
Defines functions frank_against frank count_lequal_lesser irank_against irank

Documented in frank frank_against irank irank_against

#' Compute ranks
#' Compute integer of fractional ranks with flexible handling of ties.
#' @param x vector of values to be ranked
#' @param omega numeric value in \[0,1\], defining how ties in \code{x} (if any) are handled; default is \code{0}. See Details.
#' @param increasing logical; if \code{FALSE} (default), then large elements in \code{x} receive a small rank. Otherwise, large elements in \code{x} receive a large rank.
#' @param na.rm logical; if \code{TRUE}, then \code{NA}'s are removed from \code{x}. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @details 
#' `irank` implements all possible definitions of ranks of the values in \code{x}. Different definitions of the ranks are chosen through combinations of the two arguments
#' \code{omega} and \code{increasing}. Suppose \code{x} is of length \eqn{p}. If \code{increasing=TRUE}, then the largest value in \code{x} receives the rank \eqn{p} and the smallest
#' the rank \eqn{1}. If \code{increasing=FALSE}, then the largest value in \code{x} receives the rank \eqn{1} and the smallest
#' the rank \eqn{p}.
#' The value of \code{omega} indicates how ties are handled. If there are no ties in \code{x}, then the value of \code{omega} does not affect the ranks and the only choice to be made is whether 
#' the ranks should be increasing or decreasing with the values in \code{x}. When there are ties in \code{x}, however, then there are infinitely
#' many possible ranks that can be assigned to a tied value. 
#' When \code{increasing=TRUE}, then \code{omega=0} leads to the smallest possible and \code{omega=1} to the largest possible rank of a tied value. Values of \code{omega} between 
#' 0 and 1 lead to values of the rank between the largest and smallest.
#' @return Numeric vector of the same length as \code{x} containing the integer (for `irank`) or fractional (for `frank`) ranks.
#' @examples
#' # simple example without ties:
#' x <- c(3,8,-4,10,2)
#' irank(x, increasing=TRUE)
#' irank(x, increasing=FALSE)
#' # since there are no ties, the value of omega has no impact:
#' irank(x, increasing=TRUE, omega=0)
#' irank(x, increasing=TRUE, omega=0.5)
#' irank(x, increasing=TRUE, omega=1)
#' # simple example with ties:
#' x <- c(3,4,7,7,10,11,15,15,15,15)
#' irank(x, increasing=TRUE, omega=0) # smallest possible ranks
#' irank(x, increasing=TRUE, omega=0.5) # mid-ranks
#' irank(x, increasing=TRUE, omega=1) # largest possible ranks
#' @export
irank <- function(x, omega=0, increasing=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE) {
  irank_against(x, x, omega=omega, increasing=increasing, na.rm=na.rm)

#' Compute integer ranks in another reference vector
#' The method \code{\link{irank}} compares ranks using the same vector as reference.
#' `irank_against` returns integer ranks, that values from \code{x} would assume if (individually)
#' inserted into \code{v}. `frank_against` acts analogously, returning fractional ranks.
#' @param x numeric query vector.
#' @param v numeric reference vector.
#' @inheritParams irank
#' @details 
#' It's useful to think about `frank_against(x,v)` as a generalization of Empirical Cumulative 
#' Distribution Function, created for `v` and evaluated for points in `x`. 
#' `frank_agaist(x,v,increasing=TRUE,omega=1)` is identical
#' to `ecdf(v)(x)`. 
#' `increasing` switches the inequality sign in ECDF definition from 
#' \eqn{F_V(t) = \hat P(V <= t)} to \eqn{\hat P(V >= t)}. 
#' `omega=0` introduces the strict inequality (\eqn{\hat P(V < t)} instead of \eqn{\hat P(V <= t)}). 
#' Any `omega` in between is a weighted average of the cases `omega=1` and `omega=0`.
#' Finally, `irank_against` is equal to `frank_against` multiplied by the `length(v)`.
#' This particular choice of default parameters was made for compatibility with default parameters of 
#' `irank` and `frank`. `irank(x)` is always equal to `irank_against(x,x)` and `frank(x)` is always equal to `frank_against(x,x)`.
#' @return Numeric vector of the same length as \code{x} containing the integer (for `irank_against`) or fractional (for `frank_against`) ranks.
#' @examples 
#' irank_against(1:10, c(4,4,4,3,1,10,7,7))
#' @seealso [irank()], [ecdf()]
#' @export
irank_against <- function(x, v, omega=0, increasing=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE){
  l <- process_irank_against_args(x=x, v=v, omega=omega, increasing=increasing, na.rm=na.rm)
  x <- l$x; v <- l$v
  n_lequal_lesser <- count_lequal_lesser(x, v)
  out <- omega * n_lequal_lesser$n_lequal + (1-omega) * n_lequal_lesser$n_lesser + 
    1 - omega
  names(out) <- names(x)

#' Compute minimum and maximum integer ranks in another reference vector
#' For each element of query vector x:
#'     count, how many observations in the reference vector v are lesser 
#'     (returned in n_lesser element)
#'     and lower or equal (returned in n_lequal element) than this element.
#' @param v If NULL - set it as x. An often usecase.
#' @return A list with 2 (or 3 in case of return_inverse_ranking) elements.
#' @noRd
count_lequal_lesser <- function(x, v=NULL, return_inverse_ranking=FALSE){
    v <- x
  assert_has_no_NAs(v, "v")
  ranking <- order(v)
  n_lower_or_equal <- findInterval(x, v[ranking], left.open = FALSE)
  n_lower <- findInterval(x, v[ranking], left.open = TRUE)
  out <- list(n_lequal=stats::setNames(n_lower_or_equal, NULL), 
       n_lesser=stats::setNames(n_lower, NULL))

#' @rdname irank
#' @details
#' `frank` takes the ranking returned by \code{irank} and divides the result by \code{length(x)}. The result is a ranking with 
#' ranks in the interval \[0,1\]. An important special case occurs for \code{increasing=TRUE} and \code{omega=1}: in this case, the rank 
#' of the value \code{x[j]} is equal to the empirical cdf of \code{x} evaluated at \code{x[j]}.
#' @examples
#' # simple example of fractional ranks without ties:
#' x <- c(3,8,-4,10,2)
#' frank(x, increasing=TRUE)
#' frank(x, increasing=FALSE)
#' @export
frank <- function(x, omega=0, increasing=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE) 
  return(frank_against(x, x, omega, increasing, na.rm))

#' @rdname irank_against
#' @export
frank_against <- function(x, v, omega=0, increasing=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE){
    l <- sum(!is.na(v))
  } else
    l <- length(v)
  out <- irank_against(x, v, omega, increasing, na.rm)
  return(out / l)
danielwilhelm/R-CS-ranks documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 4:18 p.m.