#' Apply an R UDF in Spark
#' @description Applies an R User-Defined Function (UDF) to each partition of
#' a \code{spark_tbl}.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param .f a function or formula to be applied to each partition of the
#' \code{spark_tbl}. Can be an anonymous function e.g. \code{~ head(. 10)}
#' \code{.f} should have only one parameter, to which a R data.frame corresponds
#' to each partition will be passed. The output of func should be an R data.frame.
#' @param schema The schema of the resulting SparkDataFrame after the function
#' is applied. It must match the output of func. Since Spark 2.3, the
#' DDL-formatted string is also supported for the schema.
#' @details \code{spark_apply} is a re-implementation of \code{SparkR::dapply}.
#' Importantly, \code{spark_apply} (and \code{SparkR::dapply}) will scan the
#' function being passed and automatically broadcast any values from the
#' \code{.GlobalEnv} that are being referenced. Functions from \code{dplyr} are
#' always availiable by default.
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iris_tbl <- spark_tbl(iris)
#' # note, my_var will be broadcasted if we include it in the function
#' my_var <- 1
#' iris_tbl %>%
#' spark_apply(function(.df) head(.df, my_var),
#' schema(iris_tbl)) %>%
#' collect
#' # but if you want to use a library (other than dplyr), you need to load it
#' # in the UDF
#' iris_tbl %>%
#' spark_apply(function(.df) {
#' require(purrr)
#' .df %>%
#' map_df(first)
#' }, schema(iris_tbl)) %>%
#' collect
#' # filter and add a column:
#' df <- spark_tbl(
#' data.frame(a = c(1L, 2L, 3L),
#' b = c(1, 2, 3),
#' c = c("1","2","3"))
#' )
#' schema <- StructType(StructField("a", "integer"),
#' StructField("b", "double"),
#' StructField("c", "string"),
#' StructField("add", "integer"))
#' df %>%
#' spark_apply(function(x) {
#' x %>%
#' filter(a > 1) %>%
#' mutate(add = a + 1L)
#' },
#' schema) %>%
#' collect
#' # The schema also can be specified in a DDL-formatted string.
#' schema <- "a INT, d DOUBLE, c STRING, add INT"
#' df %>%
#' spark_apply(function(x) {
#' x %>%
#' filter(a > 1) %>%
#' mutate(add = a + 1L)
#' },
#' schema) %>%
#' collect
spark_apply <- function (.data, .f, schema) {
if (is.character(schema)) {
schema <- StructType(schema)
if (rlang::is_formula(.f)) .f <- rlang::as_function(.f)
.package_names <- serialize(SparkR:::.sparkREnv[[".packages"]],
connection = NULL)
.broadcast_arr <- lapply(ls(.broadcastNames), function(name) {
get(name, .broadcastNames)
schema <- if (is.null(schema)) schema else schema$jobj
sdf <- call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.api.r.SQLUtils",
"dapply", attr(.data, "jc"),
serialize(cleanClosure(.f), connection = NULL),
.package_names, .broadcast_arr, schema)
#' Apply an R UDF in Spark on Grouped Data
#' @description Groups the SparkDataFrame using the specified columns and
#' applies the R function to each group.
#' @param .data a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @param .f function or formula, to be applied to each group partition
#' specified by grouping column of the \code{spark_tbl}. The function \code{.f}
#' takes as argument a key - grouping columns and a data frame - a local R
#' data.frame. The output of \code{.f} is a local R data.frame.
#' @param schema the schema of the resulting \code{spark_tbl} after the function
#' is applied. The schema must match to output of .f. It has to be defined
#' for each output column with preferred output column name and corresponding
#' data type. Since Spark 2.3, the DDL-formatted string is also supported for
#' the schema.
#' @param cols (optional) string, grouping columns, if null, these are taken
#' from the incoming data frame's groups. If columns specified here will
#' overwrite incoming grouped data.
#' @return a \code{spark_tbl} with schema as specified
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Computes the arithmetic mean of the second column by grouping
#' # on the first and third columns. Output the grouping values and the average.
