# Return a list with validated information about the user-specified
# prior distribution
# @param prior A list returned by one of the 'priors.R' functions.
# @param nvars Integer indicating the number of variables.
# @param default_scale Default value to use to scale if not specified by user.
# @param ok_dists A list of admissible distributions.
# @return A named list with the following arguments:
# prior_dist: Integer specifying the prior distribution for Stan.
# prior_mean: Scalar or vector of means for the prior.
# prior_scale: Scalar or vector of scales for the prior.
# prior_df: Scalar or vector of dfs for the prior.
# prior_dist_name: Character string naming the prior.
# global_*, slab_*: Additional parameters for shrinkage priors.
handle_prior <- function(prior, nvars, default_scale,
ok_dists = ok_dists()) {
# build NULL prior if necessary
if (!length(prior))
# check prior is a named list
if (!is.list(prior))
# validate user inputs for: dist, location, scale, df
prior_name <- validate_prior_name(prior$dist, ok_dists = ok_dists) # character
prior_dist <- get_prior_dist(prior$dist) # integer
prior_mean <- get_prior_mean(prior$location, nvars = nvars)
prior_scale <- get_prior_scale(prior$scale, nvars = nvars, default_scale = default_scale)
prior_df <- get_prior_df(prior$df, nvars = nvars)
# additional info for shrinkage priors
if (prior_name %in% shrink_priors()) {
#prior_scale <- NULL
global_prior_scale <- prior$global_scale
global_prior_df <- prior$global_df
slab_scale <- prior$slab_scale
slab_df <- prior$slab_df
} else {
global_prior_scale <- 0
global_prior_df <- 0
slab_scale <- 0
slab_df <- 0
prior_dist_name = prior_name,
prior_autoscale = isTRUE(prior$autoscale))
# Autoscaling of priors
# @param prior_stuff A named list returned by a call to handle_glm_prior
# @param response A vector containing the response variable, only required if
# the priors are to be scaled by the standard deviation of the response (for
# gaussian reponse variables only)
# @param predictors The predictor matrix, only required if the priors are to be
# scaled by the range/sd of the predictors
# @param family A family object
# @param QR A logical specifying whether QR decomposition is used for the
# predictor matrix
# @param min_prior_scale The minimum allowed for prior scales
# @param assoc A two dimensional array with information about desired association
# structure for the joint model (returned by a call to validate_assoc). Cannot
# be NULL if autoscaling priors for the association parameters.
# @param ... Other arguments passed to make_assoc_terms. If autoscaling priors
# for the association parameters then this should include 'parts' which
# is a list containing the design matrices for the longitudinal submodel
# evaluated at the quadrature points, as well as 'beta' and 'b' which are
# the parameter values to use when constructing the linear predictor(s) in
# make_assoc_terms.
# @return A named list with the same structure as returned by handle_glm_prior
autoscale_prior <- function(prior_stuff, response = NULL, predictors = NULL,
family = NULL, QR = FALSE, min_prior_scale = 1e-12,
assoc = NULL, ...) {
ps <- prior_stuff
if (!is.null(response) && is.gaussian(family)) {
# use response variable for scaling priors
if (ps$prior_dist > 0L && ps$prior_autoscale) {
ss <- sd(response)
ps$prior_scale <- ss * ps$prior_scale
if (!is.null(predictors) && !QR) {
# use predictors for scaling priors
if (ps$prior_dist > 0L && ps$prior_autoscale) {
ps$prior_scale <-
ps$prior_scale / apply(predictors, 2L, get_scale_value))
if (!is.null(assoc)) {
# Evaluate mean and SD of each of the association terms that will go into
# the linear predictor for the event submodel (as implicit "covariates").
# (NB the approximate association terms are calculated using coefs
# from the separate longitudinal submodels estimated using glmer).
# The mean will be used for centering each association term.
# The SD will be used for autoscaling the prior for each association parameter.
if (is.null(family))
stop("'family' cannot be NULL when autoscaling association parameters.")
assoc_terms <- make_assoc_terms(family = family, assoc = assoc, ...)
