### lmranks ###
test_that("lmranks and by-hand calculations provide same results",{
df <- mtcars[1:10,]
model <- lmranks(r(mpg) ~ r(hp) + disp + cyl + 1, data=df)
expected_response <- c(0.6, 0.6, 0.9, 0.7, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.4)
expected_model.matrix <- matrix(c(
1, 0.7, 160.0, 6,
1, 0.7, 160.0, 6,
1, 0.2, 108.0, 4,
1, 0.7, 258.0, 6,
1, 0.9, 360.0, 8,
1, 0.4, 225.0, 6,
1, 1.0, 360.0, 8,
1, 0.1, 146.7, 4,
1, 0.3, 140.8, 4,
1, 0.8, 167.6, 6
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 10)
expected_coef <- solve(t(expected_model.matrix) %*% expected_model.matrix) %*%
t(expected_model.matrix) %*% expected_response
test_that("lmranks and lm provide coherent results", {
Y <- c(3,1,2,4,5)
y_frank <- c(0.6, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0)
X <- 1:5
omega <- 0.5
x_frank <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0)
W <- c(1,3,2,5,4)
rank_m <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X) + W)
raw_rank_m <- unclass(rank_m)
raw_rank_m$call <- as.character(raw_rank_m$call)
raw_rank_m$terms <- NULL
attr(raw_rank_m$model, "terms") <- NULL
raw_rank_m$omega <- NULL
raw_rank_m$rank_terms_indices <- NULL
m <- lm(y_frank ~ x_frank + W)
expected_m <- unclass(m)
expected_m$df.residual <- NA
expected_m$call <- as.character(str2lang("lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X) + W)"))
expected_m$terms <- NULL
expected_m$ranked_response <- TRUE
attr(expected_m$model, "terms") <- NULL
names(expected_m$coefficients)[2] <- "r(X)"
names(expected_m$effects)[2] <- "r(X)"
dimnames(expected_m$qr$qr)[[2]][2] <- "r(X)"
colnames(expected_m$model)[1:2] <- c("r(Y)", "r(X)")
expect_equal(raw_rank_m, expected_m)
test_that("lmranks falls back to lm in no rank case", {
expect_warning(m <- lmranks(mpg ~ disp + cyl, data=mtcars),
"no ranked terms")
m2 <- stats::lm(mpg~disp + cyl, data=mtcars)
expect_equivalent(m, m2)
test_that("lmranks correctly estimates rank correlation", {
# continuous X and Y should produce identical rank correlation estimates
X <- rnorm(100)
Y <- X + rnorm(100)
for (omega in c(0, 0.5, 1)) {
RY <- frank(Y, omega=omega, increasing=TRUE)
RX <- frank(X, omega=omega, increasing=TRUE)
rcorr <- cor(RY, RX)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X), omega=omega)
rcorr.lmranks <- coef(res)[2]
names(rcorr.lmranks) <- NULL
expect_equal(rcorr, rcorr.lmranks)
# discrete X and Y should produce identical estimates after rescaling
X <- rbinom(100, 5, 0.5)
Y <- X + rbinom(100, 2, 0.5)
for (omega in c(0, 0.5, 1)) {
RY <- frank(Y, omega=omega, increasing=TRUE)
RX <- frank(X, omega=omega, increasing=TRUE)
rcorr <- cor(RY, RX)
res <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X), omega=omega)
rcorr.lmranks <- coef(res)[2] * sd(RX) / sd(RY)
names(rcorr.lmranks) <- NULL
expect_equal(rcorr, rcorr.lmranks)
test_that("lmranks raises error if NA is encountered in data", {
mtcars[5, "disp"] <- NA
expect_error(lmranks(r(mpg) ~ r(hp) + disp, data=mtcars), "missing values")
test_that("process_lmranks_formula catches illegal formulas", {
expect_error(process_lmranks_formula("y ~ x + w"))
expect_error(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) + r(w)))
expect_error(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) * w))
expect_error(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) + r(x):w + w))
expect_error(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x):w:z + w))
expect_error(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x):w + z))
expect_silent(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) + w))
expect_silent(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G))
expect_silent(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x):G))
expect_silent(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x):G + G))
expect_silent(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x):G - 1))
test_that("process_lmranks_formula returns correct indices", {
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) + w)$rank_terms_indices,
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ w * z + r(x))$rank_terms_indices,
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ w + z + w:z + r(x))$rank_terms_indices,
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ w * z + r(x) - z)$rank_terms_indices,
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ w * z)$rank_terms_indices,
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G - 1)$rank_terms_indices,
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G)$rank_terms_indices,
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G + G)$rank_terms_indices,
test_that("process_lmranks_formula returns correct ranked_response flag", {
expect_true(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) + w)$ranked_response)
expect_false(process_lmranks_formula(y ~ r(x) + w)$ranked_response)
test_that("process_lmranks_formula returns corrected formula", {
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) + w:G)$formula,
r(y) ~ r(x) + w:G)
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G - 1)$formula,
r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G - 1)
