Man pages for currocam/utilsHMMER

add_physicochemical_properties_to_HMMER_tblAdd EMBOSS-inspired theoretical physicochemical properties...
add_sequences_to_hmmer_tblAdd sequences from one of the output files from HMMER server...
add_taxa_to_hmmer_tblAdd taxonomic information to a Data Frame obtained from HMMER...
annotate_with_NCBI_taxidRetrieve the taxonomic data for a given NCBI taxon ID using a...
extract_from_hmmerSplit a column composed of nested lists into multiple...
filter_hmmerFilter dataframe depending on a column and a threshold.
hmmer_evalues_cleveland_dot_plotA Cleveland dot plot with the evalues of the domains and...
pairwise_alignment_sequence_identityCalculate the percentage of pairwise sequence identity
pairwise_sequence_identity_heatmapPlot a heatmap with the pairwise identity percentages.
pairwise_sequence_identity_histogramPlot a histogram with the pairwise identity percentages...
parse_fasta_headersExtracts the sequence identifier from the recognized fasta...
pipePipe operator
read_hmmer_from_jsonRead the results of a search with HMMER from an json file.
search_hmmscanPerform a hmmscan search of a protein sequence against a...
search_hmmsearchPerform a hmmsearch search of a protein sequence against a...
search_phmmerPerform a phmmer search of a protein sequence against a...
currocam/utilsHMMER documentation built on Feb. 19, 2023, 9:54 p.m.