
Defines functions lhm

#' @rdname lhm-class
#' @param ainf the assumed asymptotic age
#' @param iter the number of iterations
#' @param ... additional arguments \code{nmort}, \code{size}, \code{mass}, \code{sr} and \code{maturity} that can be optionally specified at initialisation of the object
#' @examples
#' # initialise lhm-class object
#' ainf <- 100
#' iter <- 1
#' dat <- lhm(ainf, iter)
#' # assign life-history data
#' nmort(dat)    <- list(mu=0.18)
#' size(dat)     <- list(mu=list(Linf=106.5,k=0.229,t0=0.01)) 
#' mass(dat)     <- list(mu=list(a=1.7e-9,b=3.328))
#' sr(dat)       <- list(type='BH',mu=0.9)
#' maturity(dat) <- list(mu=list(acrit=8))
#' @seealso See the appropriate documentation in \code{\link{mass}}, \code{\link{maturity}}, \code{\link{nmort}}, \code{\link{size}}, \code{\link{sr}} and \code{\link{survivorship}} for how these are specified, accessed and assigned. See documentation for \code{\link{rCalc}} on how to calculate \eqn{r} from an \code{lhm} object. Use \code{\link{iterate}} to increase the number of iterations after the object has been created. Use \code{\link{iteration}} to access a particular iteration.
#' @include lhm-class.R
#' @export
lhm <- function(ainf, iter = 1, ...) new("lhm", ainf, iter, ...)

setMethod("initialize", signature = "lhm", definition = function(.Object, ainf, iter, nmort, growth, mass, sr, maturity, lhm.object) {
    if (!missing(lhm.object)) {
        .Object@ainf <- lhm.object@ainf
        .Object@sr   <- lhm.object@sr
        if (!missing(iter)) {
            .Object@iter                    <- iter
            .Object@lhdat[['M']]            <- matrix(rep(lhm.object@lhdat[['M']],iter),lhm.object@ainf,iter)
            .Object@lhdat[['h']]            <- matrix(rep(lhm.object@lhdat[['h']],iter),1,iter)
            .Object@lhdat[['survivorship']] <- matrix(rep(lhm.object@lhdat[['survivorship']],iter),lhm.object@ainf,iter)
            .Object@lhdat[['size']]         <- matrix(rep(lhm.object@lhdat[['size']],iter),lhm.object@ainf,iter)
            .Object@lhdat[['mass']]         <- matrix(rep(lhm.object@lhdat[['mass']],iter),lhm.object@ainf,iter)
            .Object@lhdat[['maturity']]     <- matrix(rep(lhm.object@lhdat[['maturity']],iter),lhm.object@ainf,iter)
    } else {
        if (!missing(ainf)) {
            .Object@ainf <- ainf
            if (!missing(iter)) {
                .Object@iter                    <- iter
                .Object@lhdat[['M']]            <- matrix(NA,ainf,iter)
                .Object@lhdat[['h']]            <- matrix(NA,1,iter)
                .Object@lhdat[['survivorship']] <- matrix(NA,ainf,iter)
                .Object@lhdat[['size']]         <- matrix(NA,ainf,iter)
                .Object@lhdat[['mass']]         <- matrix(NA,ainf,iter)
                .Object@lhdat[['maturity']]     <- matrix(0,ainf,iter)
                if (!missing(nmort)) {
                    M.mu <- nmort$mu$M
                    if (length(M.mu) < ainf)
                        M.mu[(length(M.mu) + 1):ainf] <- rep(M.mu[length(M.mu)],ainf-length(M.mu))
                    if (!is.null(nmort$cv$M)) {
                        M.sd <- sqrt(log(1 + nmort$cv$M^2)) 
                        for (i in 1:iter) 
                            .Object@lhdat[['M']][,i]  <- M.mu * rlnorm(1,-M.sd^2/2,M.sd)
                    } else {
                        .Object@lhdat[['M']] <- apply(.Object@lhdat[['M']],2,function(x) M.mu)
                    # recalculate survivorship
                    for (i in 1:iter)
                        for (a in 1:ainf)
                            .Object@lhdat[['survivorship']][a,i] <- exp(-sum(.Object@lhdat[['M']][1:a,i]))
                if (!missing(sr)) {
                    if (!is.null(sr$type)) 
                        .Object@sr <- sr$type
                    else stop('must specify type of stock-recruitment function (either BH or RK)\n')
                    if (!is.null(sr$cv$h)) {
                        if (.Object@sr == 'BH') hmax <- 1
