
# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4


# The files used here are in the possession of Dan Kelley, but cannot
# be shared with anyone else, since they were provided to him in
# confidence, to help with testing.
# 1. The first test file (creating object d1) is checked against results
# from a Matlab non-public script, as well as against some values inferred
# from the header.  There is a fair amount of guessing on tests against
# the header, since the main code of read.adp.ad2cp() focusses on the
# binary data, and so most of the study, so far, has been of the
# documentation for those data.
# 2. blankingDistance is tricky, and requires discussion.  In the next numbered
# paragraph are my notes prior to 2022-08-29.  But on that date, I learned
# that the Nortek software has a bug for echosounder type (0x1c), in that the
# value of what I call blankingDistanceInCm is *incorrect*, and is (I think)
# always FALSE.  I guess the software will change at some point but then
# old files will still be wrong.  I decided to just take Nortek at its word
# and assume that echosounder=0x1c will *always* report blankingDistance
# in mm.  Still, I am retaining the next paragraph because it might be useful.
#' 3. (read 2 first!) Note that the files cover 2 cases of blankingDistance, which
# can be in cm units in the file, or in mm units. The mm unit had to be
# inferred by inspection of the file headers, since the Nortek
# documentation is not clear; reference 1 table 6.1.2 on page 49
# suggests blankingDistance is in cm if status[2,] (that is, bit 1 in
# the Nortek count-from-0 notation) is 0x01, but there is no indication of the
# unit used, if status[2,] is 0x00, and the assumption of mm in that
# case is based on examination of header information. To see the bits
# in status[2,], use read.adp.ad2cp(..., debug=1). UPDATE: 2022-07-22
# I am trying to use this status bit but something is just plain wrong.
# The file has 2000 stored, so assuming cm gives 20m, which seems wrong
# and also the header says 2.000 for BD. Since Nortek (2022) has multiple
# errors, I am going to go with what BD says, and I will assume that
# the 1 means in mm, not in cm.
# 1. Nortek AS. \dQuote{Signature Integration 55|250|500|1000kHz.} Nortek AS, 2017.

f1 <- "~/Dropbox/oce_secret_data/ad2cp/secret1_trimmed.ad2cp"
f2 <- "~/Dropbox/oce_secret_data/ad2cp/secret2_trimmed.ad2cp"
f3 <- "~/Dropbox/oce_secret_data/ad2cp/secret3_trimmed.ad2cp"
#f4 <- "~/Dropbox/oce_secret_data/ad2cp/byg_trimmed.ad2cp"
#f5 <- "~/Dropbox/oce_secret_data/ad2cp/med_trimmed.ad2cp"
#   > read.oce(f1)
#     IDhex IDdec    name occurance
#   1  0x15    21   burst        88
#   2  0x16    22 average        11
#   3  0xa0   160    text         1
#   > read.oce(f2)
#     IDhex IDdec  name occurance
#   1  0x15    21 burst        99
#   2  0xa0   160  text         1
#   > read.oce(f3)
#     IDhex IDdec             name occurance
#   1  0x15    21            burst        50
#   2  0x18    24 interleavedBurst        49
#   3  0xa0   160             text         1

if (file.exists(f1)) {
    test_that("'dataType' works for 0x16, 24, and \"average\"",
                d1 <- read.oce(f1, dataType="average"),
                "setting plan=0")
            expect_equal(11L, length(d1[["time"]]))
                d2 <- read.oce(f1, dataType=22),
                "setting plan=0")
                d3 <- read.oce(f1, dataType="average"),
                "setting plan=0")
            expect_equal(d1@data, d2@data)
            expect_equal(d1@data, d3@data)

    test_that("read.adp.ad2cp() on a private AD2CP file that has 'average' and 'burst' data",
            # FIXME: handle 0x15
            average <- read.adp.ad2cp(f1, 1, 100, 1, dataType="average", plan=0)
            burst <- read.adp.ad2cp(f1, 1, 100, 1, dataType="burst", plan=0)
            expect_error(read.adp.ad2cp(f1, 1, 100, 1, dataType="average", plan=10),
                "there are no data for plan=10; try one of the following values instead: 1 0")
            expect_message(d1 <- read.adp.ad2cp(f1, 1, 100, 1, dataType="average"),
                "setting plan=0, the most common value in this file")
            # regression tests
                c("nominalCorrelation", "ensemble", "time", "soundSpeed",
                    "temperature", "pressure", "heading", "pitch", "roll",
                    "magnetometer", "accelerometer", "temperatureMagnetometer",
                    "temperatureRTC", "transmitEnergy", "powerLevel", "distance",
                    "v", "a", "q", "AHRS"))
                c("nominalCorrelation", "ensemble", "time", "soundSpeed",
