
Defines functions RRcheck.lin RRcheck.start RRcheck.cor RRcheck.groupRatio RRcheck.rate RRcheck.pi RRcheck.param RRcheck.log RRcheck.xpgroup RRcheck.xp RRcheck.p

# check input

RRcheck.p <- function(model, p) {
  if (model %in% c("Warner", "Crosswise") &&
    (length(p) != 1 || p < 0 || p > 1 || p == 0.5)) {
    warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probability 'p'
                   has to be in [0,1] and different to 0.5"))
  } else if (model %in% c("UQTknown", "Kuk", "SLD", "CDM", "UQTunknown") &&
    (length(p) != 2 || sum(p < 0) > 0 || sum(p > 1) > 0 || p[1] == p[2])) {
    warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probability vector 'p'
                   must contain two distinct values in [0,1]"))
  } else if (model == "FR" && (sum(p < 0) > 0 || sum(p > 1) > 0 || sum(p) >= 1)) {
    warning("For the Forced Response (FR) model, 'p' must be a vector with a length
            equal to the number of response categories, containing probabilities
            in [0,1] which sum up to a value smaller than 1")
  } else if (model == "CDMsym") {
    if (length(p) != 4 || sum(p < 0) > 0 || sum(p > 1) > 0) {
      warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probability vector 'p'
                     must contain four distinct values in [0,1]. p[1]/p[2]: forced Yes/No
                     response for group 1; p[3]/p[4]: forced Yes/No response for group 2."))
    if (p[1] == p[3] || p[2] == p[4]) {
      warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probabilities must meet
                     these conditions: p[1]!=p[3]; p[2]!=p[4] (i.e., the probability of
                     forced Yes/No responses have to differ for the two groups)"))
    if (p[1] + p[2] >= 1 || p[3] + p[4] >= 1) {
      warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probabilities must meet
                     these conditions: p[1]+p[2]<1 and p[3]+p[4]<1 (i.e., the sum of
                     probabilities for a forced response has to be smaller than 1)"))
  } else if (model == "Mangat" && (length(p) != 1 || p < 0 || p > 1)) {
    warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probability 'p' has to be in [0,1]"))
  } else if (model %in% c("mix.norm") && (length(p) != 3 || p[1] < 0 || p[1] > 1)) {
    warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probability 'p' has to
                   be a vector with 3 values: p[1] = p_truth in [0,1] ;
                   p[2],p[3] = Mean, Variance of masking distribution  "))
  } else if (model %in% c("mix.exp") && (length(p) != 2 || p[1] < 0 || p[1] > 1)) {
    warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probability 'p' has to
                   be a vector with 2 values:  p[1] = p_truth in [0,1] ;
                   p[2] = Mean of masking distribution"))
  } else if (model %in% c("mix.unknown") && (length(p) != 2 || p[1] == p[2] || any(p < 0) || any(p > 1))) {
    warning(paste0("For model: '", model, "' , the randomization probability 'p' has to be a vector
                   with 2 probabilities between 0 and 1:
                   p[1] = p_truth[group==1] != p[2] = p_truth[group==2] "))
  } else if (model %in% "custom" && (any(colSums(p) != 1 | nrow(p) != ncol(p)))) {
    warning("For RR model 'custom', 'p' must be a quadratic misclassification matrix
            with columns adding up to one!")

RRcheck.xp <- function(model, y, p, vectorName) {
  RRcheck.p(model, p)
  if (model %in% c(
    "Warner", "Crosswise", "Triangular", "UQTknown",
    "UQTknown", "Mangat", "SLD", "CDM"
  ) &&
    (length(table(y)) != 2 | min(y) != 0 | max(y) != 1)) {
    warning(paste0("For the model: '", model, "' , '", vectorName, "' must be a numerical vector containing values 0 and 1"))
  } else if (model == "Kuk" && (max(y != floor(y)) || min(y) < 0 ||
    max(y) <= 0 || length(table(y)) - 1 > max(y))) {
    warning(paste0("For a single interview, '", vectorName, "' must be a numerical vector containing values 0 and 1 (1 is equivalent to naming a red card, if 'p[1]' and 'p[2]' give the proportions of red cards for participants with or without the sensitive attribute respectively. If the procedure was repeated 'm' times, 'response' contains values from 0 to 'm' (giving the number, how often a subject reported a red card)"))
  } else if (model == "FR" && (max(y != floor(y)) || length(table(y)) > length(p) ||
    min(y) < 0 || max(y) > length(p) - 1)) {
    warning(paste0("For the model: 'FR', '", vectorName, "'  must be a numerical vector containing integers 0,1,...,m-1 ('m'=number of response categories, defined by length of vector 'p')."))
  } else if (model == "custom" && (max(y != floor(y)) || length(table(y)) > ncol(p) ||
    min(y) < 0 || max(y) > ncol(p) - 1)) {
    warning(paste0("For the model: 'custom', '", vectorName, "'  must be a numerical vector containing integers 0,1,...,m-1 ('m'=number of response categories, defined by dimension of the matrix 'p')."))

