
Defines functions simTemperature

Documented in simTemperature

#' @title Simulate daily temperatures
#' @description Function used to simulate daily
#' temperatures in each river system using historical gauge
#' data loaded using \code{setupTemperatureData}.
#' @return A list containing 1) a matrix of projected
#' temperatures for the number of years specified (predTemps),
#' and 2) a matrix of accumulated thermal units (ATU) for
#' corresponding days.
#' @details This function relies on a data set (\code{mu}) containing
#' daily temperatures (\code{val}), year (\code{year}),
#' and ordinal date (\code{day}). Missing, zero, and negative
#' values will throw warnings.
#' @export
simTemperature <- function(mu) {

  # Simulate daily temperatures
  # Use historical temperature data to predict temperature
  # on each day from a multivariate normal distribution

  # Fit a 2nd order polynomial to model log(Temperature)
  mu <- mu[mu$val > 0, ]
  mu <- mu[!is.na(mu$val) & !is.infinite(mu$val), ]
  tmod <- lm(log(val) ~ day + I(day^2), data = mu)

  # Save coefficients and vcv
  tbetas <- coef(tmod)
  tsig <- vcov(tmod)

  # Draw new coeffs from mv normal
  tcoeffs <- MASS::mvrnorm(
    mu = tbetas, Sigma = tsig, tol = 1e-6

  # Make new days, years, and stochastic noise for
  # for prediction
  dates <- seq(1, 366, 1)
  stoch <- rnorm((length(dates)), 0, 0.05)

  # Predict temperatures for each day using
  # coeffs drawn from mv normal, plus noise
  hindcast <- exp(tcoeffs[1]
  + tcoeffs[2] * dates
    + tcoeffs[3] * (dates^2) + stoch)

  # plot(hindcast, type='l', lwd=2)

  predTemps <- data.frame(
    day = dates,
    val = hindcast

  # Return results
danStich/shadia documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:43 a.m.