
#' Scrape Projections
#' Executes a scrape of players' fantasy football projections based on the selected
#' season, week, analysts, and positions. If no inputs are specified, the user is prompted.
#' @note The function has the ability to include subscription based sources,
#' but you will need to either download subscription projections separately or
#' provide a user name and password for those sites.
#' Scraping past seasons/weeks is nearly impossible because very few if any sites
#' make their historical projections available. An attempt to scrape historical
#' projections will likely produce current projections in most cases.
#' @param season The season of projections to scrape (e.g., 2015).
#' @param week The week number of projections to scrape (e.g., 16).
#' Week number should be an integer between 0 and 21.
#' Week number 0 reflects seasonal projections.
#' Week number between 1 and 17 reflects regular season projections.
#' Week number between 18 and 21 reflects playoff projections.
#' @param analysts An integer vector of analystIds specifying which analysts' projections to
#' scrape. See \link{analysts} data set for values of analystIds.
#' @param positions A character vector of position names specifying which positions
#' to scrape: \code{c("QB", "RB", "WR", "TE", "K", "DST", "DL", "LB", "DB")}.
#' @return list of \link{dataResults}. One entry per position scraped.
#' @examples
#' runScrape(season = 2016, week = 0,         ## Scrape 2016 season data for all
#'          analysts = 99, positions = "all") ## available analysts and positions
#' runScrape(season = 2016, week = 1,               ## Scrape 2016 week 1 data for
#'          analysts = c(-1, 5),                    ## CBS Average and NFL.com
#'          positions = c("QB", "RB", "WR", "TE",)) ## and offensive positions
#' @export runScrape
runScrape <- function(season = NULL, week = NULL,
                      analysts = NULL, positions = NULL,
                      fbgUser = NULL, fbgPwd, updatePlayers = TRUE){

  # Request input from user to determine period to scrape
  if(is.null(week) & is.null(season)){
    scrapeSeason <- as.numeric(readline("Enter season year to scrape: "))
    scrapeWeek <- as.numeric(readline("Enter week to scrape (use 0 for season): "))
  } else {
    scrapeWeek <- ifelse(is.null(week), 0, week)
    scrapeSeason <- ifelse(is.null(season), as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date())$year + 1900, season)

  scrapePeriod <- dataPeriod()
    scrapePeriod["weekNo"] <- scrapeWeek
    scrapePeriod["season"] <- scrapeSeason

  scrapeType <- periodType(scrapePeriod)

  # Request input from user to select the analysts to scrape for

  selectAnalysts <- analystOptions(scrapePeriod)
    scrapeAnalysts <- selectAnalysts[select.list(names(selectAnalysts),
                                                 title = "Select Analysts to Scrape",
                                                 multiple = TRUE)]

    if(max(nchar(scrapeAnalysts)) == 0)
      scrapeAnalysts <- selectAnalysts
  } else {
    if(any(analysts == 99)){
      scrapeAnalysts <- selectAnalysts
    } else {
      scrapeAnalysts <- analysts

  selectPositions <- analystPositions$position[analystPositions$analystId %in% scrapeAnalysts]
  # Request input from user to select the positions to scrape for
    scrapePosition <- select.list(position.name, multiple = TRUE,
                                  title = "Select positions to scrape")

    if(max(nchar(scrapePosition)) == 0)
      scrapePosition <- selectPositions
  } else {
    if(any(tolower(positions) == "all")){
      scrapePositions <- selectPositions
    } else {
      scrapePosition <- positions
  urlTable <- getUrls(scrapeAnalysts, scrapeType, scrapePosition)
  if(nrow(urlTable) == 0){
    stop("Nothing to scrape. Please try again with different selection.", call. = FALSE)

    cat("Retrieving player data \n")
    playerData <<- getPlayerData(season = scrapeSeason, weekNo = scrapeWeek,
                                 pos = scrapePosition)

