
#' A version of 'memoise::memoise' which does not cache results above the specified size
#' This version of memoise also tracks the last access time for each
#' cached result.
#' @param f     Function of which to create a memoised copy.
#' @param ... optional variables specified as formulas with no RHS to use as
#' additional restrictions on caching. See Examples for usage.
#' @param envir Environment of the returned function.
#' @param cache Cache function.#'
#' @param result_size_limit maximum size (in bytes) of results stored in cache.
#'        Results above this size are never cached. Default: 1048576 bytes (1MB)
#' @importFrom memoise cache_memory is.memoised
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
memoise_with_result_size_limit <- function(f, ..., envir = environment(f), cache = cache_memory2(),
                                            result_size_limit = 1048576L) {
  f_formals <- formals(args(f))
  if(is.memoised(f)) {
    stop("`f` must not be memoised.", call. = FALSE)

  additional <- list(...)

  memo_f <- function(...) {
    mc <- match.call()
    encl <- parent.env(environment())
    called_args <- as.list(mc)[-1]

    # Formals with a default
    default_args <- Filter(function(x) !identical(x, quote(expr = )), as.list(formals()))

    # That has not been called
    default_args <- default_args[setdiff(names(default_args), names(called_args))]

    # Evaluate all the arguments
    args <- c(lapply(called_args, eval, parent.frame()),
              lapply(default_args, eval, envir = environment()))

    hash <- encl$`_cache`$digest(
      c(as.character(body(encl$`_f`)), args,
        lapply(encl$`_additional`, function(x) eval(x[[2L]], environment(x))))

    if (encl$`_cache`$has_key(hash)) {
      res <- encl$`_cache`$get(hash)
    } else {
      # modify the call to use the original function and evaluate it
      mc[[1L]] <- encl$`_f`
      res <- withVisible(eval(mc, parent.frame()))
      # Only store result size if < result_size_limit
      if (pryr::object_size(res$value) < encl$`_result_size_limit`) {
        encl$`_cache`$set(hash, res)

    if (res$visible) {
    } else {
  formals(memo_f) <- f_formals
  attr(memo_f, "memoised") <- TRUE

  # This should only happen for primitive functions
  if (is.null(envir)) {
    envir <- baseenv()

  memo_f_env <- new.env(parent = envir)
  memo_f_env$`_cache` <- cache
  memo_f_env$`_f` <- f
  memo_f_env$`_additional` <- additional
  memo_f_env$`_result_size_limit` <- result_size_limit
  environment(memo_f) <- memo_f_env

  class(memo_f) <- c("memoised", "function")

coolbutuseless/memoisetools documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:45 a.m.