#' Cox model step-wise fitting
#' Fit model by step-wise variable selection.
#' @param
#' train : train data \cr
#' time : time variable \cr
#' status : status variable \cr
#' method: forward, backward or both \cr
#' fit : fit model: "Stepwise", "Random forest"
#' @return a coxph forward Stepwise fit object
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang !!
#' @import partykit
#' @import grid
#' @import libcoin
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @import rpart
#' @import doMC
cox_step <- function(x, time = "time", status = "status", surv_form = NULL, penalty = "AIC" ){
#dummy fit
fitnull <- survival::coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
data = x)
##### create formula
testBeta <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(surv_form, collapse = "+"), sep = " " ) )
if(penalty == "AIC"){
k = 2
if(penalty == "BIC"){
k = log(nrow(trainX))
#forward Stepwise selection
mod <- suppressWarnings(MASS::stepAIC(fitnull,
scope = list(upper = testBeta, lower = ~1) ,
trace = TRUE,
direction = "forward",
k = k,
steps = nrow(x)-1 ))
#' Bayes model step-wise fitting
#' Fit model by step-wise variable selection.
#' @param
#' train : train data \cr
#' time : time variable \cr
#' status : status variable \cr
#' method: forward, backward or both \cr
#' fit : fit model: "Stepwise", "Random forest"
#' @return stan_step fit model
#' @export stan_surv_step
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang !!
#' @import grid
#' @import libcoin
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @import rpart
#' @import doMC
stan_surv_step <- function(x, time = "time", status = "status", scope = NULL,
criterion = "loo", verbose = TRUE, fit = NULL,
stan_function = NULL){
var <- NULL
scope.full <- scope
#Fit null model
current.model <- post_surv(x = x)
} else {
current.model <- fit; rm(fit);
#calculate loo for null model, next.dev.estimate is initial model or null model
current.loo <- rstanarm::loo(current.model, cores = parallel::detectCores() )
next.dev.estimate <- -2*current.loo$estimates["elpd_loo","Estimate"] # working in deviance scale
print("Null model"); print(current.loo ); print(paste0(c("Deviance: ", next.dev.estimate )) )
current.dev.estimate <- Inf
i <- 0
while(current.dev.estimate > next.dev.estimate){
#remove var chosen in previous step
current.model <- fit.models[[match(max.loo.estimate, loo.estimates)]]
current.loo <- loo.models[[match(max.loo.estimate, loo.estimates)]]
print(paste0(c("Step ", i, " : ", var ) ) ); print(current.loo ); print(paste0(c("Deviance: ", next.dev.estimate )) );
#update current model
if(isTRUE(all.equal(var, scope.full) ) ){
scope <- scope.full[-match(x = var, table = scope.full)]
} else {
scope <- scope.full
#Model fitting with rStan
fit.models <- lapply(scope, function(p){
par <- c(p, var)
} else {
#add var
par <- p
#train model
post_surv(x = x, surv_form = par)
#extract loo for each model
loo.models <- lapply(fit.models, function(m){
rstanarm::loo(m, cores = detectCores())
loo.estimates <- sapply(loo.models, function(l){
});max.loo.estimate <- max(unlist(loo.estimates))
#update var
var <- c(var, scope[match(max.loo.estimate, loo.estimates)] );
#update current dev
inter.dev.estimate <- next.dev.estimate;
next.dev.estimate <- -2*max.loo.estimate;
current.dev.estimate <- inter.dev.estimate; rm(inter.dev.estimate);
i <- i + 1;
out <- list(current.model, current.loo)
names(out) <- c("model", "loo")
for.setattr <- function(static_name, myList) {
for (i in seq_along(myList)) {
var_name <- paste(static_name, i, sep = "_")
setattr(myList[[i]], name = var_name, value = static_name)
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