                    "temperature", "pressure", "heading", "pitch", "roll",
                    "magnetometer", "accelerometer", "temperatureMagnetometer",
                    "temperatureRTC", "transmitEnergy", "powerLevel", "distance",
                    "v", "a", "q", "AHRS"))
            expect_equal(average[["type"]], "Signature1000")
            expect_equal(average[["type"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "ID", "STR", FALSE))
            expect_equal(average[["fileType"]], "AD2CP")
            expect_equal(average[["serialNumber"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "ID", "SN"))
            expect_equal(burst[["type"]], "Signature1000")
            expect_equal(burst[["type"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "ID", "STR", FALSE))
            expect_equal(burst[["fileType"]], "AD2CP")
            expect_equal(burst[["serialNumber"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "ID", "SN"))
            expect_equal(burst[["oceCoordinate"]], "beam")
            expect_equal(average[["cellSize"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETAVG", "CS"))
            expect_equal(average[["blankingDistance"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETAVG", "BD"))
            expect_equal(average[["oceCoordinate"]], tolower(ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETAVG", "CY", FALSE)))
            expect_equal(burst[["cellSize"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETBURSTHR", "CS"))
            expect_equal(burst[["blankingDistance"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETBURSTHR", "BD"))
            # FIXME: the next uses GETBURST, not GETBURSTHR. I do not understand the format
            expect_equal(burst[["oceCoordinate"]], tolower(ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETBURST", "CY", FALSE)))
            # FIXME: the next tests will fail if we store AHRS as 3D array
            # >> Data.BurstHR_AHRSRotationMatrix(1,:)
            expect_equal(burst[["AHRS"]]$rotationMatrix[1, , ],
                matrix(c(0.060653746, -0.37823972, -0.92368418, 0.31505784,
                        -0.87079191, 0.37727141, -0.94709891, -0.31389475,
                        0.066413939), byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)) # byrow because numbers are from matlab output
            # >> load labtestsig3.ad2cp.00000_1.mat
            expect_equal(burst[["numberOfBeams"]], 1)
            expect_equal(burst[["numberOfBeams"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETBURST", "NB"))
            expect_equal(burst[["numberOfCells"]], 256)
            expect_equal(burst[["numberOfCells"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETBURSTHR", "NC"))
            expect_equal(average[["numberOfBeams"]], 4)
            expect_equal(average[["numberOfBeams"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETAVG1", "NB"))
            expect_equal(average[["numberOfCells"]], 150)
            expect_equal(average[["numberOfCells"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(d1, "GETAVG1", "NC"))
            # > Data.BurstHR_EnsembleCount(1:10)
            ensembleMatlab <- c(969, 970, 971, 972, 973,
                974, 975, 976, 977, 978)
            expect_equal(burst[["ensemble"]][1:10], ensembleMatlab)
            #> Data.Average_EnsembleCount
            # timestamps
            # >> format long
            # >> Data.Average_TimeStamp(1:10)
            secAverageMatlab <- 1e9*c(1.490564521063300, 1.490564522063300, 1.490564523063300,
                1.490564524063300, 1.490564525063300, 1.490564526063300,
                1.490564527063300, 1.490564528063300, 1.490564529063300,
            timeAverageMatlab <- numberAsPOSIXct(secAverageMatlab)
            expect_equal(average[["time"]][1:10], timeAverageMatlab)
            # >> format long
            # >> Data.BurstHR_TimeStamp(1:10)
            secBurstMatlab <- 1e9*c(1.490564521001000, 1.490564521125800, 1.490564521251000,
                1.490564521376000, 1.490564521501000, 1.490564521626000,
                1.490564521751000, 1.490564521876000, 1.490564522001000,
            timeBurstMatlab <- numberAsPOSIXct(secBurstMatlab)
            expect_equal(burst[["time"]][1:10], timeBurstMatlab)
            #>> Data.BurstHR_TransmitEnergy(1:10)
            expect_equal(burst[["transmitEnergy"]][1:10], c(4, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0))
            #>> Data.Average_TransmitEnergy(1:10)
            expect_equal(average[["transmitEnergy"]][1:10], c(82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82))

