
#' Simulate data without pilot data using a PPCA model
#' @param n                 the number of samples to be simulated
#' @param n_spectral_bins   the number of spectral bins considered
#' @example
#' # Simulate 100 samples with 40 spectral bins
#' sim_PPCA(100, 40)

sim_PPCA <- function(n, n_spectral_bins) {

  n_latent_vars <- 2

  # the scale parameter of the prior distribution of the variance
  alpha.sigma   <- 5
  # the shape parameter of the prior distribution of the variance
  beta.sigma    <- 2 * (alpha.sigma - 1)

  bo <- c(0.5 * (alpha.sigma - 1), 0.25 * (alpha.sigma - 1))
  sig <- 1 / rgamma(1, alpha.sigma, beta.sigma)

  u <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, n_latent_vars), diag(n_latent_vars))
  v <- 1 / rgamma(n_latent_vars, alpha.sigma, bo)
  w <- rmvnorm(n_spectral_bins, rep(0, n_latent_vars), diag(v))

  x <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, n_spectral_bins), diag(sig, n_spectral_bins))

  return(x + tcrossprod(u, w))

#' Simulate data without pilot data using a PPCCA model
#' @param n                the number of samples to be simulated
#' @param n_spectral_bins  the number of spectral bins considered
#' @param n_covars         the number of covariates

sim_PPCCA <- function(n, n_spectral_bins, n_covars) {

  n_latent_vars <- 2

  # the scale parameter of the prior distribution of the variance
  alpha.sigma   <- 5
  # the shape parameter of the prior distribution of the variance
  beta.sigma    <- 2 * (alpha.sigma - 1)
  bo <- c(0.5 * (alpha.sigma - 1), 0.25 * (alpha.sigma - 1))
  sig <- 1 / rgamma(1,alpha.sigma,beta.sigma)

  Alpha <- rmvnorm(n_latent_vars, rep(0, n_covars + 1), diag(3, (n_covars + 1)))

  c <- rmvnorm(n,rep(0, n_covars), diag(n_covars)) %>%
    apply(2, standardize) %>%
    cbind(1, .)

  u <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, n_latent_vars), diag(n_latent_vars)) + t(tcrossprod(Alpha, c))
  v <- 1 / rgamma(n_latent_vars, alpha.sigma, bo)
  w <- rmvnorm(n_spectral_bins, rep(0, n_latent_vars), diag(v))

  x <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, n_spectral_bins), diag(sig, n_spectral_bins))

  return(x + tcrossprod(u, w))

#' Simulate data for DPPCA without pilot data
#' @param n                the number of samples to be simulated
#' @param n_spectral_bins  the number of spectral bins considered

sim_DPPCA <- function(n, n_spectral_bins) {

  v       <- 0.1                       # v2.true
  phi     <- 0.8                       # phi.true
  eta_sd  <- sqrt(v / (1 - phi^2))     # SV model on the errors

  n_latent_dims <- 2

  # the scale parameter of the prior distribution of the variance.
  alpha.sigma <- 5
  b <- c(0.5 * (alpha.sigma - 1), 0.25 * (alpha.sigma - 1))

  rmvnorm_fun <- partial(rmvnorm, method = "svd")

  u <- rnorm(n_latent_dims, rep(0, n_latent_dims), eta_sd) %>%
    diag(n_latent_dims) %>%
    rmvnorm_fun(n, rep(0, n_latent_dims), .)

  w <- (1 / rgamma(n_latent_dims, alpha.sigma, b)) %>%
    diag(n_latent_dims) %>%
    rmvnorm_fun(n_spectral_bins, rep(0, n_latent_dims), .)

  x <- exp(rnorm(1, 0, eta_sd)) %>%
    diag(n_spectral_bins) %>%
    rmvnorm_fun(n, rep(0, n_spectral_bins), .)

  return(x + tcrossprod(u, w))

dandermotj/MetSizeR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:34 p.m.