#' @include hidden_functions.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl_vars
tbl_vars.spark_tbl <- function(x) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_select
#' @importFrom methods new
select.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ...) {
vars <- tidyselect::vars_select(tbl_vars(.data), !!!enquos(...))
# add in grouped columns to the select if not specified
groups <- attr(.data, "groups")
groups_incl <- groups[!(groups %in% vars)]
if (length(groups_incl) > 0) {
message("Adding missing grouping variables: `",
paste(groups_incl, collapse = "`, `"), "`")
vars_grp <- c(setNames(groups_incl, groups_incl), vars)
# select the columns
cols <- lapply(vars_grp, function(c) {
call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "col", c)
cols_rename <- mapply(function(x, y) call_method(x, "alias", y),
cols, names(vars_grp))
sdf <- call_method(attr(.data, "jc"), "select", cols_rename)
# regroup
new_spark_tbl(sdf, groups = groups)
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_select
rename.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ...) {
vars <- tidyselect::vars_rename(names(.data), !!!enquos(...))
cols <- lapply(unclass(vars), function(c) {
call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "col", c)
cols_rename <- mapply(function(x, y) call_method(x, "alias", y),
cols, names(vars))
sdf <- call_method(attr(.data, "jc"), "select", cols_rename)
new_spark_tbl(sdf, groups = names(vars[vars %in% attr(.data, "groups")]))
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct
#' @importFrom stats setNames
distinct.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ...) {
# we use the distinct tools from dplyr
dist <- dplyr::distinct_prepare(.data, enquos(...), .keep_all = FALSE)
vars <- tbl_vars(.data)[match_vars(dist$vars, dist$data)]
# consider adding in .keep_all = T functionality at some point
# keep <- match_vars(dist$keep, dist$data)
# manage the grouping columns
groups <- attr(.data, "groups")
groups_incl <- groups[!(groups %in% vars)]
vars_grp <- c(groups_incl, vars)
vars_grp <- setNames(vars_grp, vars_grp)
# select the columns
cols <- lapply(vars_grp, function(c) {
call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "col", c)
sdf <- call_method(attr(.data, "jc"), "select", cols)
sdf_named <- setNames(new("SparkDataFrame", sdf, F), names(vars_grp))
# execute distinct
sdf_dist <- call_method(sdf_named@sdf, "distinct")
new_spark_tbl(sdf_dist, groups = groups)
# check to see if a column expression is aggregating
# TODO: make this function recursive so it digs up the children and checks
# if any are agg expressions
is_agg_expr <- function(col) {
if (inherits(col, c("character", "numeric", "logical", "integer"))) return(F)
if (class(col) == "Column") col <- call_method(col@jc, "expr")
name <- spark_class(col)
if (grepl("expressions\\.aggregate", name)) T
else if (grepl("expressions\\.CaseWhen", name)) F # TODO Handle aggregations
else F
# check to see if a column expression is aggregating
is_wndw_expr <- function(col) {
if (inherits(col, c("character", "numeric", "logical", "integer"))) return(F)
if (class(col) == "Column") col <- call_method(col@jc, "expr")
name <- spark_class(col)
grepl("expressions\\.WindowExpression", name)
