fec: FEC disclosure widgets

fec_gave_to_candidateR Documentation

FEC disclosure widgets


Find entities who have disclosed political contributions in a federal election. Data is based on a match of CADS entities to FEC disclosures.


fec_gave_to_candidate(..., at_least = 0.01, from = NULL, to = NULL)

fec_gave_to_category(..., at_least = 0.01, from = NULL, to = NULL)

fec_gave_to_committee(..., at_least = 0.01, from = NULL, to = NULL)

fec_gave_to_party(..., at_least = 0.01, from = NULL, to = NULL)



FEC Candidate, Committee, or Category code(s)


Minimum of total contributions


begin and end dates (contributed between those dates). Enter as integer of the form YYYYMMDD


begin and end dates (contributed between those dates). Enter as integer of the form YYYYMMDD


Since this is based on a probabilistic match score, there will be some false positive matches. If perfect accuracy is necessary, be sure to manually review the results. Also, FEC disclosure forms show giving to committees that are registered with the FEC. In order to determine giving to a particular candidate, we use a crosswalk linking candidates to the committees that support them. In some instances, a committee will support multiple candidates, so for example a search for contributors to Kamala Harris's senate campaign will include in the results any contributors to the committee "Off the Sidelines Senate 2016", which, in addition to Kamala Harris, also supported Tammy Duckworth and Catherine Masto.


A definition of type entity_id

cwolfsonseeley/discoveryengine documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 2:07 p.m.