
#' Print instructions for examining objects of class "single_binary_test".
#' Instruct user to use \code{summary} and \code{print} to examine objects of
#' \link{class} \code{single_binary_test}.
#' @param x An object of \code{\link{class}}
#' \code{single_binary_test}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
print.single_binary_test <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("\n---\nUse summary() and plot() for more information.")

#' Produce a summary of objects of class "single_binary_test".
#' Prints test statistics, p-values, and provides sample data for objects of
#' \link{class} \code{single_binary_test}.
#' @param object An object of \code{\link{class}}
#' \code{single_binary_test}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
summary.single_binary_test <- function(object, ...) {
  sym_p <- stats::symnum(c(object$p_value_lrt, object$p_value_chi_sq,
                         corr = FALSE,
                         cutpoints = c(0, .001, .01, .05, .1, 1),
                         symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " "))
  cat("\nTest statistics\n")
  cat("               Min       1Q        Med        3Q       Max      stat    Pr(>test stat)\n")
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_lrt), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[1],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_lrt), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[2],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_lrt), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[3],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_lrt), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[4],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_lrt), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[5],
      format(object$test_stats_lrt, trim = FALSE, justify = "right",
             width = 8, digits = 4)[1],
      format(object$p_value_lrt, trim = TRUE, justify = "left", width = 8,
             digits = 3),
      sep = "  "

  cat("Chi Sq\t",
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_chi_sq), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[1],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_chi_sq), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[2],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_chi_sq), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[3],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_chi_sq), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[4],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_chi_sq), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[5],
      format(object$test_stats_chi_sq[1], trim = FALSE, justify = "right",
             width = 8, digits = 4),
      format(object$p_value_chi_sq, trim = TRUE, justify = "left", width = 8,
             digits = 3),
      sep = "  "

  cat("Run =", object$run,
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_run), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[1],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_run), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[2],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_run), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[3],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_run), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[4],
      format(stats::quantile(object$test_stats_run), trim = FALSE,
             justify = "right", width = 8, digits = 4)[5],
      format(object$test_stats_run, trim = FALSE, justify = "right", width = 8,
             digits = 4)[1],
      format(object$p_value_run, trim = TRUE, justify = "left", width = 8,
             digits = 3),
      sep = "  "

  cat("---\nSignif. codes: ",
      attr(sym_p, "legend"),

#' Produce plots from objects of class "single_binary_test".
#' Produces some interesting plots of data and test statistics of objects of
#' \link{class} \code{single_binary_test}.
#' @param x An object of \code{\link{class}}
#' \code{single_binary_test}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
plot.single_binary_test <- function(x, ...) {
  graphics::par(ask = TRUE, mar = c(5, 1, 1, 1))
  y <- x$data
  y <- y[1:x$tiles, ]
  reverse <- nrow(y):1
  y <- y[reverse, ]
  graphics::image(c(1:ncol(y)), c(1:nrow(y)), t(y), axes = FALSE, ylab = " ", xlab = "Real data above the black line, generated data below it", col = c("aquamarine3",
  graphics::abline(h = x$tiles - 0.5, col = "black", lwd = 4)

  graphics::par(ask = TRUE, mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2))

  graphics::hist(x$test_stats_lrt, breaks = x$bins, xlab = "LRT Test Statistics\nRed line indicates value of test statistic of real data",
       main = NULL)
  graphics::abline(v = x$test_stats_lrt[1], col = "red")

  graphics::hist(x$test_stats_chi_sq, breaks = x$bins, xlab = "Pearson's Chi-Square Test Statistics\nRed line indicates value of test statistic of real data",
       main = NULL)
  graphics::abline(v = x$test_stats_chi_sq[1], col = "red")

  graphics::hist(x$test_stats_run, breaks = x$bins, xlab = paste("Run Test Statistics For a Run of", x$run,
                                                       "\nRed line indicates value of test statistic of real data"), main = NULL)
  graphics::abline(v = x$test_stats_run[1], col = "red")
cwcartmell/maRkov documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:37 p.m.