check_csranks_args <- function(coverage, cstype, stepdown, R, simul, seed){
assert_is_single_positive_integer(R, "R")
assert_is_single_probability(coverage, "coverage")
assert_is_single_positive_integer(seed, "seed", na_ok=TRUE)
assert_is_single_logical(stepdown, "stepdown")
assert_is_single_logical(simul, "simul")
assert_is_one_of(cstype, "cstype", c("two-sided", "upper", "lower"))
process_csranks_args <- function(x, Sigma, indices, na.rm){
# Do some checks and optionally handle NA values.
assert_is_numeric_vector(x, "x", na_ok=TRUE)
msg <- c("{.var Sigma} must be a numeric matrix.",
"x" = "{.var Sigma} if of {.cls {class(Sigma)}} class.")
if(is.vector(Sigma) && is.numeric(Sigma))
msg["i"] <- "Did you provide only a vector of variances? If so, use a diagonal covariance matrix."
if(nrow(Sigma) != length(x))
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var Sigma} must be a matrix with number of rows and columns equal to length of {.var x}.",
"x" = "{.var Sigma} has {nrow(Sigma)} rows, but {.var x} has length of {length(x)}."))
if(ncol(Sigma) != length(x))
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var Sigma} must be a matrix with number of rows and columns equal to length of {.var x}.",
"x" = "{.var Sigma} has {ncol(Sigma)} columns, but {.var x} has length of {length(x)}."))
indices = process_indices_argument(indices, length(x))
# remove NAs
if (na.rm) {
ind <- ! & apply(Sigma, 1, function(v) all(! & apply(Sigma, 2, function(v) all(!
x <- x[ind]
Sigma <- Sigma[ind, ind]
indices <- adjust_indices_for_NAs(indices, ind)
assert_has_no_NAs(Sigma, "Sigma")
assert_has_no_NAs(x, "x")
check_csranks_multinom_args <- function(coverage, cstype, simul, multcorr){
assert_is_single_probability(coverage, "coverage")
assert_is_single_logical(simul, "simul")
assert_is_one_of(cstype, "cstype", c("two-sided", "upper", "lower"))
assert_is_one_of(multcorr, "multcorr", c("Bonferroni", "Holm"))
process_csranks_multinom_args <- function(x, indices, na.rm){
# Do some checks and optionally handle NA values.
assert_is_integer(x, "x", na_ok=TRUE)
indices <- process_indices_argument(indices, length(x))
if (na.rm) {
ind <- !
x <- x[ind]
indices <- adjust_indices_for_NAs(indices, ind)
assert_has_no_NAs(x, "x")
if(any(x < 0)){
wrong_index <- which(x < 0)[1]
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var x} must be a vector of non negative integers.",
"x" = "{.var x[{wrong_index}]} == {x[wrong_index]} is negative."))
list(x=x, indices=indices)
check_tau <- function(tau, p){
assert_is_single_positive_integer(tau, "tau")
if(tau > p){
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {tau}} must be a single integer between 0 and {.var length(x)}.",
"x" = "{.var tau} == {tau} is larger than .{var length(x)} == {length(x)}."))
process_indices_argument <- function(indices,p){
# Do some checks and optionally handle NA values.
if (any( indices <- 1:p
assert_is_integer(indices, "indices")
if(any(indices < 0) && any(indices > 0) || any(indices == 0) || any(abs(indices) > p)){
msg <- c("{.var indices} must be a vector of integer indices of {.var x}.",
"i" = "They must be either all strictly positive or strictly negative.",
"i" = "They must be also between {.var -length(x)} and {.var length(x)}.")
if(any(indices == 0)){
zero_index <- which(indices == 0)[1]
msg["x"] <- "{.var indices[{zero_index}]} == 0."
} else if(any(indices < 0) && any(indices > 0)){
positive_index <- which(indices > 0)[1]
negative_index <- which(indices < 0)[1]
msg["x"] <- "{.var indices[{positive_index}]} == {indices[positive_index]} is positive, but {.var indices[{negative_index}]} == {indices[negative_index]} is negative."
