Man pages for crickbabs/RNASeq-DESeq
DESeq2 Wrapper For Pre-Specified Analyses

add_dim_reductStore dimension-reduction results in DESeq2 object
bookdown_labelMultiple GT tables per chunk
build_dds_listGenerate subsets of DESeq2 object
captionerCaption hyperlinking
check_modelCheck model
d3_iMetricInteractive metric plot
d3_iMetric-shinyShiny bindings for d3_iMetric
d3_iScatterInteractive PCA plot
d3_iScatter-shinyShiny bindings for d3_iScatter
df2colorspaceHeatmap colour-scheme generator
differential_heatmapHeatmaps of differential genes
differential_MAGenerate MA Plots
emcontrastsExpand multiple comparisons into their contrasts
enrichmentGeneset enrichment analysis
export_biologicExport Biologic files
extract_assayReturn an assay from a result-list
extract_colDataReturn PCA-projected data from a result-list
extract_pca_xReturn PCA-projected data from a result-list
extract_resultsReturn all results contained in a result list
fit_modelsFit the DESeq2 models
get_resultGenerate the results for a model and comparison
get_startedInitiate a DESdemonA project
load_specsAdjust a confounded batch effect
map_desWrap datasets from DESdemonA
mult_compMark a formula as a multiple comparison
over_representationGeneset over-representation analysis
ParamListR6 class representing the set of parameters used in an...
qc_heatmapData Visualisation
rbind_summaryrbind nested lists of data-frames
rebaseRebase a factor's level
recode_withinRecode nested factors
results_applyApply a function to a results list
run_reportRun DESdemonA Report on existing counts object
summarise_resultsTabulate the size of the differential lists
table1Table One
tab_link_captionLink GT tables to a csv file
write_all_resultsStore results as text files
write_assayText file of assay data
write_resultsXLSX report of results
crickbabs/RNASeq-DESeq documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 11:23 p.m.