ca_campaign: California campaign finance disclosure widgets

ca_campaignR Documentation

California campaign finance disclosure widgets


Find entities who have disclosed political contributions in California statewide election campaigns. ca_gave_to_candidate only allows you to search for donors to candidates in statewide races (excluding candidates in local races), while ca_gave_to_proposition allows you to search for donors to ballot initatives. In order to search for all types of giving in California elections (including local races such as superior court judge or city council), use ca_gave


ca_gave_to_candidate(..., at_least = 0.01, from = NULL, to = NULL)

  at_least = 0.01,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  support = NULL

ca_gave(at_least = 0.01, from = NULL, to = NULL)



Candidate ID(s) or ballot proposition IDs (see examples)


Minimum of aggregate contributions


begin and end dates (contributed between those dates). Enter as integer of the form YYYYMMDD


begin and end dates (contributed between those dates). Enter as integer of the form YYYYMMDD


TRUE/FALSE, whether to look for supporters (TRUE) or those opposed (FALSE) to the ballot initiative. Defaults to both (support and oppose)


Since this is based on a probabilistic match score, there will be some false positive matches. If perfect accuracy is necessary, be sure to manually review the results. Use the built-in lookup features to identify the correct IDs. For instance, ca_gave_to_proposition(?bag) will help find the correct ID for Prop 65, the charge on carry-out bags.


## example: find donors to Kamala Harris's Attorney General campaign
## first find her candidate ID

## now use the ID:

## look for donors who opposed marijuana decriminialization

## and use the resulting ID:
## looking only for supporters:
ca_gave_to_proposition(BL20150064, support = TRUE)

cwolfsonseeley/discoveryengine documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 2:07 p.m.