
Defines functions auth0_logout_url shinyAuth0App shinyAppAuth0 auth0_server auth0_ui

Documented in auth0_logout_url auth0_server auth0_ui shinyAppAuth0 shinyAuth0App

#' Modifies ui/server objects to authenticate using Auth0.
#' These functions can be used in a ui.R/server.R framework, modifying the
#'   shiny objects to authenticate using Auth0 service with no pain.
#' @param ui `shiny.tag.list` object to generate the user interface.
#' @name ui-server
#' @seealso [auth0_info].
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # first, create the yml file using use_auth0() function
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # ui.R file
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(auth0)
#'   auth0_ui(fluidPage(logoutButton()))
#'   # server.R file
#'   library(auth0)
#'   auth0_server(function(input, output, session) {})
#'   # console
#'   options(shiny.port = 8080)
#'   shiny::runApp()
#' }
#' }
#' @export
auth0_ui <- function(ui, info) {
  disable <- getOption("auth0_disable")
  if (!is.null(disable) && disable) {
  } else {
    if (missing(info)) info <- auth0_info()
    function(req) {
      verify <- has_auth_code(shiny::parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING), info$state)
      if (!verify) {
        if (grepl("error=unauthorized", req$QUERY_STRING)) {
          redirect <- sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", logout_url())
        } else {

          params <- shiny::parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING)
          params$code <- NULL
          params$state <- NULL

          query <- paste0("/?", paste(
            mapply(paste, names(params), params, MoreArgs = list(sep = "=")),
            collapse = "&"))
          if (!is.null(info$remote_url) && info$remote_url != "" && !getOption("auth0_local")) {
            redirect_uri <- info$remote_url
          } else {
            if (grepl("", req$HTTP_HOST)) {
              redirect_uri <- paste0("http://", gsub("", "localhost", req$HTTP_HOST, query))
            } else {
              redirect_uri <- paste0("http://", req$HTTP_HOST, query)
          redirect_uri <<- redirect_uri

          query_extra <- if(is.null(info$audience)) list() else list(audience=info$audience)
          url <- httr::oauth2.0_authorize_url(
            info$api, info$app(redirect_uri), scope = info$scope, state = info$state,
          redirect <- sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", url)
      } else {
        if (is.function(ui)) {
        } else {

#' @rdname ui-server
#' @param server the shiny server function.
#' @param info object returned from [auth0_info]. If not informed,
#'   will try to find the `_auth0.yml` and create it automatically.
#' @export
auth0_server <- function(server, info) {
  disable <- getOption("auth0_disable")
  if (!is.null(disable) && disable) {
  } else {
    if (missing(info)) info <- auth0_info()
    function(input, output, session) {
      shiny::isolate(auth0_server_verify(session, info$app, info$api, info$state))
      shiny::observeEvent(input[["._auth0logout_"]], logout())
      server(input, output, session)

#' Create a Shiny app object with Auth0 Authentication
#' This function modifies ui and server objects to run using Auth0
#' authentication.
#' @param ui an ordinary UI object to create shiny apps.
#' @param server an ordinary server object to create shiny apps.
#' @param config_file path to YAML configuration file.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed on to [shiny::shinyApp()].
#' @details
#' You can also use a diferent configuration file by setting the
#' `auth0_config_file` option with:
#' `options(auth0_config_file = "path/to/file.yaml")`.
#' @section Disable auth0 while developing apps:
#' Sometimes, using auth0 to develop and test apps can be frustrating,
#'   because every time the app is started, auth0 requires the user to log-in.
#'   To avoid this problem, one can run `options(auth0_disable = TRUE)` to
#'   disable auth0 temporarily.
#' @export
shinyAppAuth0 <- function(ui, server, config_file = NULL, ...) {

  disable <- getOption("auth0_disable")
  if (!is.null(disable) && disable) {
    shiny::shinyApp(ui, server, ...)
  } else {
    if (is.null(config_file)) {
      config_file <- auth0_find_config_file()
    info <- auth0_info(config_file)
    shiny::shinyApp(auth0_ui(ui, info), auth0_server(server, info), ...)

#' Create a Shiny app object with Auth0 Authentication
#' @description
#' As of auth0 0.1.2, `shinAuth0App()` has
#' been renamed to [shinyAppAuth0()] for consistency.
#' @inheritParams shinyAppAuth0
#' @export
shinyAuth0App <- function(ui, server, config_file = NULL) {
  warning("`shinyAuth0App()` is soft-deprecated as of auth0 0.1.2.",
          "Please use `shinyAppAuth0()` instead.")
  shinyAppAuth0(ui, server, config_file)

#' Generate logout URL
#' `auth0_logout_url()` is defunct as of auth0 0.1.2 in order to simplifly the
#'   user experience with the [logoutButton()] function.
#' @param config_file Path to YAML configuration file.
#' @param redirect_js include javascript code to redirect page? Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # simple UI with action button
#' # AFTER auth0 0.1.2
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(auth0)
#'   ui <- fluidPage(logoutButton())
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {}
#'   config_file <- system.file("simple/_auth0.yml", package = "auth0")
#'   shinyAppAuth0(ui, server, config_file)
#'   # simple UI with action button
#'   # BEFORE auth0 0.1.2
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(auth0)
#'   library(shinyjs)
#'   # note that you must include shinyjs::useShinyjs() for this to work
#'   ui <- fluidPage(shinyjs::useShinyjs(), actionButton("logout_auth0", "Logout"))
#'   # server with one observer that logouts
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     observeEvent(input$logout_auth0, {
#'       # javascript code redirecting to correct url
#'       js <- auth0_logout_url()
#'       shinyjs::runjs(js)
#'     })
#'   }
#'   shinyAuth0App(ui, server, config_file)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
auth0_logout_url <- function(config_file = NULL, redirect_js = TRUE) {

  stop("`auth0_logout_url()` is deprecated. ",
       "See `?logoutButton()` to add a logout button in auth0 apps.")

curso-r/auth0 documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 6:05 p.m.