# Even more burly is the addition of incoming windowed columns. These are
# tough because they are already windowed but we need to conditionally add
# a grouping to them anyway. In order to do that we dig into the incoming
# windowed column to break it up into it's component pieces so that we can
# put it back together again with the incoming partition column(s). This also
# leaves open the possibility of tracking the full window in the future, not
# just dplyr-style groups.
chop_wndw <- function(.col) {
# lets do a little hacking to break up the incoming window .col
func_spec <- call_method(
call_method(.col@jc, "expr"),
# get the function the window should be over
# same as `expr(func_spec.head.toString)`
func_str <- call_method(
func <- call_static(
"org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "expr",
gsub("#[0-9]*", "", func_str))
# extract the window attributes same as `func_spec.tail.head.children`
# this is all of the ordering and partition column and the last is the frame
wndw_attrs <- call_method(
# recursvie function that digs up the strings in the window
mine_attrs <- function(attrs, accum = list()) {
if (call_method(attrs, "isEmpty")) accum
else mine_attrs(call_method(attrs, "tail"),
call_method(call_method(attrs, "head"), "toString")))
wndw_strs <- mine_attrs(wndw_attrs)
# now we need to categorize the strings into either being orderBy cols,
# partitionBy cols, or windowframe cols
# - partitionBy cols usually start with '
# - orderBy cols end with NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST
# - windowframe are the last one
part_cols_raw <- Filter(function(x) !grepl("NULLS FIRST|LAST$", x),
ordr_cols_raw <- Filter(function(x) grepl("NULLS FIRST|LAST$", x), wndw_strs)
frame_spec_raw <- wndw_strs[[length(wndw_strs)]]
# now we process these further into valid pre-column strings to pass back
# and de-dup with the incoming grouping
part_cols <- sub("(')?([^ #]*)(.*)?", "\\2", part_cols_raw)
# for the ordering columns we extract the column and the ordering
ordr_cols_name <- lapply(
sub("(-)?(')?([^ #]*).* (ASC|DESC) NULLS (FIRST|LAST)",
"\\3", ordr_cols_raw),
function(x) {
if (grepl("^monotonically_increasing_id()", x)) {
} else if (grepl("^spark_partition_id()", x)) {
} else col(x)@jc
ordr_cols_suffix <- lapply(ordr_cols_raw, function(x) {
sffx <- sub("(-)?(')?([^ #]*).* ((ASC|DESC) NULLS (FIRST|LAST))", "\\4", x)
descnd <- sub("(-)?(')?([^ #]*).* (ASC|DESC) NULLS (FIRST|LAST)",
"\\1", x) == "-"
if (descnd) {
"ASC NULLS FIRST" = function(x) call_method(x, "desc_nulls_first"),
"DESC NULLS FIRST" = function(x) call_method(x, "asc_nulls_first"),
"ASC NULLS LAST" = function(x) call_method(x, "desc_nulls_last"),
"DESC NULLS LAST" = function(x) call_method(x, "asc_nulls_last"))
} else {
"ASC NULLS FIRST" = function(x) call_method(x, "asc_nulls_first"),
"DESC NULLS FIRST" = function(x) call_method(x, "desc_nulls_first"),
"ASC NULLS LAST" = function(x) call_method(x, "asc_nulls_last"),
"DESC NULLS LAST" = function(x) call_method(x, "desc_nulls_last"))
# here we handle the -, which comes about because of the hacky way we
# integrated with the dplyr desc() function
ordr_cols <- mapply(function(x, y) y(x), ordr_cols_name, ordr_cols_suffix)
# if the frame is specified we return a function that applies the frame
# some examples:
# "specifiedwindowframe(RangeFrame, currentrow$(), 3)"
# "specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, currentrow$(), 3)"
# "specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, currentrow$(), currentrow$())"
# "unspecifiedframe$()"
frame_spec <- if (grepl("^specified", frame_spec_raw)) {
frame <- list()
frame$type <- sub(".*frame[(](Range|Row)Frame.*", "\\1", frame_spec_raw)
frame$start <- sub(".*[(].*, (.*), .*[)]", "\\1", frame_spec_raw)
frame$end <- sub(".*[(].*, .*, (.*)[)]", "\\1", frame_spec_raw)
frame <- lapply(frame, function(x) ifelse(x == "currentrow$()", 0L, x))
if (frame$type == "Range") {
function(x) {
call_method(x, "rangeBetween", as.integer(frame$start), frame$end)
} else if (frame$type == "Row") {
function(x) {
call_method(x, "rowsBetween", as.integer(frame$start), frame$end)
} else stop("Unable to process 'specifiedwindowframe'. File a bug report.")
} else function(x) x
list(func = func,
part = part_cols,
ordr = ordr_cols,
frame = frame_spec)
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom rlang enquos eval_tidy
mutate.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ...) {
dots <- rlang::enquos(...)