RRcheck.xpgroup <- function(model, y, p, group, vectorName) {
  RRcheck.xp(model, y, p, vectorName)
  if (is2group(model)) {
    group <- as.numeric(group)
    if (missing(group) || is.null(group) ||
      length(group) != length(y) || !(length(table(group)) %in% 2:3) ||
      !(min(group) %in% 0:1) || max(group) != 2) {
      warning(paste0("The model '", model, "' requires a vector 'group' specifying the group membership
                     of each participant by 1 and 2 (numeric or factor)."))
  } else if (!(missing(group) || is.null(group))) {
    if (length(group) != length(y) || !(length(table(group)) %in% 1:2) ||
      !(min(group) %in% 0:1) || max(group) != 1) {
      warning(paste0("The model '", model, "' requires a vector 'group' specifying the group membership
                     of each participant by 0 for DQ and 1 for the RR format."))

RRcheck.log <- function(model, y, p, group, n.response, vectorName) {
  #   if (! model  %in% c("FR", "custom")){
  #     RRcheck.xp (model,y,p,vectorName)
  #   } else
  if (any(y != floor(y)) ||
    min(y) < 0 ||
    any(y > n.response) ||
    any(length(unique(y)) > n.response + 1)) {
    warning(paste0("For a logistic regression with the model 'FR'/'custom',
                   responses  must be between 0,...,n.response (default: n.response=1)."))
  RRcheck.p(model, p)
  if (is2group(model)) {
    group <- as.numeric(group)
    if (missing(group) ||
      is.null(group) ||
      length(group) != length(y) ||
      !(length(table(group)) %in% 2:3) ||
      !(min(group) %in% 0:1) ||
      max(group) != 2) {
        "The model '", model, "' requires a vector 'group' specifying",
        "the group membership of each participant by 1 and 2",
        "(numeric or factor). Additionally, the vector 'group' may",
        "contain the number 0 for participants who were given a direct question."
    } else if (length(table(group)) == 3) {
      warning("The group vector contains 3 categories, which are interpreted as",
        "follows: 0=direct answer ; 1=group 1 with randomization probability",
        "p[1] ; 2=group 2 with randomization probability p[2]",
        call. = FALSE
  } else if (!missing(group) || !is.null(group)) {
    if (length(group) != length(y) ||
      !(length(table(group)) %in% 1:2) ||
      !(min(group) %in% 0:1) ||
      max(group) != 1) {
        "The 'group' vector may contain 1 or 2 categories, which are",
        "interpreted as follows: 0=direct question format ; 1=randomized response format"

    if (length(table(group)) == 2) {
      warning("The group vector contains 2 categories, which are interpreted as",
        "follows: 0=direct question format ; 1=randomized response format",
        call. = FALSE

RRcheck.param <- function(pi) {
  pi[pi < 0] <- 0
  pi[pi > 1] <- 1

RRcheck.pi <- function(model, pi, n) {
  if (floor(n) != n || n <= 0) {
    warning("Sample size 'n' has to be an integer")
  if (model %in% c("custom", "FR")) {
    if (length(pi) == 1) {
      if (pi <= 0 | pi >= 1) {
        warning("The proportion 'pi' of the prevalence of the sensitive attribute
                (response = 1) must be within the interval (0,1)")
    } else if (sum(pi < 0) > 0 || sum(pi > 1) > 0 || sum(pi) != 1) {
      warning("For the 'FR'/'custom' model, 'pi' must be a vector with a length equal to the number of response categories, containing probabilities in [0,1] which sum up to 1")
  } else if (model %in% c("mix.norm") && (length(pi) != 2 || pi[2] <= 0)) {
    warning("For the model 'mix.norm', the true state 'pi' of the sensitive attribute is defined as pi[1] = Mean / pi[2] = Variance of the 'true' normal distrubtion.")
  } else if (model %in% c("mix.exp") && (length(pi) != 1 || pi <= 0)) {
    warning("For the model 'mix.exp', the true state 'pi' of the sensitive attribute is defined as pi[1] = Mean of the 'true' exponential distrubtion.")
  } else if (!(model %in% c("mix.norm", "mix.exp", "mix.unknown"))) {
    if (pi < 0 || pi > 1) {
      warning("True proportion 'pi' has to be in the interval [0,1]")
    if (length(pi) > 2) {
      warning("Only first entry of pi.true is used to generate data!")