ps$a_xbar <- as.array(apply(assoc_terms, 2L, mean))
if (ps$prior_dist > 0L && ps$prior_autoscale) {
a_beta_scale <- apply(assoc_terms, 2L, get_scale_value)
ps$prior_scale <- pmax(min_prior_scale, ps$prior_scale / a_beta_scale)
ps$prior_scale <- as.array(pmin(.Machine$double.xmax, ps$prior_scale))
# Function to return the range or SD of the predictors, used for scaling the priors
# This is taken from an anonymous function in stan_glm.fit
# @param x A vector
get_scale_value <- function(x) {
num.categories <- n_distinct(x)
x.scale <- 1
if (num.categories == 2) {
x.scale <- diff(range(x))
} else if (num.categories > 2) {
x.scale <- sd(x)
# Return the name of the prior distribution after validating it
# @param dist_name The user specified prior distribution.
# @param ok_dists A vector of valid prior distributions.
validate_prior_name <- function(dist_name, ok_dists) {
if (!dist_name %in% unlist(ok_dists)) {
nms <- names(ok_dists)
stop2("The prior distribution should be one of: ", comma(nms))
# Switch prior distribution for the integer used internally by Stan
# @param dist Character string specifying the prior distribution.
# @return An integer, or NA if unmatched.
get_prior_dist <- function(dist_name) {
normal = 1L,
t = 2L,
hs = 3L,
hs_plus = 4L,
laplace = 5L,
lasso = 6L,
exponential = 3L, # only used for aux pars, so no conflict with hs
# Return the validated prior mean
# @param prior_mean Scalar or vector, the user specified location for the prior.
# @param nvars Integer The required length for the mean vector.
get_prior_mean <- function(prior_mean, nvars) {
prior_mean <- replace_na(prior_mean, replace_with = 0)
prior_mean <- maybe_broadcast(prior_mean, nvars)
prior_mean <- aa(prior_mean) # return as array
# Return the validated prior scale
# @param scale Scalar or vector, the user specified scale for the prior.
# @param nvars Integer The required length for the scale vector.
# @param default_scale Scalar, the default scale for the prior.
get_prior_scale <- function(scale, nvars, default_scale) {
scale <- replace_null(scale, replace_with = default_scale)
scale <- maybe_broadcast(scale, nvars)
# Return the validated prior df
# @param location Scalar or vector, the user specified df for the prior.
# @param nvars Integer The required length for the df vector.
get_prior_df <- function(prior_df, nvars) {
prior_df <- replace_na(prior_df, replace_with = 1)
prior_df <- maybe_broadcast(prior_df, nvars)
prior_df <- pmin(max_double(), prior_df)
prior_df <- aa(prior_df) # return as array
# Return dummy info for 'glm_prior()' when prior is NULL
make_null_prior <- function(nvars) {
list(prior_dist = 0L,
prior_dist_name = NA,
prior_mean = aa(zeros(nvars)),
prior_scale = aa(ones(nvars)),
prior_df = aa(ones(nvars)),
global_prior_scale = 0,
global_prior_df = 0,
slab_df = 0,
lab_scale = 0,
prior_autoscale = FALSE)
# Return a list of valid priors for (unconstrained) coefficients
ok_dists <- function(...) {
student_t = "t",
# Return a list of valid priors for auxiliary parameters
ok_dists_for_intercept <- function(...) {
student_t = "t",
# Return a list of valid priors for auxiliary parameters
ok_dists_for_aux <- function(...) {
student_t = "t",
# Return the names of valid non-shrinkage priors for (unconstrained) coefficients
non_shrink_priors <- function(...) {
setdiff(unlist(ok_priors_for_beta), shrink_priors)
# Return the names of valid shrinkage priors for (unconstrained) coefficients
shrink_priors <- function(...) {
c("hs", "hs_plus")
# Return the default scale parameter for 'prior_aux'
# @param basehaz Character string, the distribution for the baseline hazard.
get_default_aux_scale <- function(basehaz) {
if (basehaz == "weibull") 2 else 1
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