
Defines functions find_lowest_folder get_paths_root_to_files get_paths_to_csvs print.report_print_arbitrary report_print_arbitrary header_file header condition_maker

condition_maker <- function(condition){
    t <- paste0(   #condition, " <- ", "vt_", condition, "(data, file_name=file_name, map)\n",
        'if (map[["table_level"]][["',condition,'"]]){\n',
        '\t',condition,' <- vt_',condition,'(data, map, file_name=file_name)\n',
        "} else {\n\t",condition," <- NULL\n}")

header <- function(x, len = nchar(x), char = "-", line.begin = "", additional =  NULL){
	border <-paste(rep(char, len), collapse="")
	paste(border, paste(paste0(line.begin, c(x, additional)), collapse="\n"), border, "\n", sep="\n")

header_file <- function(x, path, len = 90, char = "#", line.begin = "\t"){
	header(x = paste("Title:", x), len = len, char = char, line.begin = line.begin, additional = paste("Path: ", path))

#print(report_print_arbitrary(header_file("I like cookies", "path/to/chocolate/chip.csv")))

report_print_arbitrary <- function(x, ...){
	class(x) <- c("report_print_arbitrary", class(x))

print.report_print_arbitrary <- function(x, ...){

get_paths_to_csvs <- function(path){
    . <- NULL
	invisible(lapply(dir(path, pattern = ".csv$|.CSV$",recursive = TRUE), function(x) file.path(path,x))) %>%
		sapply(., "[[",1) %>%
		sapply(.,function(x) gsub("//","/", x), USE.NAMES = FALSE) %>%
		sapply(.,function(x) gsub("~",path.expand("~"), x), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

# report on which folders had no csv files to report on

get_paths_root_to_files <- function(path) {
    . <- NULL
	list.dirs(list.dirs(path, recursive=FALSE), recursive=FALSE) %>%
		sapply(.,function(x) gsub("//","/", x), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

find_lowest_folder <- function(path){
	. <- NULL
	paths <- list.dirs(list.dirs(path, recursive=FALSE), recursive=FALSE)
	lapply(1:length(paths), function(x) strsplit(paths, "/")[[x]] %>% .[length(.)]) %>%
		unlist() -> templates

	return(cbind(paths, templates))

delete_old_reports <- function(path){
    . <- NULL
	previous_reports_folders <- file.path(path,
										  dir(path, recursive=TRUE)[
										  	grepl(pattern="`Reports", dir(path, recursive=TRUE))
										  	]) %>%
		sapply(.,function(x) gsub("//","/", x), USE.NAMES = FALSE) %>%
		sapply(., function(x) {
			paste(strsplit(x, "/")[[1]] %>% .[1:length(.)-1], collapse="/")

	invisible(lapply(previous_reports_folders, unlink, recursive = TRUE))


find_highest_parent_folder <- function(path) {
    . <- NULL
	sapply(get_paths_root_to_files(path), function(x) {
		strsplit(x, "/")[[1]]
	}, USE.NAMES = FALSE) %>%
		apply(., 1, function(x) !(length(unique(x))>1))  	%>%
		{paste(strsplit(get_paths_root_to_files(path)[1], "/")[[1]][.], collapse="/")}


## function to sub out empty values with R NA
sub_out_missing <- function(x, ...){
    x[(x %in% c("NULL", "NA", "N/A", "na", "n/a")) | grepl("^\\s*$", x)] <- NA
data-steve/valiData documentation built on Feb. 3, 2023, 12:21 a.m.