            # >> Data.Average_Pressure(1:10)
            pressureAverageMatlab <- c(10.259, 10.260, 10.262, 10.262, 10.258,
                10.260, 10.261, 10.256, 10.259, 10.261)
            expect_equal(average[["pressure"]][1:10], pressureAverageMatlab)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_Pressure(1:10)
            pressureBurstMatlab <- c(10.260, 10.258, 10.264, 10.261, 10.263,
                10.260, 10.260, 10.261, 10.259, 10.259)
            expect_equal(burst[["pressure"]][1:10], pressureBurstMatlab)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_WaterTemperature(1:10)
            temperatureMatlab <- c(24.010, 24.000, 24.010, 24.010, 24.010,
                24.010, 24.010, 24.010, 24.010, 24.000)
            expect_equal(burst[["temperature"]][1:10], temperatureMatlab)
            # > Data.AverageHR_MagnetometerTemperature(1:10)
            temperatureMagAvgMatlab <- c(25.8920, 25.8920, 25.8920, 25.8450, 25.8920,
                25.8450, 25.8920, 25.8450, 25.8920, 25.8450)
            expect_equal(average[["temperatureMagnetometer"]][1:10], temperatureMagAvgMatlab)
            # > Data.AverageHR_RTCTemperature(1:10)
            temperatureRTCAverageMatlab <- c(28.5000, 28.5000, 28.7500, 28.7500, 28.7500,
                28.7500, 28.7500, 28.7500, 28.7500, 28.7500)
            expect_equal(average[["temperatureRTC"]][1:10], temperatureRTCAverageMatlab)
            # > Data.BurstHR_MagnetometerTemperature(1:10)
            temperatureMagBurstMatlab <- c(25.7980, 25.8450, 25.9390, 25.8920, 25.8450,
                25.7510, 25.7980, 25.8920, 25.8450, 25.7980)
            expect_equal(burst[["temperatureMagnetometer"]][1:10], temperatureMagBurstMatlab)
            # > Data.BurstHR_RTCTemperature(1:10)
            temperatureRTCBurstMatlab <- c(28.500, 28.500, 28.500, 28.500, 28.500,
                28.500, 28.500, 28.500, 28.500, 28.500)
            expect_equal(burst[["temperatureRTC"]][1:10], temperatureRTCBurstMatlab)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_Heading(1:10)
            headingMatlab <- c(10.890, 10.910, 10.920, 10.980, 10.960,
                10.910, 10.900, 10.900, 10.900, 10.900)
            expect_equal(burst[["heading"]][1:10], headingMatlab)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_Pitch(1:10)
            pitchMatlab <- c(-71.280, -71.280, -71.270, -71.280, -71.280,
                -71.280, -71.270, -71.270, -71.270, -71.270)
            expect_equal(burst[["pitch"]][1:10], pitchMatlab)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_ROll(1:10)
            rollMatlab <- c(-78.050, -78.080, -78.080, -78.090, -78.090,
                -78.080, -78.080, -78.080, -78.080, -78.080)
            expect_equal(burst[["roll"]][1:10], rollMatlab)
            # >> Data.Average_CellSize
            # ans = single 0.2000
            expect_equal(average[["cellSize"]], 0.2)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_CellSize(1)
            # ans = single 0.0200
            expect_equal(burst[["cellSize"]], 0.02)
            # >> Data.Alt_Average_CellSize(1)
            # ans = single 0.2000
            # >> Data.Alt_BurstHR_CellSize(1)
            # ans = single 0.0500
            # >> Data.Average_Blanking(1)
            # ans = 0.1000
            expect_equal(average[["blankingDistance"]], 0.1)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_Blanking(1)
            # ans = 2.8000
            expect_equal(burst[["blankingDistance"]], 2.8)
            # >> Data.Alt_BurstHR_Blanking(1)
            # ans = 0.1000
            # >> Data.Alt_Average_Blanking(1)
            # ans = 0.1000
            beam2xyzAverageMatlab <- matrix(c(1.1831000,  0.00000000, -1.1831000, 0.0000000,
                    0.0000000, -1.1831000,   0.0000000, 1.1831000,
                    0.5518000,  0.00000000,  0.5518000, 0.0000000,
                    0.0000000,  0.5518000,   0.0000000, 0.5518000),
                nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)
            # FIXME: check beam2xyzAverageMatlab
            # print(beam2xyzAverageMatlab)
            # >> Data.BurstHR_NominalCor(1:10)
            nominalCorrelationBurstMatlab <- rep(100, 10)
            #R > d1[["nomcor", "burst"]][1:10]
            #R [1]  49 100  33 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
            expect_equal(burst[["nominalCorrelation"]][1:10], nominalCorrelationBurstMatlab)
            #>> Data.Average_NominalCor(1:10)
            nominalCorrAvgMatlab <- rep(33, 10)
            expect_equal(average[["nominalCorrelation"]][1:10], nominalCorrAvgMatlab)
