
# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

# These tests used to be in the main test suite, but were moved here simply
# because it became too difficult finding a way to pass the tests across all
# CRAN testing systems.  I think the problem centres on file encoding.  See
# https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1927 for a discussion.

# Note that the csv3 file starts with <U+FEFF>, and these two bytes signify a
# "byte order mark".  So, ought we to read that with UTF-8-BOM or with latin1
# encoding?  I've done experiments with both.  I think the present code, as of
# 2022-03-28, works properly on macos, various linux flavours, and *some*
# windows machines ... but not on *all* windows machines. Therefore, I have
# turned testing off for all windows machines.


if (1L == length(list.files(path=".", pattern="local_data"))) {

    csv1 <- "local_data/met/test_met_vsn1.csv"
    csv2 <- "local_data/met/test_met_vsn2.csv"
    csv3 <- "local_data/met/test_met_vsn3.csv"
    xml2 <- "local_data/met/test_met_xml2.xml"

    test_that("oceMagic understands all types of met data files",
            expect_equal("met/csv1", oceMagic(csv1))
            expect_equal("met/csv2", oceMagic(csv2))
            expect_equal("met/csv3", oceMagic(csv3))
            expect_equal("met/xml2", oceMagic(xml2))

    test_that("read.met() handles type=\"csv1\" files",
            # Once only tested this if .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
            d <- read.met(csv1)
            expect_equal(names(d@data), c("dataQuality", "dewPoint",
                    "direction", "humidex", "humidity",
                    "pressure", "speed", "temperature",
                    "time", "u", "v", "visibility",
                    "weather", "wind", "windChill"))
            expect_equal(d[["latitude"]], 44.88)
            expect_equal(d[["longitude"]], -63.5)
            expect_equal(d[["elevation"]], 145.4)
            expect_equal(d[["station"]], "HALIFAX STANFIELD INT'L A")
            expect_equal(d[["climateIdentifier"]], "8202250")
            expect_equal(d[["WMOIdentifier"]], "71395")
            expect_equal(d[["TCIdentifier"]], "YHZ")
            expect_equal(d[["temperature"]], c(12.1, 11.8, 11.4, 10.9, 10.9))
            expect_equal(d[["humidity"]], c(77, 76, 74, 73, 76))
            expect_equal(d[["wind"]], c(7, 7, 6, 6, 6))
            expect_equal(d[["u"]], c(-6.650391676e-01, -6.650391676e-01, 2.041077999e-16,
                    1.071312683e+00, 1.276740739e+00))
            expect_equal(d[["v"]], c(1.827180096, 1.827180096, 1.666666667,
                    1.276740739, 1.071312683))
            expect_equal(d[["time"]], as.POSIXct(c("2003-09-01 00:00:00", "2003-09-01 01:00:00",
                        "2003-09-01 02:00:00", "2003-09-01 03:00:00",
                        "2003-09-01 04:00:00"), tz="UTC"))

    test_that("read.met() handles type=\"csv1\" files",
            # Once only tested this if .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
            expect_silent(d <- read.met(csv1))
                c("dataQuality", "dewPoint", "direction", "humidex",
                    "humidity", "pressure", "speed", "temperature",
                    "time", "u", "v", "visibility", "weather", "wind",

    test_that("read.met() handles type=\"csv3\" files",
            # Once only tested this if .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
            expect_silent(d <- read.met(csv3))
            # Sort both because the ordering is different when done interactively
            # and in the test (for reasons I don't understand).
            expect_equal(sort(names(d@data)), sort(c(paste("Date/Time", "(LST)"),
                        "dewPoint", "direction", "humidex", "humidity",
                        "precipitation",  "pressure", "speed", "temperature",
                        "time", paste("Time", "(LST)"), "u", "v", "visibility",
                        "weather", "windChill")))

            expect_equal(d[["latitude"]], 44.88)
            expect_equal(d[["longitude"]], -63.51)
            expect_equal(d[["station"]], "HALIFAX STANFIELD INT'L A")
            expect_equal(d[["temperature"]], c(1.7, 1.9, 2, 2, 2.4))
            expect_equal(d[["humidity"]], rep(100L, 5))
            expect_equal(d[["speed"]], c(2.77777777777778, 2.77777777777778,
                    3.05555555555556, 2.77777777777778, 3.61111111111111))
            expect_equal(d[["u"]], c(2.12790123088605, 1.78552113801816,
                    2.34069135397465, 1.38888888888889, 2.76627160015187))
            expect_equal(d[["v"]], c(-1.78552113801816, -2.12790123088605,
                    -1.96407325181998, -2.40562612162344, -2.32117747942361))
            expect_equal(d[["time"]], as.POSIXct(c("2022-01-01 00:00:00",
                        "2022-01-01 01:00:00", "2022-01-01 02:00:00",
                        "2022-01-01 03:00:00", "2022-01-01 04:00:00"),

    if (requireNamespace("XML", quietly=TRUE)) {
        test_that("read.oce(file) and read.met(file, type=\"xml2\") give same metadata and data slots",
                doce <- read.oce(xml2)
                dmet <- read.met(xml2)
                expect_equal(doce[["data"]], dmet[["data"]])
                moce <- doce[["metadata"]]
                mmet <- dmet[["metadata"]]
                expect_equal(moce[names(moce)!="filename"], mmet[names(mmet)!="filename"])
dankelley/oce documentation built on April 18, 2024, 9:51 a.m.