age_between: Age widget

View source: R/widget-age-between.R

age_betweenR Documentation

Age widget


Find entities based on age


age_between(from = NULL, to = NULL)



Minimum age, as a number


Maximum age, as a number


If an entity has a birth date, then that will be used to calculate their age. If there is no birth date, then the degree year of their first degree is used. In order to calculate age from degree year, the widget adds 22 to the number of years since an undergraduate degree, and 25 to the number of years since a graduate degree. Entities without a birthday or degree year are completely ignored.

'from' and 'to' are optional, but you must provide at least one of them.


## entities between the age of 35 and 40
age_between(from = 35, to = 40)

## entities who are exactly 37 years old
age_between(from = 37, to = 37)

## anyone over the age of 55
age_between(from = 55)

## anyone under the age of 65
age_between(to = 65)

cwolfsonseeley/discoveryengine documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 2:07 p.m.