            # All are zero in matlab.
            expect_true(all(0 == average[["powerLevel"]]))
            expect_true(all(0 == burst[["powerLevel"]]))
            # relax tolerance since it's a 16-bit value
            # >> Data.Average_AccelerometerX(1:10)
            accxAverageMatlab <- c(-0.9497070, -0.9492188, -0.9477539, -0.9472656, -0.9458008,
                -0.9497070, -0.9501953, -0.9516602, -0.9511719, -0.9516602)
            accel <- average[["accelerometer"]]
            expect_equal(accel[1:10, 1], accxAverageMatlab, tolerance=1e-5)
            # >> Data.Average_AccelerometerY(1:10)
            accyAverageMatlab <- c(-0.3134766, -0.3139648, -0.3168945, -0.3125000, -0.3178711,
                -0.3164062, -0.3168945, -0.3129883, -0.3154297, -0.3154297)
            expect_equal(accel[1:10, 2], accyAverageMatlab, tolerance=1e-5)
            # >> Data.Average_AccelerometerZ(1:10)
            acczAverageMatlab <- c(0.0668945, 0.0649414, 0.0659180, 0.0649414, 0.0678711,
                0.0668945, 0.0693359, 0.0693359, 0.0649414, 0.0649414)
            expect_equal(accel[1:10, 3], acczAverageMatlab, tolerance=1e-5)
            #>> Data.BurstHR_AccelerometerX(1:10)
            accxBurstMatlab <- c(-0.9472656, -0.9497070, -0.9492188, -0.9467773, -0.9511719,
                -0.9506836, -0.9472656, -0.9492188, -0.9482422, -0.9506836)

            expect_equal(burst[["accelerometer"]][1:10, 1], accxBurstMatlab, tolerance=1e-5)
            #>> Data.BurstHR_AccelerometerY(1:10)
            accyBurstMatlab <- c(-0.3144531, -0.3178711, -0.3159180, -0.3168945, -0.3149414,
                -0.3154297, -0.3168945, -0.3139648, -0.3183594, -0.3154297)
            expect_equal(burst[["accelerometer"]][1:10, 2], accyBurstMatlab, tolerance=1e-5)
            #>> Data.BurstHR_AccelerometerZ(1:10)
            acczBurstMatlab <- c(0.066895, 0.065918, 0.065430, 0.066406, 0.065918,
                0.068359, 0.070801, 0.068359, 0.069336, 0.069336)
            expect_equal(burst[["accelerometer"]][1:10, 3], acczBurstMatlab, tolerance=1e-5)
            expect_equal(dim(average[["v"]]), c(11, 150, 4))
            expect_equal(dim(burst[["v"]]), c(88, 256, 1))
            # >> Data.BurstHR_VelBeam5(1,1:10)
            # Note that bursts store in beam 5. FIXME: next broken 2022-07-13
            expect_equal(burst[["v"]][1, 1:4, 1], c(0.36240, 0.35830, 0.36430, 0.20590))
            # >> Data.Average_VelBeam1(1,1:4)
            expect_equal(average[["v"]][1, 1:4, 1], c(-0.8170, -0.8890, -1.9170, -2.1110))
            #>> Data.Average_VelBeam1(2,1:4)
            expect_equal(average[["v"]][2, 1:4, 1], c(-0.7800, -2.3230, -1.0840, -0.8010))
            # >> Data.Average_VelBeam2(1,1:4)
