
#Prepare  OSM Data
#The code take in OSM data and remove unneeded columns, then splits lines at junctions
#It returns two outputs:
# 1) the split lines with the attributes of the original data
# 2) The points where the lines are split, i.e. junction locations

#This process is quiet time consuming (around 2 hours for a small city), but has some optiisation already applied
# 1) st_intersection is wrapped in a loop which ensures that it is only applied to geomeries that touch
# 2) st_difference no optimisation as yet


#Function To get Points and MultiPoints
findpoints <- function(b){
  lines_sub <- lines[c(touch[[b]]),]
  inter_sub <- st_intersection(lines_sub, lines_sub)
  inter_sub <- inter_sub[,c("osm_id","geometry")]
  inter_sub <- inter_sub[st_geometry_type(inter_sub) == "POINT" | st_geometry_type(inter_sub) == "MULTIPOINT",]

#Function to split mulitple geomaties into single geometires when a data frame
splitmulti <- function(x,from,to){
  #Split into single and mulit
  mp_var <- x[st_geometry_type(x) == from,]
  p_var <- x[st_geometry_type(x) == to,]
  #Separate out geometry
  mp_geom <- mp_var$geometry
  p_geom <- p_var$geometry
  #Remove geometry
  mp_var$geometry <- NULL
  p_var$geometry <- NULL
  #Convert to data frame
  mp_var <-
  p_var <-
  #Split geometrys
  mp_geom_s <- st_cast(st_sfc(mp_geom), to, group_or_split = TRUE)
  p_geom <- st_cast(st_sfc(p_geom), to, group_or_split = TRUE)
  #Duplicate variaibles for multis
  if(to == "POINT"){
    len <- lengths(mp_geom)/2
  }else if(to == "LINESTRING"){
    len <- lengths(mp_geom)
    print("Can't do this")
  mp_var <- mp_var[rep(seq_len(nrow(mp_var)), len),,drop=FALSE]
  #Put polygons back togther
  geom <- c(p_geom,mp_geom_s)
  var <- rbind(p_var,mp_var)
  geom <- st_cast(st_sfc(geom), to, group_or_split = TRUE) #Incase mp or p is empty have to run again
  var$geometry <- geom
  res <- st_as_sf(var)

#FUnction to Splitlines
splitlines <- function(a){
  line_sub <- lines[a,]
  buff_sub <- buff[inter[[a]],]
  if(nrow(buff_sub) == 0){
    line_cut <- line_sub
    buff_sub <- st_union(buff_sub)
    line_cut <- st_difference(line_sub, buff_sub)

#Reading in data
osm <- readRDS("../example-data/bristol/osm-lines-quietness-full.Rds")
osm <- st_transform(osm, 27700)

#Test Subsetting
bounds <- st_read("areas/bristol-poly.geojson")
bounds <- st_transform(bounds, 27700)
#st_crs(bounds) <- 27700
osm <- osm[bounds,]
#osm <- osm[1:1000,]

#A flexible way to chose the variaibles that are kept
#Don't delete
osm <- osm[,c("osm_id","name",

#Create working dataset
lines <- osm[,c("osm_id","geometry")]
osm <-
osm$geometry <- NULL

#Find Points
print(paste0("Find Points at ",Sys.time()))
touch <- st_intersects(lines)
points_list <- lapply(1:length(touch), findpoints)
points <-"rbind",points_list)
points <- points[!duplicated(points$geometry),]

#Split multipoints into points
print(paste0("Split multipoints to points at ",Sys.time()))
points <- splitmulti(points,"MULTIPOINT","POINT")

#Remove duplicates
points <- points[!duplicated(points$geometry),]

#Loop To Split Lines
print(paste0("Splitting Lines at ",Sys.time()))
buff <- st_buffer(points,0.01)
inter <- st_intersects(lines,buff)
cut_list <- lapply(1:nrow(lines), splitlines)
cut <-"rbind",cut_list)
cut <- cut[!duplicated(cut$geometry),]

#Split multipoints into points
cut_sl <- splitmulti(cut,"MULTILINESTRING","LINESTRING")

#Join Back Variaibles
cut_sl$id <- 1:nrow(cut_sl)
cut_sl <- left_join(cut_sl, osm, by = c("osm_id" = "osm_id"))

#Save Out Data
saveRDS(cut_sl, "../example-data/bristol/osm_data/osm-split.Rds")
saveRDS(points, "../example-data/bristol/osm_data/osm-split-points.Rds")

print(paste0("Started with ",nrow(osm)," lines, finished with ",nrow(cut_sl)," lines and ",nrow(points)," points"))

#Test Save as shape file, can't save all columns due to variaible names problems
#test <- cut_sl[,c("id","osm_id")]
#st_write(cut_sl, "../example-data/bristol/osm_data/osm-split2.shp")

#Test Plots
#plot(points[1], add = T)
cyipt/cyipt documentation built on Aug. 16, 2020, 10:24 p.m.