
Defines functions processPortraitsRegionauxCantons loadCantonsCHportraits

Documented in loadCantonsCHportraits processPortraitsRegionauxCantons

#' Swiss cantonal indicators
#' Load socio-demographic data by the Swiss Statistical Office.   
#' Run processPortraitsRegionauxCantons() to generate a readable csv file for loadCantonsCHportraits
#' @name loadCantonsCHportraits
#' @param file the name of the csv file to load (output by \code{processPortraitsRegionauxCantons}) or the raw excel file name from the Swiss Statistical office with indicators by canton to be processed by the aforementionned function
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cantonalI <- loadCantonsCHportraits()
#' \dontrun{
#' require(geofacet)
#' ## plot with geofacet the share the highest education reached by canton
#' # wrangle data
#' edu <- cantonalI %>% 
#'   select(`Sans formation postobligatoire (dès 25 ans)`, 
#'   `Degré secondaire II (dès 25 ans)`, 
#'   `Degré tertiaire (dès 25 ans)`) %>% 
#'   rownames_to_column()
#' stopifnot(all(rowSums(edu %>% select(-rowname)) %>% round() == 100))
#' colnames(edu) <- gsub(" \\(dès 25 ans\\)", "", colnames(edu))
#' edu <- edu %>% gather(education, pourc, -rowname) %>% 
#'   rename(code = rowname) %>% 
#'   mutate(education = fct_inorder(education))
#' # Plot
#' ggplot(edu) + 
#' geom_col(aes(x = education, y = pourc, fill = education)) + 
#' coord_flip() +
#' facet_geo( ~ code, grid = ch_cantons_grid2, label = "name_fr") +
#' scale_x_discrete(labels = NULL, name ="") +
#' scale_y_continuous(name = "") +
#' theme(legend.position = "top") +
#' ggtitle("Niveau d'éducation atteint par canton")
#' }
loadCantonsCHportraits <- function(file = "cantonal_CH_2020_indicators_je-f-21.03.02.csv") {
  data.path <- dir(system.file("extdata", package="tamMap"), file, full.names = T)
  data.read <- read.csv(data.path, stringsAsFactors = F, check.names = FALSE, header = T, row.names = 1)

#' Process Portraits regionaux de la Suisse canton xls
#' Run it when new data are available: \url{https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home/statistics/catalogues-databases.assetdetail.je-f-21.03.02.html}
#' Warning of possible break if the OFS changes the data structure of the xls file!!
#' @name processPortraitsRegionauxCantons
#' @param output the output file name to be saved in the package inst/extdata
#' @return NULL
#' @import tidyr dplyr readxl
#' @seealso \url{https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home/statistics/catalogues-databases.assetdetail.je-f-21.03.02.html}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tamMap:::processPortraitsRegionauxCantons()
#' }
processPortraitsRegionauxCantons <- function(
  file = 'je-f-21.03.02.xlsx', 
  output = 'cantonal_CH_2020_indicators_je-f-21.03.02.csv'  
) {
  out.path <- paste0(getwd(), "/inst/extdata/", output)
  data.path <- dir(system.file("extdata", package="tamMap"), file, full.names = T)
  xls.read <- read_excel(data.path, skip = 3)
  # discard NA rows
  na.row <- apply(xls.read, 1, function(l) all(is.na(l)))
  xls.read <- xls.read[!na.row,]
  # find table end, starts with '1) Selon la typologie '
  na.from <- grep("1) Selon la typologie", unlist(xls.read[,1]), fixed = T)
  xls.read <- xls.read[-(na.from:nrow(xls.read)),]
  # Find the rows that are titles for subsequent rows (i.e. NA rows except first column)
  na.row <- apply(xls.read, 1, function(l) all(is.na(l[-1])))
  xls.read <- xls.read[!na.row,]
  # relabel columsn and drop Suisse and year of data
  #colnames(xls.read) <- xls.read[1,]
  colnames(xls.read)[1] <- 'indicator'
 # xls.read <- xls.read[-1,]
  xls.read <- xls.read %>% select(-`Année`, -Suisse)
  # Find the rows that are titles for subsequent rows (i.e. NA rows except first column)
  na.row <- apply(xls.read, 1, function(l) all(is.na(l[-1])))
  xls.read <- xls.read[!na.row,]
  # drop the rows showing the % difference between 2 time perids
  xls.read <- xls.read %>% filter(!grepl('Variation en %', indicator))
  # drop some absolute indicators
  xls.read <- xls.read %>% filter(!grepl('(Secteur primaire|Secteur secondaire|Secteur tertiaire)', indicator, fixed = T))
  xls.read <- xls.read %>% filter(!grepl('(Emplois, total en milliers|Etablissements, total|Arrivées dans les hôtels et établissements de cure en milliers|Nuitées dans les hôtels et établissements de cure en milliers)', indicator))
  # rename some columns
  xls.read$indicator[grep("par km²", xls.read$indicator)] <- 'Population par km2'
  xls.read$indicator[grep("^selon", xls.read$indicator)] <- paste0("Infractions en % de la population totale ", xls.read$indicator[grep("^selon", xls.read$indicator)])
  # remove suffix number
  xls.read$indicator[grep("\\d\\)", xls.read$indicator, perl = T)] <- gsub(" \\d\\)", "", xls.read$indicator[grep("\\d\\)", xls.read$indicator, perl = T)])
  # make the data long
  df <- apply(t(xls.read[,-1]), 2, function(cl) {
    suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", cl)))
  colnames(df) <- unlist(xls.read[,1], use.names = F)
  rownames(df) <- colnames(xls.read[,-1])
  # order canton alphabetically
  write.csv(df[order(rownames(df)),], file = out.path, row.names = T)
  cat("\n\n ------ \n Saved in:" , out.path)
d-qn/taMap documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 8:43 a.m.