                        if (.Object@sr == 'RK') hmax <- 165
                        bdist.mu <- function(alpha,beta) alpha/(alpha + beta)
                        bdist.sd <- function(alpha,beta) sqrt(alpha*beta / ((alpha+beta)^2 * (alpha + beta + 1)))
                        sr.mu <- function(alpha,beta) 0.2 + bdist.mu(alpha,beta) * (hmax - 0.2)
                        sr.cv <- function(alpha,beta) bdist.sd(alpha,beta) * (hmax - 0.2) / sr.mu(alpha,beta)
                        obj <- function(par) {
                            (sr.mu(par[1],par[2]) - sr$mu$h)^2 + (sr.cv(par[1],par[2]) - sr$cv$h)^2 
                        par.opt <- optim(c(3,2),obj)$par
                        .Object@lhdat[['h']][] <- 0.2 + rbeta(iter,par.opt[1],par.opt[2]) * (hmax - 0.2)
                    } else {
                        if (!is.null(sr$mu$h))
                            .Object@lhdat[['h']][] <- sr$mu$h
                if (!missing(growth)) {
                    Linf.mu <- growth$mu$Linf
                    k.mu    <- growth$mu$k
                    t0.mu   <- growth$mu$t0
                    if (!is.null(growth$cv$Linf)) {
                        Linf.sd <- sqrt(log(1+growth$cv$Linf^2))
                        Linf <- Linf.mu * rlnorm(iter,-Linf.sd^2/2,Linf.sd) 
                    } else Linf <- rep(Linf.mu,iter)
                    if (!is.null(growth$cv$k)) {
                        k.sd <- sqrt(log(1+growth$cv$k^2))
                        k <- k.mu * rlnorm(iter,-k.sd^2/2,k.sd)
                    } else k <- rep(k.mu,iter)
                    if (!is.null(growth$cv$t0)) {
                        t0.sd <- sqrt(log(1 + growth$cv$t0^2))
                        t0 <- t0.mu * rlnorm(iter,-t0.sd^2/2,t0.sd)
                    } else t0 <- rep(t0.mu,iter)
                    for (i in 1:iter)
                        for (a in 1:ainf)
                            .Object@lhdat[['size']][a,i] <- max(Linf[i] * (1 - exp(-k[i]*(a - t0[i]))),0)
                    if (!missing(mass)) {
                        a.mu <- mass$mu$a
                        b.mu <- mass$mu$b
                        if (!is.null(mass$cv$a)) {
                            a.sd <- sqrt(log(1+mass$cv$a^2))
                            aa <- a.mu * rlnorm(iter,-a.sd^2/2,a.sd) 
                        } else aa <- rep(a.mu,iter)
                        if (!is.null(mass$cv$b)) {
                            b.sd <- sqrt(log(1+mass$cv$b^2))
                            bb <- b.mu * rlnorm(iter,-b.sd^2/2,b.sd)
                        } else bb <- rep(b.mu,iter)
                        for (i in 1:iter)
                            for (a in 1:ainf)
                                .Object@lhdat[['mass']][a,i] <- aa[i] * .Object@lhdat[['size']][a,i]^bb[i]
                if (!missing(maturity)) {
                    acrit.mu <- maturity$mu$acrit
                    delta.mu <- maturity$mu$delta
                    if (!is.null(delta.mu)) {
                        if (!is.null(maturity$cv$acrit)) {
                            acrit.sd <- sqrt(log(1+maturity$cv$acrit^2))
                            acrit <- acrit.mu * rlnorm(iter,-acrit.sd^2/2,acrit.sd)
                        } else acrit <- rep(acrit.mu,iter)
                        if (!is.null(maturity$cv$delta)) {
                            delta.sd <- sqrt(log(1 + maturity$cv$delta^2))
                            delta <- delta.mu * rlnorm(iter,-delta.sd^2/2,delta.sd)
                        } else delta <- rep(delta.mu,iter)
                        for (i in 1:iter)
                            for (a in 1:ainf)
                                .Object@lhdat[['maturity']][a,i] <- 1/(1 + exp((acrit[i] - a)/delta[i]))
                    } else {
                        acrit.mu <- as.integer(acrit.mu)
                        if (acrit.mu <= ainf)
                            .Object@lhdat[['maturity']][acrit.mu:ainf,] <- 1
cttedwards/lhm documentation built on May 6, 2022, 6:30 p.m.