Man pages for databio/epihet
Assess epigenetic heterogeneity with proportion of intermediate methylation

BScredIntervalGet credibility interval via binomial bayes distribution
BScredIntervalCacheGet credibility interval via binomial bayes distribution and...
bsDataCheckCheck bisulfite sequencing data and convert if needed
BSDTlistA named 'list' of 4 'data.table' objects, each of which has...
cacheBinomConfIntervalsCache binomial confidence intervals
calculateRPIMHelper function to get the relative proportion of flagged...
exampleBSDTA data.table containing methylation data (position, number...
PIMGiven bisulfite sequencing data, calculates the proportion of...
prepIMPrepares the intermediate methylation (IM) table
RPIMCalculate the relative proportion of intermediate methylation...
singleSampleCheck to see if bisulfite sequencing data has only one sample
databio/epihet documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:03 a.m.