
Defines functions rpldis ppldis dpldis

Documented in dpldis ppldis rpldis

#' Discrete power-law distribution
#' Density, distribution function and random number generation
#' for the discrete power law distribution with parameters xmin and alpha.
#' @param x,q vector of quantiles. The discrete
#' power-law distribution is defined for x > xmin.
#' @param xmin The lower bound of the power-law distribution.
#' For the continuous power-law, xmin >= 0.
#' for the discrete distribution, xmin > 0.
#' @param alpha The scaling parameter: alpha > 1.
#' @param log logical (default FALSE) if TRUE, log values are returned.
#' @param lower.tail logical;
#' if TRUE (default), probabilities are \eqn{P[X \le x]},
#' otherwise, \eqn{P[X > x]}.
#' @return dpldis returns the density, ppldis returns the distribution function
#' and rpldis return random numbers.
#' @note The naming of these functions mirrors standard R functions, i.e. dnorm.
#' When alpha is close to one, generating random number can be very slow.
#' @references Clauset, Aaron, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, and Mark EJ Newman.
#' "Power-law distributions in empirical data." SIAM review 51.4 (2009): 661-703.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xmin = 1; alpha = 2
#' x = xmin:100
#' plot(x, dpldis(x, xmin, alpha), type="l")
dpldis = function(x, xmin, alpha, log = FALSE) {
  xmin = floor(xmin)
  constant = zeta(alpha)
  if (xmin > 1) constant = constant - sum((1:(xmin - 1)) ^ (-alpha))

  if (log) {
    pdf = -alpha * log(x) - log(constant)
    pdf[round(x) < round(xmin)] = -Inf
  } else {
    pdf = x ^ (-alpha) / constant
    pdf[round(x) < round(xmin)] = 0


#'@rdname dpldis
#'@details The Clauset, 2009 paper provides an algorithm for generating discrete random numbers.
#'However, if this algorithm is implemented in R, it gives terrible performance.
#'This is because the algorithm involves "growing vectors".
#'Another problem is when alpha is close to 1, this can result in very large random
#'number being generated (which means we need
#'to calculate the discrete CDF for very large values).
#'The algorithm provided in this package generates true
#'discrete random numbers up to 10,000 then switches to
#'using continuous random numbers. This switching point can altered by
#'changing the \code{discrete_max} argument.
#'In order to get a efficient power-law discrete random number generator, the
#'algorithm needs to be implemented in C.
#' plot(x, ppldis(x, xmin, alpha), type="l", main="Distribution function")
#' dpldis(1, xmin, alpha)
ppldis = function(q, xmin, alpha, lower.tail = TRUE) {
  xmin = floor(xmin)
  constant = zeta(alpha)
  if (xmin > 1)
    constant = constant - sum((1:(xmin - 1)) ^ (-alpha))
  cdf = 1 - (constant - sapply(q, function(i) sum((xmin:i) ^ (-alpha)))) / constant
  if (!lower.tail)
    cdf = 1 - (cdf - dpldis(q, xmin, alpha))
  cdf[round(q) < round(xmin)] = 0

#' @param n Number of observations. If \code{length(n) > 1}, the length is
#' taken to be the number required.
#' @param discrete_max The value when we switch from the discrete random
#' numbers to a CTN approximation.
#' @rdname dpldis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###############################################
#' ## Random number generation                   #
#' ###############################################
#' n = 1e5
#' x1 = rpldis(n, xmin, alpha)
#' ## Compare with exact (dpldis(1, xmin, alpha))
#' sum(x1==1)/n
#' ## Using only the approximation
#' x2 = rpldis(n, xmin, alpha, 0)
#' sum(x2==1)/n
rpldis = function(n, xmin, alpha, discrete_max = 10000) {
  ## Initialise parameters
  if (length(n) > 1L) n = length(n)

  xmin = floor(xmin)
  u = runif(n)

  ## Work out CDF
  if (discrete_max > 0.5) {
    constant = zeta(alpha)
    if (xmin > 1) constant = constant - sum((1:(xmin - 1)) ^ (-alpha))
    cdf = c(0, 1 - (constant - cumsum((xmin:discrete_max) ^ (-alpha))) / constant)

    ## Due to numerical instability
    ## Not enough precision to exactly calculate the CDF
    dups = duplicated(cdf, fromLast = TRUE)
    if (any(dups)) cdf = cdf[1:which.min(!dups)]

    ## Simulate using look up method
    rngs = as.numeric(cut(u, cdf)) + xmin - 1

    ## Fill in blanks using Clauset approximation
    is_na = is.na(rngs)
    if (any(is_na)) rngs[is_na] =
      floor((xmin - 0.5) * (1 - u[is_na]) ^ (-1 / (alpha - 1)) + 0.5)
  } else {
    ## Using only the approximation
    rngs = floor((xmin - 0.5) * (1 - u) ^ (-1 / (alpha - 1)) + 0.5)
csgillespie/poweRlaw documentation built on May 23, 2020, 12:16 p.m.