
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

In this vignette, threed is used to generate multiple images which are then stitched together into an animation.

Configure plot

# Set up plotting parameters
obj             <- threed::mesh3dobj$teapot
nframes         <- 60
angles          <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nframes + 1) %>% head(-1)
camera_to_world <- threed::look_at_matrix(eye = c(5, 0, 0), at = c(0, 0, 0))
world_to_camera <- threed::invert_matrix(camera_to_world)

Helper function

Helper function

  1. Rotates given object
  2. Transforms to camera space and performs perspective projection
  3. Convert to data.frame and add shading
  4. Creates plot using ggplot + geom_polygon
#' Create a plot of a rotated object
#' @param obj object to rotate
#' @param world_to_camera  World-to-camera transformation
#' @param xangle,yangle,zangle Angle of rotation around the x,y,z axes
#' @param view_size adjust plot view size
#' @return rotated + projected data.frame of object
plot_rotated_obj <- function(obj, world_to_camera, xangle = 0, yangle = xangle + pi/2, zangle = xangle * 2, view_size = 0.3) {

  # Rotate the object and apply transformations
  obj_rot <- obj %>%
    rotate_by(angle = xangle, v = vec3(x = 1)) %>%
    rotate_by(angle = yangle, v = vec3(y = 1)) %>%
    rotate_by(angle = zangle, v = vec3(z = 1)) %>%
    transform_by(world_to_camera) %>%
    perspective_projection(n=1, f=5) %>%

  # Explicitly convert to a data.frame and apply some easy face shading to
  # mimic a light source above and to the right of the object
  obj_df <- %>% 
    subset(!hidden) %>%
    transform(shade = (fny + fnx) / 2)

  # ggplot of the object
  p <- ggplot(obj_df, aes(x, y)) +
    geom_polygon(aes(group = zorder, fill = shade, colour = shade)) +
    scale_fill_distiller  (palette = 'Blues', na.value = NA, limits = c(-1, 1)) +
    scale_colour_distiller(palette = 'Blues', na.value = NA, limits = c(-1, 1)) +
    theme_void() +
    theme(legend.position = 'none') +
    coord_equal(xlim = c(-view_size, view_size), y = c(-view_size, view_size)) +


Test Plot of a Single Frame

# Test plot
plot_rotated_obj(obj, world_to_camera, xangle = angles[1], view_size = 0.25)

Create Plot for Every Angle and Combine into GIF

# Create a png_file for every angle
png_files <- seq_along(angles) %>% purrr::map_chr(function(i) {
  cat("."); flush.console()
  p        <- plot_rotated_obj(obj, world_to_camera, xangle = angles[i], view_size = 0.25)
  png_file <- glue::glue("{tempdir()}/{i}.png")
  ggsave(png_file, p, width=8, height=8, dpi = 75)

# Use {gifski} to create the animation
gif_file <- gifski::gifski(
  png_files, gif_file = "vignettes/gif/teapot.gif",
  width = 200, height = 200, delay = 0.1

coolbutuseless/threed documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:08 a.m.