sdf <- attr(.data, "jc")
for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
name <- names(dots)[[i]]
dot <- dots[[i]]
df_cols <- get_jc_cols(sdf)
# for context on .eval_env see hidden_functions.R
.eval_env <- rlang::caller_env()
n = .n, if_else = .if_else, case_when = .case_when,
cov = .cov, startsWith = .startsWith, endsWith = .endsWith,
lag = .lag, lead = .lead, sd = .sd, var = .var,
row_number = .row_number, rank = .rank,
cume_dist = .cume_dist, dense_rank = .dense_rank,
min_rank = .min_rank, ntile = .ntile,
percent_rank = .percent_rank, n_distinct = .n_distinct)
eval <- rlang::eval_tidy(dot, df_cols, .eval_env)
if (is_agg_expr(eval)) {
groups <- attr(.data, "groups")
# group_jcols <- lapply(groups, function(col) sdf[[col]]@jc)
group_jcols <- lapply(df_cols[groups], function(x) x@jc)
window <- call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window",
"partitionBy", group_jcols)
eval <- new("Column", call_method(eval@jc, "over", window))
else if (is_wndw_expr(eval)) {
# this will give back information used to re-create the window
# with grouping included
func_wndw <- chop_wndw(eval)
# add in the partitionBy based on grouping
groups <- unique(attr(.data, "groups"), func_wndw$part)
group_jcols <- lapply(df_cols[groups], function(x) x@jc)
new_wndw <-
"partitionBy", group_jcols),
"orderBy", func_wndw$ordr)
# apply the window over the function
eval <- new("Column", call_method(func_wndw$func, "over", new_wndw))
jcol <- if (class(eval) == "Column") eval@jc
else call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "lit", eval)
sdf <- call_method(sdf, "withColumn", name, jcol)
new_spark_tbl(sdf, groups = attr(.data, "groups"))
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
filter.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ..., .preserve = FALSE) {
# copied from dplyr
dots <- rlang::enquos(...)
if (any(rlang::have_name(dots))) {
bad <- dots[rlang::have_name(dots)]
stop("Arguments to `filter` must not be named, do you need `==`?")
else if (rlang::is_empty(dots)) return(.data)
# get the SparkDataFrame and cols needed for eval_tidy
sdf <- attr(.data, "jc")
df_cols <- get_jc_cols(sdf)
# get a list for columns
conds <- list()
# make a separate environment we can pass around the recursive function
.counter_env <- new.env()
.counter_env$to_drop <- character()
.counter_env$sdf <- sdf
.counter_env$j <- 0
.counter_env$df_cols <- df_cols
.counter_env$groups <- attr(.data, "groups")
for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
# because we are working with a recursive function I'm going to create a
# separate environemnt to keep all the counter vars in and just pass that
# along every time the recursive function is called
.eval_env <- rlang::caller_env()
n = .n, if_else = .if_else, case_when = .case_when,
cov = .cov, startsWith = .startsWith, endsWith = .endsWith,
lag = .lag, lead = .lead, sd = .sd, var = .var,
row_number = .row_number, rank = .rank,
cume_dist = .cume_dist, dense_rank = .dense_rank,
min_rank = .min_rank, ntile = .ntile,
percent_rank = .percent_rank, n_distinct = .n_distinct)
dot_env <- rlang::quo_get_env(dots[[i]])
.counter_env$orig_env <- dot_env
quo_sub <- rlang::parse_quo(
fix_dot(dots[[i]], .counter_env, .eval_env),
env = dot_env
sdf <- .counter_env$sdf
df_cols_update <- get_jc_cols(sdf)
cond <- rlang::eval_tidy(quo_sub, df_cols_update, .eval_env)
conds[[i]] <- cond
condition <- Reduce("&", conds)
sdf_filt <- call_method(sdf, "filter", condition@jc)
to_drop <- as.list(.counter_env$to_drop)
if (length(to_drop) > 0) {
sdf_filt <- call_method(sdf_filt, "drop", to_drop)
# diving into the group-by summarise implementation, Spark actually has a
# special data type for grouped data. Summarise (agg) only works on grouped
# data. So in addition to the syntax, we need to do grouping in a dplyr way
# so looks like dplyr also has it's own class for grouped data
# updates:
# the strategy is to virtually group the data by adding an attribute in
# dplyr with the grouping vars which can be used in a print function, then
# actually call groupBy in spark as part of the summarise function. The
# corresponding function in spark, agg, takes a special object of type
# GroupedData. We don't want to pass that thing around, just get it when we
# need it.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
group_by.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ..., add = FALSE,
