simulate_selfreport_network: Simulate a self-reported network

View source: R/simulate_selfreport_network.R

simulate_selfreport_networkR Documentation

Simulate a self-reported network


This function allows the user to simulate a self-reported network, along with a 'true' network, and a network of resource flows. The function first simulates the true network data using the simulate_sbm_plus_srm_network() function, and then simulate self-reports and observable resource flows over the true network. This allows the user to investigate the effects of response biases, such as false positive rate, on network properties.


  N_id = 99,
  B = NULL,
  V = 3,
  groups = NULL,
  sr_mu = c(0, 0),
  sr_sigma = c(1, 1),
  sr_rho = 0.6,
  dr_mu = 0,
  dr_sigma = 1,
  dr_rho = 0.7,
  individual_predictors = NULL,
  dyadic_predictors = NULL,
  individual_effects = NULL,
  dyadic_effects = NULL,
  fpr_effects = NULL,
  rtt_effects = NULL,
  theta_effects = NULL,
  false_positive_rate = c(0.01, 0.02, 0),
  recall_of_true_ties = c(0.8, 0.6, 0.99),
  theta_mean = 0.125,
  fpr_sigma = c(0.3, 0.2, 0),
  rtt_sigma = c(0.5, 0.2, 0),
  theta_sigma = 0.2,
  N_responses = 2,
  N_periods = 12,
  flow_rate = rbeta(12, 3, 30),
  decay_curve = rev(1.5 * exp(-seq(1, 4, length.out = 12))),
  outcome_mode = "bernoulli",
  link_mode = "logit"



Number of individuals.


List of matrices that hold intercept and offset terms. Log-odds. The first matrix should be 1 x 1 with the value being the intercept term.


Number of blocking variables in B.


Dataframe of the block IDs of each individual for each variable in B.


Mean vector for sender and receivier random effects. In most cases, this should be c(0,0).


Standard deviation vector for sender and receivier random effects. The first element controls node-level variation in out-degree, the second in in-degree.


Correlation of sender-receiver effects (i.e., generalized reciprocity).


Mean vector for dyadic random effects. In most cases, this should be c(0,0).


Standard deviation for dyadic random effects.


Correlation of dyad effects: (i.e., dyadic reciprocity).


An N_id by N_individual_parameters matrix of covariates.


An N_id by N_id by N_dyadic_parameters matrix of covariates.


A 2 by N_individual_parameters matrix of slopes. The first row gives effects of focal characteristics (on out-degree). The second row gives effects of target characteristics (on in-degree).


An N_dyadic_parameters vector of slopes.


A 3 by N_predictors matrix of slopes. The first row controls the effects of covariates on layer 1 responses, and the second row layer 2 responses. The third row controls the effects of covariates on false positive in the observation network.


A 3 by N_predictors matrix of slopes. The first row controls the effects of covariates on layer 1 responses, and the second row layer 2 responses. The third row controls the effects of covariates on false positive in the observation network.


An N_predictors vector of slopes controling the effects of covariates on name duplication from layer 1 to layer 2.


The baseline false positive rate. This should be supplied as a 3 vector, with each element controlling the false positive rate for a single layer. Support is on the unit interval. If covariates are centered, this can be loosly thought of as an average false positive rate.


The baseline recall rate of true ties. This should be supplied as a 3 vector, with each element controlling the true tie recall rate for a single layer. Support is on the unit interval. If covariates are centered, this can be loosly thought of as an average true tie recall rate.


The baseline probability of name duplication from layer 1 to layer 2. Scalar. Support is on the unit interval. If covariates are centered, this can be loosly thought of as an average true tie recall rate.


Standard deviation 3-vector for false_positive_rate random effects. There should be one value for each layer.


Standard deviation 3-vector for recall_of_true_ties random effects. There should be one value for each layer.


Standard deviation scalar for theta random effects.


Number of self-report layers. =1 for single-sampled, =2 for double-sampled.


Number of time-periods in which observed transfers are sampled.


A vector of length N_periods, each element controls the probability that a true tie will result in a transfer in a given time period.


A vector of length N_periods, each element controls the increment log-odds of recalling a true tie at time T, as a function of a transfer occuring in period t.


Outcome mode: must be "bernoulli"


Link mode: can be "logit" or "probit".


A list of data formatted for use in Stan models.


## Not run: 
V = 1            # One blocking variable
G = 3            # Three categories in this variable
N_id = 100       # Number of people

clique = sample(1:3, N_id, replace=TRUE)
B = matrix(-8, nrow=G, ncol=G)
diag(B) = -4.5 # Block matrix

B[1,3] = -5.9
B[3,2] = -6.9

A = simulate_selfreport_network(N_id = N_id, B=list(B=B), V=V, 
                         individual_predictor=matrix(rnorm(N_id, 0, 1), nrow=N_id, ncol=1), 
                         individual_effects=matrix(c(1.7, 0.3),ncol=1, nrow=2),
                         sr_sigma = c(1.4, 0.8), sr_rho = 0.5,
                         dr_sigma = 1.2, dr_rho = 0.8,
                         false_positive_rate = c(0.00, 0.00, 0.00), 
                         recall_of_true_ties = c(0.7, 0.3, 0.99),
                         theta_mean = 0.0, 
                         fpr_sigma = c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 
                         rtt_sigma = c(0.5, 0.2, 0.0),
                         theta_sigma = 0.0,
                         N_responses = 2,
                         N_periods = 1, 
                         flow_rate = rbeta(1, 3, 30),
                         decay_curve = rep(0,1)


# True Network
Net = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A$true_network, mode = c("directed"))
V(Net)$color = c("turquoise4","gray13", "goldenrod3")[A$group_ids$clique]

plot(Net, edge.arrow.size =0.1, edge.curved = 0.3, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)

# Reported - out transfers
Net = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A$reporting_network[,,1], mode = c("directed"))
V(Net)$color = c("turquoise4","gray13", "goldenrod3")[A$group_ids$clique]

plot(Net, edge.arrow.size =0.1, edge.curved = 0.3, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)

# Reported - in transfers
Net = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A$reporting_network[,,2], mode = c("directed"))
V(Net)$color = c("turquoise4","gray13", "goldenrod3")[A$group_ids$clique]

plot(Net, edge.arrow.size =0.1, edge.curved = 0.3, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size = 5)

## End(Not run)

ctross/STRAND documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 6:02 a.m.