} else {
too_large_index <- which(abs(indices) > p)[1]
msg["x"] <- "{.var indices[{too_large_index}]} == {indices[too_large_index]}, but {.var x} is of length {p}."
# Correct for negative indices
indices <- (1:p)[indices]
check_plotranking_args <- function(ranks, L, U, popnames, title, subtitle,
caption, colorbins, horizontal){
assert_is_numeric_vector(ranks, "ranks")
assert_is_integer(L, "L")
assert_is_positive(L, "L", na_ok = FALSE)
assert_is_integer(U, "U")
assert_is_positive(U, "U", na_ok = FALSE)
assert_is_between(ranks, L, U, "ranks", "L", "U")
assert_is_character(popnames, "popnames", factor_ok = TRUE)
assert_length(popnames, "popnames", length(ranks))
assert_is_character(title, "title")
assert_is_single(title, "title")
assert_is_character(subtitle, "subtitle")
assert_is_single(subtitle, "subtitle")
assert_is_character(caption, "caption")
assert_is_single(caption, "caption")
assert_is_integer(colorbins, "colorbins")
assert_is_between(colorbins, 1, length(ranks), "colorbins", "1", "length(ranks)")
process_irank_against_args <- function(x, v, omega, increasing, na.rm){
assert_is_numeric_vector(x, "x")
v <- x
assert_is_numeric_vector(v, "v")
assert_is_single_logical(na.rm, "na.rm")
assert_is_single_probability(omega, "omega")
assert_is_single_logical(increasing, "increasing")
assert_has_no_NAs(v, "v")
} else {
v <- v[!]
x <- x[!]
v <- -v
x <- -x
return(list(x=x, v=v))
check_grouping_variable <- function(object){
grouping_var_index <- get_grouping_var_index(object)
if(length(grouping_var_index) == 0) return()
grouping_var <- stats::model.frame(object)[,grouping_var_index]
grouping_var_name <- colnames(stats::model.frame(object))[grouping_var_index]
assert_is_factor(grouping_var, grouping_var_name)
actual_contrast <- object$contrasts[[grouping_var_name]]
actual_contrast <- object$contrasts[[paste0("`", grouping_var_name, "`")]]
if(actual_contrast != "contr.treatment")
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {grouping_var_name}}'s contrasts must be \"contr.treatment\".",
"x" = "{.var {grouping_var_name}}'s contrasts are \"{actual_contrast}\"."))
assert_is_between <- function(middle, lower, upper, middle_name, lower_name, upper_name){
if(!all(lower <= middle)){
wrong_index <- which(lower > middle)[1]
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {middle_name}} must be between {.var {lower_name}} and {.var {upper_name}}.",
"x" = "{.var {lower_name}[{wrong_index}]} == {lower[wrong_index]} is larger than {.var {middle_name}[{wrong_index}]} == middle[wrong_index]}."))
if(!all(middle <= upper)){
wrong_index <- which(middle > upper)[1]
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {middle_name}} must be between {.var {lower_name}} and {.var {upper_name}}.",
"x" = "{.var {upper_name}[{wrong_index}]} == {upper[wrong_index]} is smaller than {.var {middle_name}[{wrong_index}]} == middle[wrong_index]}."))
adjust_indices_for_NAs <- function(original_indices, is_not_na){
# If we are deleting NAs from x, the indices point to different entries (populations) in x than before
# We have to correct for that
all_indices <- 1:length(is_not_na)
filtered_indices <- (all_indices %in% original_indices) & is_not_na
(all_indices - cumsum(!is_not_na))[filtered_indices]
assert_is_single_positive_integer <- function(x, name, na_ok=FALSE){
assert_is_integer(x, name, na_ok)
assert_is_single(x, name)
assert_is_positive(x, name, na_ok)
assert_is_positive <- function(x, name, na_ok){
if(all( return()
x <- x[!]