RRcheck.rate <- function(rate) {
  if (rate < 0 || rate > 1 || length(rate) != 1) {
    warning("'carriersComplianceRate' and 'nonCarriersCompRate' must be in [0,1]")

RRcheck.groupRatio <- function(groupRatio) {
  if (groupRatio < 0 || groupRatio > 1 || length(groupRatio) != 1) {
    warning("'groupRatio' must be in (0,1)")

RRcheck.cor <- function(X, m, models, p.list, nameVariables, groups) {
  if (any(is.na(models))) {
    models.char <- paste(models, collapse = ", ")
    warning(paste("\nVector 'models' does not define valid models. Available models:
                  Warner, Mangat ,Kuk, FR, UQTknown, Crosswise, mix.norm, mix.exp,
                  mix.unknown, and direct (i.e., no randomization).
                  Currently defined: ", models.char))
  if (m != length(models)) {
    warning("Number of variables does not match to length of 'models'")
  if (m != length(p.list)) {
    warning("Number of variables does not match to length of 'p.list'")
  for (i in 1:m) {
    RRcheck.xp(models[i], X[, i], p.list[[i]], nameVariables[i])

  numMultiplGr <- sum(is2group(models))
  if (numMultiplGr > 0) {
    if (missing(groups) || is.null(groups)) {
      warning("Missing argument: 'groups' needed for multiple group models such as CDM, CDMsym, SLD or UQTunknown")
    if (ncol(as.matrix(groups)) != numMultiplGr) {
      warning(paste0("'groups' not correctly specified: one column for each
                     of the RR models CDM, CDMsym, UQTunknown and SLD needed"))
    if (length(table(groups)) != 2 || min(groups) != 1 || max(groups) != 2) {
      warning(paste0("'groups' not correctly specified, only 1 and 2 should be used"))
  #   else if (!is.null(groups)){
  #     warning("'groups' is ignored, no multiple group RR model specified")
  #   }

RRcheck.start <- function(model, x, start) {
  if (is2group(model)) {
    if ((ncol(x) + 1) != length(start) || sum(is.na(start)) > 0) {
      start <- NULL
        "The vector 'start' must have a length of ", ncol(x) + 1,
        " for the model ", model, ". Starting value are set to
                     default (the estimation by RRuni)."
  } else {
    if (ncol(x) != length(start) || sum(is.na(start)) > 0) {
      start <- NULL
        "The vector 'start' must have a length of ", ncol(x),
        " for the model ", model, ". Starting value are set
                     to default (the estimation by RRuni)."

RRcheck.lin <- function(y, w, u, models, p.list, group) {
  if (!is.numeric(y)) {
    warning("The dependent variable 'y' has to be numeric.")
  n <- nrow(y)
  if (nrow(w) != n) {
    warning("The RR predictors in 'w' must have the same length as the dependent variable 'y'")
  if (!(missing(u) || is.null(u)) && nrow(u) != n) {
    warning("The nonRR predictors in 'u' must have the same length as the dependent variable 'y'")
  if (length(models) != ncol(w)) {
    warning("Number of RR predictors in 'w' does not match the number specified by the vector 'models'")
  if (length(models) != length(p.list)) {
    warning("Number of RR predictors specified by the vector 'models' does not match the randomization probabilities in 'p.list'")
  if (ncol(group) != length(models) || min(group) < 0 || max(group) > 2 || max(group != floor(group))) {
    warning(paste0("'group' must have ", length(models), " columns containing 0 for DQ and 1 or 2 depending on RR group membership"))
  if (sum(models %in% c("CDM", "CDMsym")) > 0) {
    warning("The CDM and CDMsym models can not be used in the RR linear regression framework because no appropriate missclassification matrix PW can be constructed")
  for (i in 1:length(models)) {
    RRcheck.xpgroup(models[i], w[, i], p.list[[i]], group[, i], colnames(w)[i])
danheck/RRreg documentation built on Dec. 3, 2022, 7:50 p.m.