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G)$formula,
r(y) ~ r(x):G + w:G + G - 1)
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G + G - 1)$formula,
r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G + G - 1)
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ (r(x) + w):G + G)$formula,
r(y) ~ r(x):G + w:G + G - 1)
test_that("process_lmranks_formula env to formula", {
env <- new.env()
actual <- process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) + w, env)$formula
actual <- process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x):G, env)$formula
actual <- process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x):G - 1, env)$formula
test_that("process_lmranks_formula returns correct index for simplest fits", {
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x) - 1),
list(rank_terms_indices = 1,
ranked_response = TRUE,
formula = r(y) ~ r(x) - 1))
expect_equal(process_lmranks_formula(r(y) ~ r(x)),
list(rank_terms_indices = 1,
ranked_response = TRUE,
formula = r(y) ~ r(x)))
test_that("prepare_lm_call works", {
input_call <- str2lang("lmranks(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data)")
expected_call <- str2lang("stats::lm(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data,
input_call <- str2lang("lmranks(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data, omega=omega)")
expected_call <- str2lang("stats::lm(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data,
input_call <- str2lang("lmranks(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data, na.rm=na.rm)")
expected_call <- str2lang("stats::lm(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data,
test_that("prepare_lm_call catches unsupported arguments", {
input_call <- str2lang("lmranks(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data, subset=x>0)")
expect_error(prepare_lm_call(input_call), "subset")
input_call <- str2lang("lmranks(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data, weights=w)")
expect_error(prepare_lm_call(input_call), "weights")
input_call <- str2lang("lmranks(r(y) ~ r(x) + W, data=data, na.action=na.omit)")
expect_error(prepare_lm_call(input_call), "na.action")
test_that("create_env_to_interpret_r_mark has a correct parent env", {
expected_parent_env <- new.env()
caller_env <- new.env(parent = expected_parent_env)
envir = expected_parent_env)
created_env <- eval(quote(wrapper(0.4)), envir = expected_parent_env)
expect_reference(parent.env(created_env), expected_parent_env)
test_that("create_env_to_interpret_r_mark has correct contents", {
expected_env_contents <- list(.r_predict = FALSE,
.r_cache = list(),
r = function(x, increasing=TRUE){})
created_env <- create_env_to_interpret_r_mark(omega=0.4)
actual_env_contents <- as.list(created_env, all.names = TRUE)
expect_equal(actual_env_contents[c(".r_predict", ".r_cache")],
expected_env_contents[c(".r_predict", ".r_cache")])
test_that("create_env_to_interpret_r_mark's r function behaves correctly in fitting", {
x_1 <- c(4,4,4,3,1,10,7,7)
expected_r_output <- c(0.475, 0.475, 0.475, 0.250, 0.125, 1.000, 0.800, 0.800)
wrapper <- function(omega){create_env_to_interpret_r_mark(omega=omega)}
created_env <- wrapper(0.4)
actual_r_output <- eval(quote(r(x_1)), created_env)
expect_equal(actual_r_output, expected_r_output)
expected_r_output_om0 <- c(0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.250, 0.125, 1.000, 0.750, 0.750)
created_env <- wrapper(0)
actual_r_output <- eval(quote(r(x_1)), created_env)
expect_equal(actual_r_output, expected_r_output_om0)
expected_r_output_om1 <- c(0.625, 0.625, 0.625, 0.25, 0.125, 1.0, 0.875, 0.875)
created_env <- wrapper(1)
actual_r_output <- eval(quote(r(x_1)), created_env)
expect_equal(actual_r_output, expected_r_output_om1)
test_that("create_env_to_interpret_r_mark's r function behaves correctly in prediction", {
x_1 <- c(4,4,4,3,1,10,7,7)
x_pred <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,10,11)
expected_r_output <- ecdf(x_1)(x_pred)
wrapper <- function(omega){create_env_to_interpret_r_mark(omega=omega)}
created_env <- wrapper(1.0)
assign(".r_cache", list(x_pred = x_1), envir = created_env)
assign(".r_predict", TRUE, envir = created_env)
actual_r_output <- eval(quote(r(x_pred)), created_env)
expect_equal(actual_r_output, expected_r_output)
test_that("create_env_to_interpret_r_mark's r function handles NA in prediction", {
x_1 <- c(4,4,4,3,1,10,7,7)
x_pred <- c(0,1,NA,3,4,5,7,NA,10,11)
expected_r_output <- ecdf(x_1)(x_pred)
wrapper <- function(omega, na.rm){create_env_to_interpret_r_mark(omega=omega)}
created_env <- wrapper(1.0)
assign(".r_cache", list(x_pred = x_1), envir = created_env)
assign(".r_predict", TRUE, envir = created_env)
actual_r_output <- eval(quote(r(x_pred)), created_env)
expect_equal(actual_r_output, expected_r_output)
test_that("omega argument is passed further correctly", {
Y <- c(4,4,4,3,1,10,7,7)
y_frank <- c(0.475, 0.475, 0.475, 0.250, 0.125, 1.000, 0.800, 0.800)
X <- 1:8
W <- matrix(c(1,4,3,2,5,8,7,6), ncol = 1)
rank_m <- lmranks(r(Y) ~ r(X) + W, omega = 0.4, y = TRUE)
names(rank_m$y) <- NULL
expect_equal(rank_m$y, y_frank)
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