if(any(x <= 0)){
msg <- c("{.var {name}} must be positive.")
negative_index <- which(x <= 0)[1]
msg["x"] <- "{.var {name}[{negative_index}]} == {x[negative_index]} <= 0."
assert_is_single_probability <- function(x, name){
assert_is_numeric_vector(x, name)
assert_is_single(x, name)
if(any(x < 0) || any(x > 1)){
msg <- c("{.var {name}} must be a probability.",
"i" = "It must be between zero and one.")
if(any(x < 0)){
negative_index <- which(x < 0)[1]
msg["x"] <- "{.var {name}[{negative_index}]} == {x[negative_index]} is below 0."
} else {
too_large_index <- which(x > 1)[1]
msg["x"] <- "{.var {name}[{too_large_index}]} == {x[too_large_index]} is above 1."
assert_is_integer <- function(x, name, na_ok=FALSE){
assert_is_numeric_vector(x, name, na_ok)
if(all( return()
x <- x[!]
deviation_from_int <- which.max(abs(x - round(x)))
max_deviation <- max(abs(x - round(x)))
if(max_deviation > 1e-10)
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be an integer vector.",
"x" = "{.var {name}[{deviation_from_int}]} = {x[deviation_from_int]} is not an integer."))
assert_is_numeric_vector <- function(x, name, na_ok=FALSE){
assert_is_vector(x, name)
if(!(is.numeric(x) || all( && na_ok))
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be a numeric vector.",
"x" = "{.var {name}} is of {.cls {typeof(x)}} type."))
assert_is_single <- function(x, name){
assert_length(x, name, 1)
assert_length <- function(x, name, length){
if(length(x) != length)
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be of length {length}.",
"x" = "{.var {name}} is of length {length(x)}."))
assert_equal_length <- function(..., names){
args <- list(...)
lengths <- sapply(args, function(v){
is_equal <- lengths[1] == lengths
i <- which(!is_equal)[1]
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {names}} must be of equal length.",
"x" = "{.var {names[i]}} is of length {lengths[i]}, but {.var {names[1]}} is of length {lengths[1]}."))
assert_is_single_logical <- function(x, name){
assert_is_vector(x, name)
assert_is_single(x, name)
if(!is.logical(x) || # single NA is a logical for R. Tri-valued logic
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be a single logical.",
"x" = "{.var {name}} is of {.cls {typeof(x)}} type."))
assert_is_one_of <- function(x, name, choices){
assert_is_vector(x, name)
assert_is_single(x, name)
if(!is.character(x) ||
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be one of: {paste(choices, collapse=', ')}",
"x" = "{.var {name}} is of {.cls {typeof(x)}} type."))
if(!x %in% choices){
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be one of: {paste(choices, collapse=', ')}",
"x" = "{.var {name} is {x}}"))
assert_is_character <- function(x, name, factor_ok = FALSE){
assert_is_vector(x, name)
if(!(is.character(x) || factor_ok && is.factor(x)))
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be a character.",
"x" = "{.var {name}} is of {.cls {typeof(x)}} type."))
assert_has_no_NAs(x, name)
assert_is_factor <- function(x, name){
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be a factor.",
"x" = "{.var {name}} is of {.cls {typeof(x)}} type, {.cls {class(x)}} class."))
assert_has_no_NAs <- function(x, name){
na_indices <- utils::head(which(
cli::cli_abort("NA values found in {.var {name}} at positions {paste(na_indices, collapse=', ')}.")
assert_is_vector <- function(x, name){
AsIs_index <- which(class(x) == "AsIs")
original_x_class <- class(x)
if(length(AsIs_index) > 0){
class(x) <- class(x)[-AsIs_index]
if(!is.atomic(x) || !is.vector(x) && !is.factor(x))
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var {name}} must be a vector.",
"x" = "{.var {name}} is of {.cls {class(x)}} class."))
class(x) <- original_x_class
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