
Defines functions runcodeServer runcodeUI

Documented in runcodeServer runcodeUI

#' Construct to let you run arbitrary R code live in a Shiny app
#' Sometimes when developing a Shiny app, it's useful to be able to run some R
#' code on-demand. This construct provides your app with a text input where you
#' can enter any R code and run it immediately.\cr\cr
#' This can be useful for testing
#' and while developing an app locally, but it \strong{should not be included in
#' an app that is accessible to other people}, as letting others run arbitrary R
#' code can open you up to security attacks.\cr\cr
#' To use this construct, you must add a call to \code{runcodeUI()} in the UI
#' of your app, and a call to \code{runcodeServer()} in the server function. You
#' also need to initialize shinyjs with a call to \code{useShinyjs()} in the UI.
#' @note You can only have one \code{runcode} construct in your shiny app.
#' Calling this function multiple times within the same app will result in
#' unpredictable behaviour.
#' @param code The initial R code to show in the text input when the app loads
#' @param type One of \code{"text"} (default), \code{"textarea"}, or \code{"ace"}.
#' When using a text input, the R code will be limited to be typed within a single line,
#' and is the recommended option. Textarea should be used if you want to write
#' long multi-line R code. Note that you can run multiple expressions even in
#' a single line by appending each R expression with a semicolon.
#' Use of the \code{"ace"} option requires the \code{shinyAce} package.
#' @param width The width of the editable code input (ignored when
#' \code{type="ace"})
#' @param height The height of the editable code input (ignored when
#' \code{type="text"})
#' @param includeShinyjs Deprecated. You should always make sure to initialize
#' shinyjs using \code{\link[shinyjs]{useShinyjs}}.
#' @param id When used inside a shiny module, the module's id needs to be 
#' provided to \code{runcodeUI}. This argument should remain \code{NULL} 
#' when not used inside a module.
#' @seealso \code{\link[shinyjs]{useShinyjs}}
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = fluidPage(
#'       useShinyjs(),  # Set up shinyjs
#'       runcodeUI(code = "shinyjs::alert('Hello!')")
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       runcodeServer()
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @name runcode

#' @rdname runcode
#' @export
runcodeUI <- function(code = "",
                      type = c("text", "textarea", "ace"),
                      width = NULL,
                      height = NULL,
                      includeShinyjs = NULL,
                      id = NULL) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)
  if (!missing(includeShinyjs)) {
    warning("`includeShinyjs` argument is deprecated. You should always make ",
            "sure to initialize shinyjs using `useShinyjs()`.")

  type <- match.arg(type)

	if (type == "ace") {
	  if (!requireNamespace("shinyAce", quietly = TRUE)) {
	    errMsg("You need to install the 'shinyAce' package in order to use 'shinyAce' editor.")

  placeholder <- "Enter R code"
    if (type == "text")
        ns("runcode_expr"), label = NULL, value = code,
        width = width, placeholder = placeholder
    if (type == "textarea")
        ns("runcode_expr"), label = NULL, value = code,
        width = width, height = height, placeholder = placeholder
    if (type == "ace")
			shinyAce::aceEditor(ns("runcode_expr"), mode = 'r', value = code,
				height = height, theme = "github", fontSize = 16),
    shiny::actionButton(ns("runcode_run"), "Run", class = "btn-success"),
        id = ns("runcode_error"),
        style = "color: red; font-weight: bold;",
        shiny::div("Oops, that resulted in an error! Try again."),
        shiny::div("Error: ", shiny::br(),
                     id = ns("runcode_errorMsg"),
                     style = "margin-left: 10px;")))

#' @rdname runcode
#' @export
runcodeServer <- function() {
  # evaluate expressions in the caller's environment
  parentFrame <- parent.frame(1)

  # get the Shiny session
  session <- getSession()

  shiny::observeEvent(session$input[['runcode_run']], {

        eval(parse(text = session$input[['runcode_expr']]), envir = parentFrame)
      error = function(err) {
        shinyjs::html("runcode_errorMsg", as.character(err$message))
        shinyjs::show(id = "runcode_error", anim = TRUE, animType = "fade")

daattali/shinyjs documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 3:08 p.m.