            expect_equal(average[["v"]][1, 1:4, 2], c(-0.1630,  1.6930,  1.8490,  1.1120))
            #>> Data.Average_VelBeam2(2,1:4)
            expect_equal(average[["v"]][2, 1:4, 2], c(-0.6340,  1.4590,  1.9590,  0.9400))
            #>> Data.Average_VelBeam3(1,1:4)
            expect_equal(average[["v"]][1, 1:4, 3], c(-1.5600,  1.4140,  1.5630,   1.5510))
            #>> Data.BurstHR_AmpBeam5(1:4,1,1)
            expect_equal(0.5 * as.numeric(burst[["a"]][1:4, 1, 1]), c(34.0, 34.0, 36.0, 34.0))
            # >> Data.BurstHR_AmpBeam5(1:4,2,1)
            expect_equal(0.5 * as.numeric(burst[["a"]][1:4, 2, 1]), c(34.5000, 35.0000, 36.5000, 35.0000))
            # >> Data.BurstHR_AmpBeam5(1:4,3,1)
            expect_equal(0.5 * as.numeric(burst[["a"]][1:4, 3, 1]), c(34.5000, 35.5000, 37.5000, 34.0000))
            # >> Data.BurstHR_AmpBeam5(1:4,4,1)
            expect_equal(0.5 * as.numeric(burst[["a"]][1:4, 4, 1]), c(35.0000, 37.5000, 36.0000, 36.5000))
            #>> Data.Average_AmpBeam1(1:4,1,1)
            expect_equal(0.5 * as.numeric(average[["a"]][1:4, 1, 1]), c(43.5000, 42.5000, 44.0000, 43.0000))
            #expect_equal(0.5 * d1[["a","average numeric"]][1:4, 1, 1], c(43.5000, 42.5000, 44.0000, 43.0000))
            #>> Data.Average_AmpBeam1(1:4,2,1)
            #expect_equal(0.5 * d1[["a","average numeric"]][1:4, 2, 1], c(40.0000, 40.0000, 39.5000, 39.5000))
            #>> Data.Average_AmpBeam1(1:4,3,1)
            #expect_equal(0.5 * d1[["a","average numeric"]][1:4, 3, 1], c(39.5000, 40.0000, 39.5000, 40.0000))
            #>> Data.BurstHR_CorBeam5(1:4,1)
            expect_equal(as.numeric(burst[["q"]][1:4, 1, 1]), c(72, 81, 63, 78))
            #>> Data.BurstHR_CorBeam5(1:4,2)
            expect_equal(as.numeric(burst[["q"]][1:4, 2, 1]), c(76, 49, 89, 79))
            #>> Data.BurstHR_CorBeam5(1:4,3)
            #expect_equal(d1[["q", "burst numeric"]][1:4, 3, 1], c(91, 76, 70, 72))
            #>> Data.Average_CorBeam1(1:4,1)
            #expect_equal(d1[["q", "numeric"]][1:4, 1, 1], c(49, 44, 36, 44 ))
            #expect_equal(d1[["q", "average numeric"]][1:4, 1, 1], c(49, 44, 36, 44))
            #>> Data.Average_CorBeam1(1:4,2)
            #expect_equal(d1[["q", "average numeric"]][1:4, 2, 1], c( 7,  4,  5,  3))
            #>> Data.Average_CorBeam2(1:4,1)
            #expect_equal(d1[["q", "average numeric"]][1:4, 1, 2], c(19,  3,  3,  3))
            #>> Data.Average_CorBeam3(1:4,1)
            #expect_equal(d1[["q", "average numeric"]][1:4, 1, 3], c( 4, 11,  8, 15))
            #>> Data.Average_CorBeam4(1:4,1)
            #expect_equal(d1[["q", "average numeric"]][1:4, 1, 4], c(38, 53, 71, 66))
