
Defines functions delete_wpage update_wpage create_wpage get_wpage get_wpages_list create_wpage_front duplicate_wpage show_wpage_front

Documented in create_wpage delete_wpage duplicate_wpage get_wpage get_wpages_list show_wpage_front update_wpage

# https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/pages.html

#' Show Front Page
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @return data.frame with front page information
#' @export
#' @examples
#' show_page_front(34232)
show_wpage_front <- function(course_id){
  # GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/front_page
  url <- paste0(canvas_url(), file.path("courses", course_id, "front_page"))
  resp <- process_response(url, args = "")


#' Duplicate course page
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param page_url name of the page url. Just the final portion.
#' @return invisible
#' @export
duplicate_wpage <- function(course_id, page_url){
  # POST /api/v1/courses/:course_id/pages/:url/duplicate
  url <- paste0(canvas_url(), file.path("courses", course_id, "pages", page_url, "duplicate"))
  resp <- httr::POST(url,
                     httr::user_agent("rcanvas - https://github.com/daranzolin/rcanvas"),
                     httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", check_token())),
                     body = ""

create_wpage_front <- function(){
  # PUT /api/v1/courses/:course_id/front_page

    # wiki_page[title]		string	The title for the new page. NOTE: changing a page's title will change its url. The updated url will be returned in the result.
    # wiki_page[body]		  string	The content for the new page.
    # wiki_page[editing_roles]		string	Which user roles are allowed to edit this page. Any combination of these roles is allowed (separated by commas).
        # "teachers" Allows editing by teachers in the course.
        # "students" Allows editing by students in the course.
        # "members"  For group wikis, allows editing by members of the group.
        # "public" Allows editing by any user.
    # wiki_page[notify_of_update]		boolean	  Whether participants should be notified when this page changes.
    # wiki_page[published]		      boolean	  Whether the page is published (true) or draft state (false).


#' Get data frame of pages in course
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param sort_type a string, Sort results by this field.  Allowed values: 'title',
#' 'created_at', and 'updated_at'
#' @param order_type a string. The sorting order. Defaults to 'asc'. Allowed values: asc, desc
#' @param search a string. The partial title of the pages to match and return.
#' @param published a boolean. If true, include only published paqes. If false, exclude published pages. If not present, do not filter on published status. Defaults to not present.
#' @return a data.frame with all pages from course.
#' @export
get_wpages_list <- function(course_id, sort_type = c("title", "created_at", "updated_at")[1],
                           order_type = "asc", search = NULL, published = NULL){
  # GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/pages
  url <- paste0(canvas_url(), file.path("courses", course_id, "pages"))
  args_list <- list(sort = sort_type, order = order_type)
  if(!is.null(search)) args_list <- c(args_list, search_term = search)
  if(!is.null(published)) args_list <- c(args_list, published = published)
  args <- sc(args_list)

  resp <- process_response(url, args = args)


#' Get data frame of a page in course
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param page_url a valid page url.
#' @return a data.frame with all page from course.
#' @export
get_wpage <- function(course_id, page_url){
  # GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/pages/:url
  url <- paste0(canvas_url(), file.path("courses", course_id, "pages", page_url))
  resp <- process_response(url, args = "")

#' Create page in course
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param title a string.  The title for the new page.
#' @param body a string	The content for the new page.
#' @param editing_roles a string.  Which user roles are allowed to edit this page. Any combination of these roles is allowed (separated by commas).  Allowed values: teachers, students, members, public
#' @param published a boolean.	Whether the page is published (true) or draft state (false).
#' @return empty
#' @export
create_wpage <- function(course_id, title, body, editing_roles = "teachers", published = FALSE){
  # POST /api/v1/courses/:course_id/pages
  # wiki_page[notify_of_update]	boolean	Whether participants should be notified when this page changes.
  # wiki_page[front_page]		    boolean	Set an unhidden page as the front page (if true)
    url <- paste0(canvas_url(), file.path("courses", course_id, "pages"))
    args <- sc(list(`wiki_page[title]` = title,
                              `wiki_page[body]` = body,
                              `wiki_page[editing_roles]` = editing_roles,
                              `wiki_page[notify_of_update]` = FALSE,
                              `wiki_page[published]` = published,
                              `wiki_page[front_page]` = FALSE
    # resp <- httr::POST(url = url,
    #                    httr::user_agent("rcanvas - https://github.com/daranzolin/rcanvas"),
    #                    httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", rcanvas:::check_token())),
    #                    body = args)
    resp <- canvas_query(url, args, "POST")

    message(sprintf("Page '%s' created", title))


#' Update/Create page in course
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param page_url a valid page url.
#' @param title a string.  The title for the new page. NOTE: changing a page's title will change its url. The updated url will be returned in the result.
#' @param body a string	The content for the new page.
#' @param editing_roles a string.  Which user roles are allowed to edit this page. Any combination of these roles is allowed (separated by commas).  Allowed values: teachers, students, members, public
#' @param published a boolean.	Whether the page is published (true) or draft state (false).
#' @param notify a boolean. Whether participants should be notified when this page changes.
#' @return empty
#' @export
update_wpage <- function(course_id, page_url, title = NULL, body = NULL, editing_roles = "teachers", published = FALSE, notify = FALSE){
 # PUT /api/v1/courses/:course_id/pages/:url
  # wiki_page[front_page]		    boolean	Set an unhidden page as the front page (if true)
  url <- paste0(canvas_url(), file.path("courses", course_id, "pages", page_url))
  args_list <- list(`wiki_page[editing_roles]` = editing_roles,
                    `wiki_page[published]` = published,
                    `wiki_page[notify_of_update]` = notify,
                    `wiki_page[front_page]` = FALSE)
  if(!is.null(title)) args_list <- c(args_list, `wiki_page[title]` = title)
  if(!is.null(body)) args_list <- c(args_list, `wiki_page[body]` = body)
  args <- sc(args_list)
  # resp <- httr::POST(url = url,
  #                    httr::user_agent("rcanvas - https://github.com/daranzolin/rcanvas"),
  #                    httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", rcanvas:::check_token())),
  #                    body = args)
  resp <- canvas_query(url, args, "PUT")

  message(sprintf("Page '%s' created", title))


#' Delete page from course
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param page_url a valid page url.
#' @return invisible
#' @export
delete_wpage <- function(course_id, page_url){
  # DELETE /api/v1/courses/:course_id/pages/:url
  url <- paste0(canvas_url(), file.path("courses", course_id, "pages", page_url))
  resp <- canvas_query(url, type = "DELETE")

  message(sprintf("Page '%s' deleted", page_url))

daranzolin/rcanvas documentation built on May 18, 2024, 2:33 p.m.