.drop = dplyr::group_by_drop_default(.data)) {
groups <- dplyr::group_by_prepare(.data, ..., add = add)
valid <- groups$group_names %in% tbl_vars(.data)
if (!all(valid)) {
stop("Column '", groups$group_names[!valid][1], "' is unknown")
grouped_spark_tbl(.data, groups$group_names)
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup
ungroup.spark_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
new_spark_tbl(attr(x, "jc"))
group_spark_data <- function(.data) {
tbl_groups <- attr(.data, "groups")
sdf <- attr(.data, "jc")
jcol <- lapply(tbl_groups, function(x) call_method(sdf, "col", x))
call_method(sdf, "groupBy", jcol)
# TODO implement sub wndw functionality so `new_col = max(rank(Species))` works
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
#' @importFrom stats setNames
summarise.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ...) {
dots <- rlang::enquos(..., .named = TRUE)
sdf <- attr(.data, "jc")
tbl_groups <- attr(.data, "groups")
sgd <- group_spark_data(.data)
agg <- list()
df_cols <- get_jc_cols(sdf)
for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
name <- names(dots)[[i]]
if (name %in% tbl_groups) {
stop("Attempting to summarise a grouping column: '", name, "'")
dot <- dots[[i]]
new_df_cols <- setNames(
lapply(names(agg), function(x) agg[[x]]),
for (x in names(agg)) {
df_cols[[x]] <- new_df_cols[[x]]
.eval_env <- rlang::caller_env()
n = .n, if_else = .if_else, case_when = .case_when,
cov = .cov, startsWith = .startsWith, endsWith = .endsWith,
lag = .lag, lead = .lead, sd = .sd, var = .var,
row_number = .row_number, rank = .rank,
cume_dist = .cume_dist, dense_rank = .dense_rank,
min_rank = .min_rank, ntile = .ntile,
percent_rank = .percent_rank, n_distinct = .n_distinct)
agg[[name]] <- rlang::eval_tidy(dot, df_cols, .eval_env)
for (i in names(agg)) {
if (i != "") {
if (class(agg[[i]]) != "Column") {
if (length(agg[[i]]) != 1) {
stop("Column '", i, "' must be length 1 (a summary value), not ",
jc <- call_method(lit(agg[i])@jc, "getItem", 0L)
agg[[i]] <- new("Column", jc)
agg[[i]] <- SparkR::alias(agg[[i]], i)
jcols <- setNames(lapply(seq_along(agg), function(x) agg[[x]]@jc), names(agg))
sdf <- call_method(sgd, "agg", jcols[[1]], jcols[-1])
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
arrange.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ..., by_partition = F) {
dots <- enquos(...)
sdf <- attr(.data, "jc")
df_cols <- get_jc_cols(sdf)
jcols <- lapply(dots, function(col) {
rlang::eval_tidy(col, df_cols)@jc
if (by_partition) sdf <- call_method(sdf, "sortWithinPartitions", jcols)
else sdf <- call_method(sdf, "sort", jcols)
new_spark_tbl(sdf, groups = attr(.data, "groups"))
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_pull
spread.spark_tbl <- function(data, key, value, fill = NA, convert = FALSE,
drop = TRUE, sep = NULL) {
group_var <- tidyselect::vars_pull(names(data), !!enquo(key))
value_var <- tidyselect::vars_pull(names(data), !!enquo(value))
# get the columns that don't spread
static <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% c(rlang::quo_name(group_var),
sdf <-
attr(data, "jc"),
"groupBy", static[[1]], as.list(static[-1])),
"pivot", rlang::as_name(group_var)),
"agg", call_method(collect_list(col(rlang::as_name(value_var)))@jc,
"getItem", 0L), list())
#' @export
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_select
#' @importFrom rlang enquo as_string
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
gather.spark_tbl <- function(data, key = "key", value = "value", ...,
na.rm = FALSE, convert = FALSE,
factor_key = FALSE) {
key_var <- as_string(ensym2(key))
value_var <- as_string(ensym2(value))
quos <- quos(...)
if (rlang::is_empty(quos)) {
cols <- setdiff(names(data), c(key_var, value_var))
} else {
cols <- unname(vars_select(tbl_vars(data), !!!quos))
# names not being pivoted long
non_pivot_cols <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% cols)]
stack_fn_arg1 <- length(cols)
cols_str <- shQuote(cols)
stack_fn_arg2 <- c()
for (i in 1:length(cols)) {
arg <- paste(cols_str[i], cols[i], sep = ", ")
stack_fn_arg2 <- c(stack_fn_arg2, arg)
stack_query <- paste0("stack(", stack_fn_arg1, ", ",
paste(stack_fn_arg2, collapse = ", "),
") as (", key_var, ", ", value_var, ")")
expr_list <- c(non_pivot_cols, stack_query)
sdf <- call_method(attr(data, "jc"), "selectExpr", as.list(expr_list))
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