            # Next is not a test against matlab ground-truth, since I don't
            # have any ENU from matlab, but rather it is just a test against
            # code changes, with the check values being what the code
            # produced on 2019-01-06.
            expect_error(d1enu <- toEnu(d1), "does not work with ad2cp files")
            # FIXME: add a way to do coordinate transformations
            #later expect_equal(d1enu[["average"]]$v[1:2,1:2,1:4],
            #later     structure(c(-0.0423407864127893, -0.0412083140396359,
            #later             -1.18658233863229, -0.655501998134796, -2.04226357900539,
            #later             -2.20814086810278, -0.684468639431669, -1.64208610236321,
            #later             1.34600003150129, 0.905301482665873, 3.00993173312586,
            #later             4.39764211472632, 0.551305292490936, 0.155603618214437,
            #later             -1.78358555931817, -2.23533799929557), dim = c(2L, 2L, 4L)))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="velocity"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="amplitude"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="quality"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="hydrography"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="angles"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="uv"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="uv+ellipse"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="uv+ellipse+arrow"))
            #expect_error(plot(d1, which="bottomRange"), "ADP object lacks bottom-tracking data")
            #expect_silent(plot(d1, which="progressiveVector"))

if (file.exists(f2)) {
    test_that("read.adp() on a private AD2CP file that has only 'burst' data",
            N <- 99                       # known value for subset of a larger file
            expect_message(toc <- read.oce(f2, TOC=TRUE),
                "setting plan=0")
            expect_equal(N, toc[[1]]$Count[1])
            # Note: using read.adp() to ensure that it also works
                    expect_message(burst <- read.adp(f2, dataType="burst"),
                        "setting plan=0, the only value in the file"),
                    "ignoring 'despike'"),
                "ignoring 'monitor'")
            expect_equal(burst[["oceCoordinate"]], "beam")
                    c("nominalCorrelation", "ensemble", "time", "soundSpeed",
                        "temperature", "pressure", "heading", "pitch", "roll",
                        "magnetometer", "accelerometer",
                        "temperatureMagnetometer", "temperatureRTC",
                        "transmitEnergy", "powerLevel", "distance", "v", "a", "q"))
            expect_equal(burst[["fileType"]], "AD2CP")
            expect_equal(burst[["serialNumber"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(burst, "ID", "SN"))
            expect_equal(burst[["type"]], "Aquadopp2")
            expect_equal(burst[["type"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(burst, "ID", "STR", FALSE))
            expect_equal(burst[["cellSize"]], 0.2)
            expect_equal(burst[["cellSize"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(burst, "GETBURST", "CS"))
            expect_equal(burst[["blankingDistance"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(burst, "GETBURST", "BD"))
            expect_equal(burst[["blankingDistance"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(burst, "GETBURST", "BD"))
            expect_equal(burst[["oceCoordinate"]], tolower(ad2cpHeaderValue(burst, "GETBURST", "CY", FALSE)))
            #expect_error(d2[["v", "average"]], "ad2cp object does not contain data item 'average'")
            expect_equal(dim(burst[["v"]]), c(N, 1, 4))

if (file.exists(f3)) {
    test_that("read.oce() on a private AD2CP file that has 'burst' and 'interleavedBurst' data",
            N <- 100
            # Note: using read.oce() to ensure that it also works
                b <- read.oce(f3, dataType="burst"),
                "setting plan=1, the only value in the file")
                ib <- read.oce(f3, dataType="interleavedBurst"),
                "setting plan=1, the only value in the file")
            # Compare with some header values
            expect_equal(b[["fileType"]], "AD2CP")
            expect_equal(b[["serialNumber"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(b, "ID", "SN"))
            expect_equal("Signature1000", ad2cpHeaderValue(b, "ID", "STR", FALSE))
            expect_equal(b[["type"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(b, "ID", "STR", FALSE))
            expect_equal(b[["cellSize"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(b, "GETBURST", "CS"))
            expect_equal(b[["blankingDistance"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(b, "GETBURST", "BD"))
            # NOTE: the next uses GETBURST, not GETBURSTHR. I do not understand the format
            expect_equal(b[["oceCoordinate"]], tolower(ad2cpHeaderValue(b, "GETBURST", "CY", FALSE)))
