
Defines functions raster.standardize

Documented in raster.standardize

#' raster.standardize, standardizes all values in a raster file
#' This function is used by a lot of the metrics calculated by ENMTools, in order to
#' standardize suitability scores so they sum to 1 over a geographic space.
#' @param x A raster or RasterLayer object, or an ENMTools model object containing a suitability raster.
#' @param verbose Controls printing of diagnostic messages
#' @return A new raster object, standardized so that values sum to 1
#' @keywords keywords
#' @examples
#' raster.standardize(euro.worldclim[[1]])

raster.standardize <- function(x, verbose=FALSE){

  if(inherits(x, "enmtools.model")){
    x <- x$suitability

    print(paste("Starting standardize on", x, "at", Sys.time()))

  minval <- terra::minmax(x)[1]

  if(minval < 0){
    x <- x - minval + 1e-20

  return(x/as.numeric(terra::global(x, "sum", na.rm = TRUE)))
danlwarren/ENMTools documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 11:26 p.m.