
Defines functions gen_rolling_mean

Documented in gen_rolling_mean

#' Calculate rolling mean of a generic column in a dataframe (timeseries)
#' Takes a subset of a dataframe that represents a single experiment as input and calculates a rolling mean on the data with binwidth k.
#' @param dat A dataframe or dataframe subset to act on.
#' @param data.column a string representing the name of the column containing the timeseries observations
#' @param time.column a string representing the name of the column containing the time; default is "timepoint"
#' @param k Indicates method to use for binwidth. If k is an integer, this will be the number of samples to include in the averaging bin. If k is "auto", the binwidth will be determined for each subset individually, size will be determined by k_val
#' @param k_val Only used if k = "auto"; the percentage of the total number of observations that will be averaged over for each subset
#' @export
#' @return a dataframe with columns "Time" and "fit" representing the rolling mean at each timepoint.

gen_rolling_mean <- function(dat, data.column, time.column = timepoint, k="auto", k_val=0.05, jitter_factor = 0, align = "center") {
  time.column <- enquo(time.column)
  data.column <- enquo(data.column)
  unique.dat <- group_by(dat, !!time.column, add = TRUE) %>%
    summarise("obs" = median(!!data.column, na.rm = TRUE))
  y <- unique.dat["obs"]
  if (k == "auto") {
    auto_k <- round(nrow(unique.dat)*k_val)
    if (auto_k %% 2 == 0) {
      auto_k <- auto_k + 1
    fit <- rollmean(y, auto_k, fill = NA, align = align)
    x <- unique.dat[as.character(time.column)[[2]]]
    #x <- jitter(dat$timepoint, factor = jitter_factor)
  } else {
    fit <- rollmean(y, k, fill = NA, align = align)
    x <- unique.dat[as.character(time.column)[[2]]]
    #x <- jitter(dat$timepoint, factor = jitter_factor)
  setNames(data.frame(x, fit), c("fit.timepoint", "fit"))
ctriandafillou/cat.extras documentation built on Aug. 27, 2020, 11:04 p.m.