Man pages for danjlawson/badMIXTURE
Validating Structure With Chromosome Painting

aggregrateDataForKAggregate a matrix of dimension M to dimension K by taking...
arisim_marginalisationAri-like Simulated genetic data for the Marginalisation...
arisim_recentAri-like Simulated genetic data for the Recent Admixture...
arisim_remnantsAri-like Simulated genetic data for the Remnants Scenario
arisimsmallSmall dataset for experimentation
badMIXTURE-packageCompare admixture estimates from STRUCTURE-like programs to...
compareMixtureToDataCompare a mixture solution to some data.
compareMixtureToDataDirectCompare a mixture solution to some data, without reordering...
dendrogramHeightsFind all of the unique heights of a dendrogram at which it...
idsToListConvert an ID table into a population list
MakeColorRYWGBMake a colour palette moving from Red to Yellow to White to...
MakeColorWYRPBMake a colour palette moving from White to Yellow to Red to...
MakeColorYRPMake a colour palette moving from Yellow to Red to Purple
matColMeansAggregate a matrix by taking column means
matColSumsAggregate a matrix by taking column sums
mixPainterFind and test mixPainter binaries
mixturePlotPlot a mixture fit vs the data.
oneByOnePredictionObtain a prediction for the ancestral clusters, removing...
popDendRelabelMembersRelabel a dendrogram based on IDs
readChunkcountsLoad a chunkcounts matrix from chromopainter
readQLoad an ADMIXTURE Q file
reorderQReorder a Q matrix into the order that we
rgbDistColsObtain a colour palette for a matrix using multi-dimensional...
uniqueCutHeightsFind all of the unique heights of a dendrogram at which it...
danjlawson/badMIXTURE documentation built on Sept. 27, 2019, 9:11 p.m.