#' Injects a logger call to standard messages
#' This function uses [trace()] to add a [log_info()] function call when
#' `message` is called to log the informative messages with the
#' `logger` layout and appender.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_messages()
#' message("hi there")
#' }
log_messages <- function() {
if (any(sapply(
globalCallingHandlers()[names(globalCallingHandlers()) == "message"],
which = "implements"
) == "log_messages")) {
warning("Ignoring this call to log_messages as it was registered previously.")
} else {
message = structure(function(m) {
logger::log_level(logger::INFO, m$message, .topcall = m$call)
}, implements = "log_messages")
#' Injects a logger call to standard warnings
#' This function uses `trace` to add a `log_warn` function call when
#' `warning` is called to log the warning messages with the `logger`
#' layout and appender.
#' @param muffle if TRUE, the warning is not shown after being logged
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_warnings()
#' for (i in 1:5) {
#' Sys.sleep(runif(1))
#' warning(i)
#' }
#' }
log_warnings <- function(muffle = getOption("logger_muffle_warnings", FALSE)) {
if (any(sapply(
globalCallingHandlers()[names(globalCallingHandlers()) == "warning"],
which = "implements"
) == "log_warnings")) {
warning("Ignoring this call to log_warnings as it was registered previously.")
} else {
warning = structure(function(m) {
logger::log_level(logger::WARN, m$message, .topcall = m$call)
if (isTRUE(muffle)) {
}, implements = "log_warnings")
#' Injects a logger call to standard errors
#' This function uses [trace()] to add a [log_error()] function call when
#' [stop()] is called to log the error messages with the `logger` layout
#' and appender.
#' @param muffle if TRUE, the error is not thrown after being logged
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' log_errors()
#' stop("foobar")
#' }
log_errors <- function(muffle = getOption("logger_muffle_errors", FALSE)) {
if (any(sapply(
globalCallingHandlers()[names(globalCallingHandlers()) == "error"],
which = "implements"
) == "log_errors")) {
warning("Ignoring this call to log_errors as it was registered previously.")
} else {
error = structure(function(m) {
logger::log_level(logger::ERROR, m$message, .topcall = m$call)
if (isTRUE(muffle)) {
}, implements = "log_errors")
#' Auto logging input changes in Shiny app
#' This is to be called in the `server` section of the Shiny app.
#' @export
#' @param input passed from Shiny's `server`
#' @param level log level
#' @param excluded_inputs character vector of input names to exclude from logging
#' @param namespace the name of the namespace
#' @importFrom utils assignInMyNamespace assignInNamespace
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(shiny)
#' ui <- bootstrapPage(
#' numericInput("mean", "mean", 0),
#' numericInput("sd", "sd", 1),
#' textInput("title", "title", "title"),
#' textInput("foo", "This is not used at all, still gets logged", "foo"),
#' passwordInput("password", "Password not to be logged", "secret"),
#' plotOutput("plot")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#' logger::log_shiny_input_changes(input, excluded_inputs = "password")
#' output$plot <- renderPlot({
#' hist(rnorm(1e3, input$mean, input$sd), main = input$title)
#' })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
#' }
log_shiny_input_changes <- function(input,
level = INFO,
namespace = NA_character_,
excluded_inputs = character()) {
session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
ns <- ifelse(!is.null(session), session$ns(character(0)), "")
if (!(shiny::isRunning() || inherits(session, "MockShinySession") || inherits(session, "session_proxy"))) {
stop("No Shiny app running, it makes no sense to call this function outside of a Shiny app")
input_values <- shiny::isolate(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(input))
assignInMyNamespace("shiny_input_values", input_values)
log_level(level, skip_formatter(trimws(paste(
"Default Shiny inputs initialized:",
as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(input_values, auto_unbox = TRUE))
))), namespace = namespace)
old_input_values <- shiny_input_values
new_input_values <- shiny::reactiveValuesToList(input)
names <- unique(c(names(old_input_values), names(new_input_values)))
names <- setdiff(names, excluded_inputs)
for (name in names) {
old <- old_input_values[name]
new <- new_input_values[name]
if (!identical(old, new)) {
message <- trimws("{ns} Shiny input change detected in {name}: {old} -> {new}")
log_level(level, message, namespace = namespace)
assignInNamespace("shiny_input_values", new_input_values, ns = "logger")
shiny_input_values <- NULL
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.