  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
    progress_bar <- winProgressBar
    set_progress_bar <- setWinProgressBar
    get_progress_bar <- getWinProgressBar
  } else {
    progress_bar <- tcltk::tkProgressBar
    set_progress_bar <- tcltk::setTkProgressBar
    get_progress_bar <- tcltk::getTkProgressBar
  numUrls <- nrow(urlTable)
  pb_value <- 0
  pb <- progress_bar(title = "Scraping Data ...", label = "Starting Data Scrape",
                     0, 1)

  scrapeResults <- apply(urlTable, 1, function(urlInfo){
    scrapeSrc <- createObject("sourceTable", as.list(urlInfo))
    srcId <-as.numeric(urlInfo["analystId"])
    analystName <- names(selectAnalysts)[selectAnalysts == srcId]
    info <- paste("Scraping", analystName,
    set_progress_bar(pb, get_progress_bar(pb), title = "Scraping Data ...", label = info)
    scraped <- retrieveData(scrapeSrc, scrapePeriod, fbgUser, fbgPwd)
    pb_value <- get_progress_bar(pb) + 1/numUrls
    set_progress_bar(pb, pb_value, title = "Scraping Data ...", label = info)

  scrapeSummary <- data.table::data.table(pos = as.character(),
                                          success = as.character(),
                                          failure = as.character())
  returnData <- lapply(intersect(position.name, urlTable$sourcePosition), function(pos){
    resData <- data.table::rbindlist(
      lapply(scrapeResults[which(urlTable$sourcePosition == pos)],
             function(sr)sr@resultData), fill = TRUE)
    resData[, position := pos]

    expectedAnalysts <- as.numeric(unique(urlTable$analystId[urlTable$sourcePosition == pos]))
    names(expectedAnalysts) <- unique(urlTable$analystName[urlTable$sourcePosition == pos])
    actualAnalysts <- as.numeric(unique(resData$analyst))
    missingAnalysts <- as.numeric(setdiff(expectedAnalysts, actualAnalysts))

    pos.summary <- data.table::data.table("pos" = pos,
                                          success = paste(names(expectedAnalysts)[which(expectedAnalysts %in% actualAnalysts)],
                                                          collapse = ", "))
    if(length(missingAnalysts) > 0)
      pos.summary[, failure := paste(names(expectedAnalysts)[which(expectedAnalysts %in% missingAnalysts)], collapse = ", ")]

    scrapeSummary <<- data.table::rbindlist(list(scrapeSummary, pos.summary), fill = TRUE)
    if(class(resData$position) != "character")
      resData$position <- as.character(resData$position)
    return(dataResult(resultData = resData, position = pos))

  cat("=================\nScrape Summary:\n")
  for(p in unique(urlTable$sourcePosition)){
    cat("\t", p, ":\n")
    cat("\t\tSuccessfully:", scrapeSummary[pos == p]$success, "\n")
    cat("\t\tFailed:", scrapeSummary[pos == p]$failure, "\n")
  names(returnData) <- intersect(position.name, urlTable$sourcePosition)
  if(any(names(returnData) == "K"))
    returnData[["K"]]@resultData <- updateFieldGoals(data.table::copy(returnData[["K"]]@resultData))

  dualData <- dualPositionData(returnData)

  for(pos in names(dualData)){
    table.list <- list(returnData[[pos]]@resultData, dualData[[pos]])
    returnData[[pos]]@resultData <- data.table::rbindlist(table.list, fill = TRUE)
  returnData$period <- scrapePeriod
  returnData$analysts <- scrapeAnalysts


#' Analyst options for a period
#' Find the analysts that are projecting stats for the provided period
#' @export
analystOptions <- function(period){
  if(periodType(period) == "Season"){
    periodAnalysts <- analysts[season == 1]

  if(periodType(period) == "Week"){
    periodAnalysts <- analysts[weekly == 1]
  periodAnalysts <- periodAnalysts[siteId %in% siteUrls$siteId]
  periodAnalysts <- merge(periodAnalysts, sites, by = "siteId")
  periodAnalysts[siteId %in% periodAnalysts$siteId[duplicated(siteId)],
                 listName := paste0(siteName, ": ", analystName)]
  periodAnalysts[is.na(listName), listName := analystName]
  periodAnalysts <- periodAnalysts[order(siteId, analystId)]
  analystList <- periodAnalysts$analystId
  names(analystList) <- periodAnalysts$listName
dadrivr/ffanalytics documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:12 p.m.