
Defines functions rename_aus clean_data read_facereader

Documented in clean_data read_facereader rename_aus

#' Read Facereader file
#' @param file Path to the FaceReader \code{.txt} file to be read.
#' @param subject A REGEX to extract from the source file a unique subject identifier.
#' If \code{NULL} (default), the function will utilize the file name as the unique
#' identifier (different from \code{source} which is derived from inside the file).
#' @param skip Number of lines to skip before actual data is present in the file.
#' If \code{NULL} (default), the function will attempt to find where the
#' actual data start and estimate based off of front matter how many lines to skip
#' when reading in the file.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[utils]{read.table}}
#' @return Tidy data frame.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate
#' @examples
#' read_facereader(file = system.file("extdata/Participant 2_Trump_Analysis 1.txt", package="facereadeR"))

read_facereader <-
           subject = NULL,
           skip = NULL,
           ...) {
    src <- read.table(
      sep = "\t",
      as.is = TRUE,
      strip.white = TRUE,
      fill = TRUE,
      row.names = NULL

    position <- which(src[1] == "Filename:")
    source <- src[4, 2]
    # source <- position

    if (is.null(skip)) {
      start <- NULL

      if (purrr::is_empty(start)) {
        start <- which(src[1] == "Video Time")
        skip <- start - 1

        df <- read_fr(file, skip = skip)

        if (any(class(df) == 'error') | purrr::is_empty(start)) {
          start <- as.numeric(rownames(src[grep("Filename", src[, 1]), ]))
          skip <- start + 1

          df <- read_fr(file, skip = skip)

        if (any(class(df) == 'error')) {
          start <- which(src[1] == "Frame rate:")
          skip <- start + 2

          df <- read_fr(file, skip = skip)

        if (any(class(df) == 'error')) {
          stop("Cannot determine start point. Please specify using \"skip\" argument.")

    } else {
      df <- read.table(
        sep = "\t",
        skip = skip,
        as.is = TRUE,
        strip.white = TRUE,
        fill = TRUE,
        header = TRUE

    if (is.null(subject)) {
      subject <- file
    } else {
      subject <- stringr::str_extract(source, subject)

    data <- df %>%
      mutate(., subject_nr = subject,
             source = source) %>%
      select(subject_nr, source, dplyr::everything())


#' Clean FaceReader data
#' @param data Data to clean, usually in the form that is provided by \code{\link{read_facereader}}.
#' @param include Include \code{All} variables, or just the emotions (\code{Basic}) to clean.
#' @return Data frame with fit failures removed, numeric values transformed to class `numeric`,
#' and factor values transformed to class `factor`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'cleaned <- clean_data(data, include = 'Basic')

clean_data <- function(data, include = "All") {
  data <- data
  vars <- names(data)

  if (include == "Basic") {
    emotions <- c(

    for (i in seq_along(emotions)) {
      if (emotions[[i]] %in% vars) {
        data[, emotions[i]] <-
          as.numeric(ifelse(data[, emotions[j]] == 'FIT_FAILED', NA, data[, emotions[i]]))
      } else

  } else if (include == 'All') {
    nums <- c(
    facts <- c(

    for (i in seq_along(nums)) {
      if (nums[[i]] %in% vars) {
        data[, nums[i]] <-
          as.numeric(ifelse(data[, nums[i]] == 'FIT_FAILED', NA, data[, nums[i]]))
      } else

    for (j in seq_along(facts)) {
      if (facts[[j]] %in% vars) {
        data[, facts[j]] <- as.character(data[, facts[j]])
        data[, facts[j]] <-
          ifelse(data[, facts[j]] == 'FIT_FAILED', NA, data[, facts[j]])
        data[, facts[j]] <- as.factor(data[, facts[j]])

      } else

    for (k in seq_along(facts)) {
      if (facts[[k]] %in% vars) {
        data[, facts[k]] <- as.character(data[, facts[k]])
        data[, facts[k]] <-
          ifelse(data[, facts[k]] == 'FIND_FAILED', NA, data[, facts[k]])
        data[, facts[k]] <- as.factor(data[, facts[k]])

      } else

  } else {
    stop('Please specify what to include in cleaning process.')



#' Rename Action Units to their shortened names
#' @param data
#' @return Dataframe with AUs renamed to shortened values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @importFrom dplyr select rename_
#' @importFrom purrr set_names

rename_aus <- function(data) {
  old <- data %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::starts_with('Action.')) %>%

  new <- c(

  new_names <- purrr::set_names(old, new)

  data <- data %>% dplyr::rename_(.dots = new_names)


#' Score Action Units numerically
#' @param data
#' @return Dataframe with AUs recoded into numeric values.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr recode
#' @importFrom purrr map_df
#' @examples

score_aus <- function(data, score0 = FALSE) {
  AUs <- c(

  if (score0) {
    data[AUs] <-
                    ~ dplyr::recode(
                      A = 1,
                      B = 2,
                      C = 3,
                      D = 4,
                      E = 5,
                      NotActive = 0
  } else {
    data[AUs] <-
                    ~ dplyr::recode(
                      A = 1,
                      B = 2,
                      C = 3,
                      D = 4,
                      E = 5


extract_landmarks <- function(data) {
  xy <- paste0(rep(c('x','y'), times = 2), '_', rep(1:49, each = 2))

  landmarks <- data %>%
  separate(., Landmarks, into = xy, sep=',')
d-bohn/facereadeR documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 4:07 a.m.