
Defines functions MDF.single

Documented in MDF.single

#' @title
#' MDF procedure for a single unknown break.
#' @details
#' The code provided is the original Ox code by Skrobotov (2018)
#' ported to R.
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param const Whether the constant term should be included.
#' @param trend Whether the trend term should be included.
#' @param trim Trimming value for a possible break date bounds.
#' @return A list of sublists each containing
#' * The value of statistic: \eqn{MDF-GLS}, \eqn{MDF-OLS},
#' * The asymptotic critical values.
#' \eqn{UR} values are included as well.
#' @export
MDF.single <- function(y,
                       const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                       trim = 0.15) {
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)

    result <- list(
        const = const,
        trend = trend

    ## Critical values
    cv.DF.GLS.m <- -1.93078
    cv.DF.OLS.m <- -2.85706

    cv.DF.GLS.t <- -2.84317
    cv.MDF.GLS <- -3.84632
    cv.DF.OLS.t <- -3.39735
    cv.MDF.OLS <- -4.23
    cv.MDF.t <- -4.25

    if (const && trend) {
        cv.MDF.OLS <- -4.21172
        cv.MDF.t <- -4.34468

    if (!const && trend)
        cv.HLT <- 2.563
        cv.HLT <- 3.162

    sap.ur <- 1.1009
    sap.ur1 <- 1.0514
    sap.ur2 <- 1.0317
    sap.ur3 <- 1.0364

    sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 <- 1.0154
    sap.cv.A.HLT.k0 <- 1.00

    sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 <- 1.0159
    sap.cv.A.PY.k0 <- 1.00

    ## Start ##
    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    x.const <- rep(1, n.obs)
    x.trend <- 1:n.obs

    max.lag <- trunc(12 * (n.obs / 100)^(1 / 4))

    first.break <- trunc(trim * n.obs) + 1
    last.break <- trunc((1 - trim) * n.obs) + 1

    tb <- segments.GLS(
        y, const, trend, 1,
        first.break, last.break,
    tb <- drop(tb)
    result$break.time <- tb

    cv.MDF.GLS.lib <- cv.MDF.GLS
    cv.MDF.OLS.lib <- cv.MDF.OLS

    DU <- as.numeric(x.trend > tb)
    DT <- DU * (x.trend - tb)

    x <- cbind(
        if (const) DU else NULL,
        if (trend) DT else NULL

    ## OLS/GLS Part ##
    ## Mean case
    resid.OLS.m <- OLS(y, x[, 1, drop = FALSE])$residuals
    DF.OLS.m <- ADF.test(resid.OLS.m,
                         const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                         max.lag = max.lag,
                         criterion = "aic",
                         modified.criterion = TRUE)
    k.m <- max(1, DF.OLS.m$lag)

    DF.OLS.m <- ADF.test(resid.OLS.m,
                         const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                         max.lag = k.m,
                         criterion = NULL)

    resid.GLS.m <- GLS(y, x[, 1, drop = FALSE], -7)$residuals
    DF.GLS.m <- ADF.test(resid.GLS.m,
                         const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                         max.lag = k.m,
                         criterion = NULL)

    ## Trend case
    resid.OLS.t <- OLS(y, x[, 1:2])$residuals
    DF.OLS.t <- ADF.test(resid.OLS.t,
                         const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                         max.lag = max.lag,
                         criterion = "aic",
                         modified.criterion = TRUE)
    k.t <- max(1, DF.OLS.t$lag)

    DF.OLS.t <- ADF.test(resid.OLS.t,
                         const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                         max.lag = k.t,
                         criterion = NULL)

    resid.GLS.t <- GLS(y, x[, 1:2], -13.5)$residuals
    DF.GLS.t <- ADF.test(resid.GLS.t,
                         const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                         max.lag = k.t,
                         criterion = NULL)

    ## ADF-OLS (lambda) ##
    resid.OLS <- OLS(y, x)$residuals
    DF1 <- ADF.test(resid.OLS,
                    const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                    max.lag = max.lag,
                    criterion = "aic",
                    modified.criterion = TRUE)
    k.tb <- max(1, DF1$lag)
    DF1 <- ADF.test(resid.OLS,
                    const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                    max.lag = k.tb,
                    criterion = NULL)
    MDF.OLS <- DF1$t.alpha

    ## MDF ##
    ## One break ##
    MDF.GLS <- Inf
    for (tb1 in first.break:last.break) {
        DU1 <- as.numeric(x.trend > tb1)
        DT1 <- DU1 * (x.trend - tb1)

        z <- cbind(
            if (const) DU1 else NULL,
            if (trend) DT1 else NULL

        resid.OLS <- OLS(y, z)$residuals
        DF1.tb <- ADF.test(resid.OLS,
                           const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                           max.lag = max.lag,
                           criterion = "aic",
                           modified.criterion = TRUE)
        k.tb <- max(1, DF1.tb$lag)

        resid.GLS <- GLS(y, z, -17.6)$residuals
        DF1.tb <- ADF.test(resid.GLS,
                           const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                           max.lag = k.tb,
                           criterion = NULL)

        if (DF1.tb$t.alpha < MDF.GLS) MDF.GLS <- DF1.tb$t.alpha

    MDF.t <- Inf
    for (tb1 in first.break:last.break) {
        DU1 <- as.numeric(x.trend > tb1)
        DT1 <- DU1 * (x.trend - tb1)

        z <- cbind(

        resid.OLS <- OLS(y, z)$residuals
        DF2 <- ADF.test(resid.OLS,
                        const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                        max.lag = max.lag,
                        criterion = "aic",
                        modified.criterion = TRUE)
        k.tb <- max(1, DF2$lag)
        DF2 <- ADF.test(resid.OLS,
                        const = FALSE, trend = FALSE,
                        max.lag = k.tb,
                        criterion = NULL)
        DF2.tb <- n.obs * DF2$alpha / (1 - sum(DF2$beta) + DF2$alpha)

