat_ids)
# If logical, then ensure it is off the correct length i.e. 1 or length(.data)
if (is.logical(mat_ids)) {
if (length(mat_ids) == 1) {
mat_ids <- rep(mat_ids, length(.data))
} else {
mat_ids <- matrix(mat_ids, nrow = NROW(.data), ncol = NCOL(.data), byrow = byrow)
mat_ids <- which(mat_ids)
} else if (is.null(mat_ids)) {
x <- matrix(seq_along(.data), nrow = NROW(.data), ncol = NCOL(.data), FALSE)
# print(x)
if (byrow) {
mat_ids <- as.vector(t(x))
} else {
mat_ids <- as.vector(x)
} else if (!is.numeric(mat_ids)) {
stop("hl_mat() `selection` must by a numeric vector or be an expression with evaluates to a logical vector")
# No NAs allowed in mat_ids
if (anyNA(mat_ids)) {
stop("hl_mat() `selection` must not contain NAs: ", deparse(mat_ids))
# Apply the colouring. One of:
# - continuous scale
# - discrete sale
# - valid R colour. Either a single value or a vector which will be
# replicated
# - NA
if (inherits(colour, 'ScaleContinuous')) {
stopifnot(all(colour$aesthetics %in% c('colour', 'color', 'fill')))
vals <- .data[mat_ids]
final_colour <- colour$map(vals)
if (isTRUE(show_legend)) {
legend <- list(
scale = colour,
values = vals,
label = 'legend'
.data <- add_legend(.data, legend)
} else if (inherits(colour, 'ScaleDiscrete')) {
stopifnot(all(colour$aesthetics %in% c('colour', 'color', 'fill')))
vals <- .data[mat_ids]
final_colour <- colour$map(vals)
if (isTRUE(show_legend)) {
legend <- list(
scale = colour,
values = vals,
label = 'legend'
.data <- add_legend(.data, legend)
} else if (is.character(colour)) {
final_colour <- colour
} else {
final_colour <- NA
# print(final_colour)
# print(mat_ids)
final_colour <- rep_len(final_colour, length.out = length(mat_ids))
# Attach the updated colour attributes
mat <- get_colour_matrix(.data, elem)
mat[mat_ids] <- final_colour
.data <- set_colour_matrix(.data, elem, mat)
attr(.data, "options") <- opts
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