
REAL <- !TRUE # to avoid having to click whilst writing code
## install.packages("rgeos")

#' Ensure that vector starts and ends with NA
#' @param x a vector
#' @return a vector that matches x except for possible addition of NAs at endpoints
NAendpoints <- function(x) {
    if (![1]))
        x <- c(NA, x)
    if (![length(x)]))
        x <- c(x, NA)

data(coastlineWorldFine, package="ocedata")
cllon <- coastlineWorldFine[["longitude"]]
cllat <- coastlineWorldFine[["latitude"]]
norig <- length(cllon)
if (!interactive()) png("05.png", res=150, width=7, height=7, unit="in")
par(mfrow=c(2, 1), mar=rep(1, 4))
requireNamespace("raster") # we only need a few functions and I prefer to name them
if (REAL) {
    mtext("Click twice to define a box", font=2, col=2)
    bb <- locator(2)
    W <- min(bb$x)
    E <- max(bb$x)
    S <- min(bb$y)
    N <- max(bb$y)
} else {
    W <- -70.79
    E <- -61.79
    S <- 39.56
    N <- 53.42
    ## DK: testing effect of moving the boundary
    N <- N + 10
    E <- E + 5
    W <- W - 2
box <- as(raster::extent(W, E, S, N), "SpatialPolygons")
lines(c(W, W, E, E, W), c(S, N, N, S, S), col="magenta")

owarn <- options("warn")$warn
EWdel <- 0.1 * (E - W)
NSdel <- 0.1 * (N - S)
plot(as.coastline(c(E-EWdel, W+EWdel), c(S-NSdel, N+NSdel)), type="n")
col <- 0
na <- which(
nseg <- length(na)
nnew <- 0
outlon <- NULL
outlat <- NULL
for (iseg in 2:nseg) {
    look <-[iseg-1]+1, na[iseg]-1)
    lon <- cllon[look]
    if (any( stop("step 1: double lon NA at iseg=", iseg) # checks ok on coastlineWorld
    lat <- cllat[look]
    if (any( stop("step 1: double lat NA at iseg=", iseg) # checks ok on coastlineWorld
    n <- length(lon)
    if (n < 1) stop("how can we have no data?")
    if (length(lon) > 1) {
        A <- sp::Polygon(cbind(lon, lat))
        B <- sp::Polygons(list(A), "A")
        C <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(B))
        i <- raster::intersect(box, C)
        if (!is.null(i)) {
            for (j in seq_along(i@polygons)) {
                for (k in seq_along(i@polygons[[1]]@Polygons)) {
                    xy <- i@polygons[[j]]@Polygons[[k]]@coords
                    seglon <- xy[, 1]
                    seglat <- xy[, 2]
                    nnew <- nnew + length(seglon)
                    outlon <- c(outlon, NA, seglon)
                    outlat <- c(outlat, NA, seglat)
                    polygon(seglon, seglat, col=col+1)
                    cat("iseg=", iseg, ", j=", j, ", k=", k, ": plotted in col=", col+1, "\n", sep="")
                    col <- (col + 1) %% 8
lines(cllon, cllat, lwd=1/2)
lines(c(W, W, E, E, W), c(S, N, N, S, S), col="magenta")
coastline <- as.coastline(outlon, outlat)
save(coastline, file="coastline.rda")
mtext(sprintf("W=%.2f E=%.2f S=%.2f N=%.2f; shrinkage factor=%.1f; saved 'coastline.rda'",
              W, E, S, N, norig/length(outlon)), font=2, cex=0.9, line=1, col=2)
if (!interactive())
dankelley/oce documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:59 a.m.