#########TODO: Проверить!!!
        if (DF2$t.alpha < MDF.t) MDF.t <- DF2$t.alpha

    t.HLT <- KPSS.HLT(y, const, trim)
    tmp.PY <- PY.single(y, const, trend, "aic", trim, max.lag)
    t.PY <- tmp.PY$wald
    cv.PY <- tmp.PY$critical.value

    tmp.OLS <- OLS(y, x)
    t.alpha <- tmp.OLS$beta[1] /
        sqrt(drop(t(tmp.OLS$residuals) %*% tmp.OLS$residuals) / n.obs)
    t.alpha.id <- as.numeric(abs(t.alpha) > 1)

    ## UR-HLT
    t.lambda.id <- as.numeric(t.HLT > cv.HLT)
    ur.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (DF.GLS.t$t.alpha < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.DF.OLS.t)) ||
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS)) ||
    (DF.OLS.t$t.alpha < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.DF.OLS.t)) ||
    (MDF.t < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.t))
    ur1.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (DF.OLS.t$t.alpha < (sap.ur1 * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.DF.OLS.t)) ||
    (MDF.t < (sap.ur1 * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.t))
    ur2.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS.lib)) ||
    (MDF.OLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib))
    ur3.id.sa <- as.numeric(MDF.OLS < sap.cv.ur.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib)
    UR.HLT <-
        (1 - t.lambda.id) * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur.id.sa +
        (1 - t.lambda.id) * t.alpha.id * ur1.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur2.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * t.alpha.id * ur3.id.sa

    ## UR-PY
    t.lambda.id <- as.numeric(t.PY > cv.PY[2])
    ur.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (DF.GLS.t$t.alpha < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.DF.GLS.t)) ||
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS)) ||
    (DF.OLS.t$t.alpha < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.DF.OLS.t)) ||
    (MDF.t < (sap.ur * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.t))
    ur1.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (DF.OLS.t$t.alpha < (sap.ur1 * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.DF.OLS.t)) ||
    (MDF.t < (sap.ur1 * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.t))
    ur2.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS.lib)) ||
    (MDF.OLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib))
    ur3.id.sa <- as.numeric(MDF.OLS < sap.cv.ur.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib)
    UR.PY <-
        (1 - t.lambda.id) * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur.id.sa +
        (1 - t.lambda.id) * t.alpha.id * ur1.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur2.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * t.alpha.id * ur3.id.sa

    ## A-HLT
    t.lambda.id <- as.numeric(t.HLT > cv.HLT)
    ur2.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.A.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS.lib)) ||
    (MDF.OLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.A.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib))
    ur2a.id.sa <- as.numeric(MDF.OLS < sap.cv.A.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib)
    ur3.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur3 * sap.cv.A.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS)) ||
    (MDF.t < (sap.ur3 * sap.cv.A.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.t))
    ur3a.id.sa <- as.numeric(MDF.t < sap.cv.A.HLT.k0 * cv.MDF.t)

    A.HLT <-
        (1 - t.lambda.id) * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur3.id.sa +
        (1 - t.lambda.id) * t.alpha.id * ur3a.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur2.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * t.alpha.id * ur2a.id.sa

    ## A-PY
    t.lambda.id <- as.numeric(t.PY > cv.PY[2])
    ur2.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.A.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS.lib)) ||
    (MDF.OLS < (sap.ur2 * sap.cv.A.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib))
    ur2a.id.sa <- as.numeric(MDF.OLS < sap.cv.A.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.OLS.lib)
    ur3.id.sa <- as.numeric(
    (MDF.GLS < (sap.ur3 * sap.cv.A.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.GLS)) ||
    (MDF.t < (sap.ur3 * sap.cv.A.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.t))
    ur3.id.sa <- as.numeric(MDF.t < sap.cv.A.PY.k0 * cv.MDF.t)

    A.PY <- (1 - t.lambda.id) * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur3.id.sa +
        (1 - t.lambda.id) * t.alpha.id * ur3.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * (1 - t.alpha.id) * ur2.id.sa +
        t.lambda.id * t.alpha.id * ur2a.id.sa

    result$HLT <- list(
        stat = t.HLT,
        cv = cv.HLT
    result$PY <- list(
        stat = t.PY,
        cv = cv.PY[2]
    result$DF.GLS <- list(
        stat = DF.GLS.t$t.alpha,
        cv = cv.DF.GLS.t
    result$DF.OLS <- list(
        stat = DF.OLS.t$t.alpha,
        cv = cv.DF.OLS.t
    result$MDF.GLS <- list(
        stat = MDF.GLS,
        cv = cv.MDF.GLS
    result$MDF.OLS <- list(
        stat = MDF.OLS,
        cv = cv.MDF.OLS
    result$MDF.t <- list(
        stat = MDF.t,
        cv = cv.MDF.t
    result$A.HLT <- A.HLT
    result$A.PY <- A.PY
    result$UR.HLT <- UR.HLT
    result$UR.PY <- UR.PY

    class(result) <- "mdfHLT"

d9d6ka/RANEPA-R documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:11 a.m.