academic: Academic widgets

has_degree_from_departmentR Documentation

Academic widgets


Find entities who graduated with a particular major(s) or from a particular school(s). By default, attendees are not included, use attendees = TRUE to include attendees. If no majors/schools are entered, the widget will look for anyone with a Cal degree (or if attendees = TRUE, anyone who has attended Cal). Will not retrieve anyone with non-Berkeley degrees.


  undergraduates = TRUE,
  graduates = TRUE,
  attendees = FALSE,
  current_students = FALSE,
  degreeholders = TRUE,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  advisor = NULL

  undergraduates = TRUE,
  graduates = TRUE,
  attendees = FALSE,
  current_students = FALSE,
  degreeholders = TRUE,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  advisor = NULL

  attendees = FALSE,
  current_students = FALSE,
  degreeholders = TRUE,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  advisor = NULL

  undergraduates = TRUE,
  graduates = TRUE,
  attendees = FALSE,
  current_students = FALSE,
  degreeholders = TRUE,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  advisor = NULL

  undergraduates = TRUE,
  graduates = TRUE,
  attendees = FALSE,
  current_students = FALSE,
  degreeholders = TRUE,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  advisor = NULL





TRUE/FALSE: should include undergraduates? Default is TRUE


TRUE/FALSE: should include graduates? Default is TRUE


TRUE/FALSE: should include attendees? Default is FALSE


TRUE/FALSE: should include current students? Default is FALSE


TRUE/FALSE: should include degreeholders? Default is TRUE


(optional) date range: look only for those who graduated between these dates. Enter as an integer of the form YYYYMMDD (see details)


(optional) date range: look only for those who graduated between these dates. Enter as an integer of the form YYYYMMDD (see details)


(optional) entity id of advisor


Note that some major and minor codes start with numbers and include letters (for example: a minor in mathematics is coded as 25I071U). This causes errors when parsing. To get around the issue, either use quotation marks explicitly (as in: minored_in("25I071U")) or use the synonym (minored_in(mathematics))

When using the daterange (from and/or to), the dates will be based on the GRAD DATE for degreeholders and the STOP DATE for attendees (who have no GRAD DATE). Both dates are visible in the Degrees screen in Advance. An alum's "class year" is based on the GRAD DATE. For degreeholders, the two dates are often the same, though they can differ. See examples below. Date options are ignored when looking for current students


A definition of type entity_id

See Also



## majored in philosophy and/or math between 2001 and 2004
## since attendees are not included by default, this only pulls
## (undergrad and grad) degreeholders. Those with a GRAD DATE in the
## daterange will be included
majored_in(mathematics, philosophy, from = 20010101, to = 20041231)

## just math grad degree holders
majored_in(mathematics, undergraduates = FALSE)

## here we pull graduate degreeholders and graduate attendees
## neither ungrad degreeholders nor undergrad attendees will be included
           undergraduates = FALSE,
           graduates = TRUE,
           attendees = TRUE)

## evening/wknd program (haas) people are coded as attendees. note that since
## we're only looking at attendees here, we'll be using the STOP DATE
## this will pull BOTH undergrad and grad attendees, but no degreeholders
has_degree_from(haas, attendees = TRUE, degreeholders = FALSE
                from = 20010101, to = 20041231)

## current MBA students
has_degree(MBA, current_students = TRUE, degreeholders = FALSE)

cwolfsonseeley/discoveryengine documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 2:07 p.m.