Man pages for cozygene/bisque
Decomposition of Bulk Expression with Single-Cell Sequencing

CalculateSCCellProportionsCalculate cell proportions based on single-cell data
CorTriCorrelate columns of data frame
CountsToCPMConvert counts data in Expression Set to counts per million...
EstimatePCACellTypeProportionsEstimate cell type proportions using first PC of expression...
FilterUnexpressedGenesRemove genes in Expression Set with zero expression in all...
FilterZeroVarianceGenesRemove genes in Expression Set with zero variance across...
GenerateSCReferenceGenerate reference profile for cell types identified in...
GetCTPReturn cell type proportions from bulk
GetNumGenesGet number of genes to use with no weighted information
GetNumGenesWeightedGet number of genes to use with weighted PCA
GetOverlappingGenesFind overlapping genes in single-cell data, bulk data, and...
GetOverlappingSamplesFind overlapping samples in single-cell and bulk data
GetUniqueMarkersGet unique markers present in only 1 cell type
MarkerBasedDecompositionPerforms marker-based decomposition of bulk expression using...
ReferenceBasedDecompositionPerforms reference-based decomposition of bulk expression...
SemisupervisedTransformBulkTransforms bulk expression of a gene using only single-cell...
SeuratToExpressionSetConverts Seurat object to Expression Set
SimulateBarcodeSimulate barcode for decomposition illustration
SimulateDataSimulate data for decomposition illustration
SupervisedTransformBulkTransforms bulk expression of a gene given overlapping data
cozygene/bisque documentation built on May 28, 2021, 7:57 p.m.