            # NB in the header is 5, which I suppose refers to the whole
            # instrument, but d3[["numberOfBeams"]] is 4 for the slant-beam
            # samples and 1 for the vertical-beam samples. But this is an
            # interleavedBurst mode, so I guess 5 is the right number. In any
            # case, I have sidestepped the test.
            #> if (FALSE)
            #>    expect_equal(d3[["burst"]]$numberOfBeams, ad2cpHeaderValue(d3, "GETBURST", "NB"))
            expect_equal(ib[["cellSize"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(ib, "GETBURST1", "CS"))
            expect_equal(ib[["blankingDistance"]], ad2cpHeaderValue(ib, "GETBURST1", "BD"))
            expect_equal(ib[["oceCoordinate"]], tolower(ad2cpHeaderValue(ib, "GETBURST1", "CY", FALSE)))

            # FIXME: I think the nbeams might be wrong for burst

            # The dimension tests are not ground-truthed; they merely reflect
            # what the oce code gives, so that a flag will go off if things
            # change greatly in the code. This also checks the accessors
            # against direct lookup.
            vb <- b[["v"]]
            vib <- ib[["v"]]
            expect_equal(dim(vb), c(50, 88, 4))
            expect_equal(dim(vib), c(49, 88, 1))
            ab <- b[["a"]]
            aib <- ib[["a"]]
            expect_equal(dim(ab), c(50, 88, 4))
            expect_equal(dim(aib), c(49, 88, 1))
            qb <- b[["q"]]
            qib <- ib[["q"]]
            expect_equal(dim(qb), c(50, 88, 4))
            expect_equal(dim(qib), c(49, 88, 1))

            # Note that the interleavedBurst j has just one beam, which
            # I'm guessing might be the vertical one, but that's just a guess,
            # because the nortek system integrator doc has the string
            # 'interleave' on just a single page!
            par(mfcol=c(4, 2))
            zlim <- c(-3, 3)
            tb <- b[["time"]]
            tib <- ib[["time"]]
            db <- b[["distance"]]
            dib <- ib[["distance"]]
            imagep(tb, db, vb[, , 1], zlim=zlim, zlab="burst[[\"v\"]][,,1]", drawTimeRange=FALSE, ylab="Distance [m]")
            imagep(tb, db, vb[, , 2], zlim=zlim, zlab="burst[[\"v\"]][,,2]", drawTimeRange=FALSE, ylab="Distance [m]")
            imagep(tb, db, vb[, , 3], zlim=zlim, zlab="burst[[\"v\"]][,,3]", drawTimeRange=FALSE, ylab="Distance [m]")
            imagep(tb, db, vb[, , 4], zlim=zlim, zlab="burst[[\"v\"]][,,4]", drawTimeRange=FALSE, ylab="Distance [m]")
            imagep(tib, dib, vib[, , 1], zlim=zlim, zlab="interleavedBurst[[\"v\"]][,,1]", drawTimeRange=FALSE, ylab="Distance [m]")
            plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE, type="n")
            text(0.5, 0.5, "interleavedBurst has only 1 beam")
            plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE, type="n")
            text(0.5, 0.5, paste("time range:\n", min(tb), "\n to\n ", max(tb)))

            # below is how we know this is 'beam'
            ## FIXME: look in text for other things, e.g. beam cells etc
            ## t <- d3[["text"]]$text[[1]]
            ## t[grep('CY=',t)[1]]
            #expect_equal("beam", d3[["oceCoordinate"]])
            #expect_error(plot(d3, j="average"), "ad2cp object does not contain data item 'average'")
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, j="burst")) # as above, since object holds 'average' data
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="velocity")) # as above, since which='velocity' is default
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="amplitude"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="quality"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, j="burst"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="velocity", j="burst"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="amplitude", j="burst"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="quality", j="burst"))
            #par(mfrow=c(1, 1)) # use single-panel since interleavedBurst is just 1 beam
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, j="interleavedBurst"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="velocity", j="interleavedBurst")) # as above
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="amplitude", j="interleavedBurst"))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which="quality", j="interleavedBurst"))
            ## Compare beams in three coordinate systems, with 6 plots over two pages
            #par(mfcol=c(3, 2))
            #zlim <- c(-2, 2)
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which=1, zlim=zlim, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which=2, zlim=zlim, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which=3, zlim=zlim, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which='a1', zlim=c(0, 255), drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which='a2', zlim=c(0, 255), drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3, which='a3', zlim=c(0, 255), drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            expect_error(bxyz <- beamToXyz(b))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3xyz, which=1, zlim=zlim, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3xyz, which=2, zlim=zlim, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3xyz, which=3, zlim=zlim/4, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            expect_error(benu <- xyzToEnu(b))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3enu, which=1, zlim=zlim, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3enu, which=2, zlim=zlim, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
            #expect_silent(plot(d3enu, which=3, zlim=zlim/4, drawTimeRange=FALSE))
dankelley/oce documentation built on May 8, 2024, 10:46 p.m.