
##' Open camera device
##' Open camera device as an input stream ('istream') object
##' @param device device number
##' @return an istream object
##' @export
opencam <- function(device=0)
        cam <- open_camera(device)
        attr(cam,"class") <- "istream"
        attr(cam,"type") <- "camera"
        attr(cam,"device") <- device

##' Open video file as input stream
##' Input streams are designed to be processed frame-by-frame, to avoid having to load the entire video into memory. This function opens a video file (mpeg, avi, etc.) and makes it available to R as input stream, to be queried e.g. using getFrame. 
##' Which file formats are supported probably depends on your OS and on how OpenCV was compiled. 
##' @param fname file name
##' @return an input stream (istream)
##' @seealso getFrame
##' @export
openvideo <- function(fname)
        str <- open_stream(path.expand(fname))
        attr(str,"class") <- "istream"
        attr(str,"type") <- "file"
        attr(str,"fname") <- fname

isfile <- function(str)
        attr(str,"type") == "file"

iscam <- function(str)
        attr(str,"type") == "camera"

##' Total number of frames in video stream
##' @param str an input stream
##' @export
nframes <- function(str)
        if (isfile(str))

##' @export
print.istream <- function(str)
        att <- c(attributes(str),stream_info(str))
        if (att$type == "camera")
                msg <- with(att,sprintf("Camera: device %i. Dim: %i x %i (pix)",device,width,height))
        else if (att$type == "file")
                msg <- with(att,sprintf("Video file %s. Dim %i x %i (pix). Number of frames %i",fname,width,height,nframes))

##' @export
close.istream <- function(con,...)

##' Jump to a certain frame in a video
##' Depending on file format and on mysterious OpenCV behaviour you may or may not succeed in jumping to the exact location you want
##' @param str an input stream
##' @param frame a frame number (default 1)
##' @export
goto <- function(str,frame=1)
        if (isfile(str))
                if (frame<1 | frame > nframes(str))
                        paste("Frame index should be between 1 and",nframes(str)) %>% stop
                warning("goto has no effect on this device")


##' Grab frame from video stream
##' getFrame grabs the current frame from video stream str and moves str forward by one frame. Note that *this function has side effects*, so that calling it twice generally results in two different return values.
##' @param str an input stream
##' @param skip skip the next *skip* frames (default 0)
##' @export
getFrame <- function(str,skip=0)
        s <- 0
        while (s < skip)
                s <- s+1

##' Grab frame block from video stream
##' getBlock grabs the next k frames as a block, meaning as a single CImg image with depth k. Note that like getFrame *this function has side effects*, so that calling it twice generally results in two different return values.
##' @param str an input stream
##' @param nFrames how many frames to grab
##' @return a cimg object of depth nFrames or less (if there are fewer than nFrames frames remaining in the stream)
##' @export
getBlock <- function(str,nFrames)
dahtah/imagerstreams documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:27 p.m.