#' df <- spark_tbl(tibble(a = c(1L, 1L, 3L),
#' b = c(1, 2, 3),
#' c = c("1", "1", "3"),
#' d = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)))
#' # Here our output contains three columns, the key which is a combination of two
#' # columns with data types integer and string and the mean which is a double.
#' schema <- StructType(
#' StructField("a", IntegerType, TRUE),
#' StructField("c", StringType, TRUE),
#' StructField("avg", DoubleType, TRUE)
#' )
#' result <- df %>%
#' group_by(a, c) %>%
#' spark_grouped_apply(function(key, .df) {
#' data.frame(key, mean(.df$b), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' }, schema) %>%
#' collect
#' # The schema also can be specified in a DDL-formatted string and the
#' # function can be specified as a formula
#' schema <- "a INT, c STRING, avg DOUBLE"
#' result <- df %>%
#' group_by(a, c) %>%
#' spark_grouped_apply(~ data.frame(..1, mean(..2$b), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
#' schema) %>%
#' collect
#' result
#' # # A tibble: 2 x 3
#' # a c avg
#' # <int> <chr> <dbl>
#' # 1 3 3 3
#' # 2 1 1 1.5
#' # Fits linear models on iris dataset by grouping on the 'Species' column and
#' # using 'Sepal_Length' as a target variable, 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Length'
#' # and 'Petal_Width' as training features.
#' iris_tbl <- spark_tbl(iris)
#' schema <- StructType(StructField("(Intercept)", "double"),
#' StructField("Sepal_Width", "double"),
#' StructField("Petal_Length", "double"),
#' StructField("Petal_Width", "double"))
#' iris_tbl %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' spark_grouped_apply(function(key, x) {
#' m <- suppressWarnings(lm(Sepal_Length ~
#' Sepal_Width + Petal_Length + Petal_Width, x))
#' data.frame(t(coef(m)))
#' }, schema) %>%
#' collect
#' # # A tibble: 3 x 4
#' # `(Intercept)` Sepal_Width Petal_Length Petal_Width
#' # <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#' # 1 0.700 0.330 0.946 -0.170
#' # 2 1.90 0.387 0.908 -0.679
#' # 3 2.35 0.655 0.238 0.252
#' ## End(Not run)
spark_grouped_apply <- function (.data, .f, schema, cols = NULL) {
if (is.character(schema)) {
schema <- StructType(schema)
if (rlang::is_formula(.f)) .f <- rlang::as_function(.f)
sgd <- if (!is.null(cols)) {
group_spark_data(group_by(.data, !!!rlang::syms(cols)))
} else group_spark_data(.data)
.package_names <- serialize(SparkR:::.sparkREnv[[".packages"]],
connection = NULL)
.broadcast_arr <- lapply(ls(.broadcastNames), function(name) {
get(name, .broadcastNames)
schema <- if (inherits(schema, "StructType")) schema$jobj else NULL
sdf <- call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.api.r.SQLUtils",
"gapply", sgd,
serialize(cleanClosure(.f), connection = NULL),
.package_names, .broadcast_arr, schema)
#' Apply a Function over a List or Vector, Distribute operations in Spark
#' @description Run a function over a list of elements, distributing the
#' computations with Spark. Applies a function in a manner that is similar to
#' doParallel or lapply to elements of a list. The computations are distributed
#' using Spark. It is conceptually the same as the following
#' code: \code{lapply(list, func)}
#' @param .l a vector (atomic or list)
#' @param .f he function to be applied to each element of \code{.l}
#' @return an in-memory \code{list} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spark_session()
#' doubled <- spark_lapply(1:10, function(x) {2 * x})
#' # or using tidyverse style lamdas
#' doubled <- spark_lapply(1:10, ~ 2 * .)
spark_lapply <- function (.l, .f) {
if (rlang::is_formula(.f)) {
.f <- rlang::as_function(.f)
.f <- unclass(.f)
parallelize(.l, length(.l))$
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