
Defines functions test_function_definition check_call check_body.FunDefState check_arguments check_fun_def

Documented in check_arguments check_body.FunDefState check_call check_fun_def

#' Check whether the student defined a function correctly
#' \code{check_fun_def} checks whether an object is defined in the student enviornment, and returns a state that can be piped to:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{check_arguments}, to check whether the correct arguments where specified.}
#'   \item{\code{check_call}, to call the function with the provided arguments, and produces a state that can be piped to \code{check_output}, \code{check_result} and \code{check_error} to compare the output, result or error from calling the function between student and solution.}
#'   \item{\code{check_body}, that returns a state that focuses on the body that defines the function. Note that you cannot use \code{\link{check_object}} to compare variables that are limited to the function scope.}
#' }
#' @param name  The name of the function to test
#' @param undefined_msg Custom message in case the specified function
#'   was not defined
#' @param no_fundef_msg Custom message in case the function specified in \code{name} is not a function.
#' @param not_found_msg Custom feedback message if function definition was not
#'   found.
#' @param incorrect_number_arguments_msg Optional feedback message in case the 
#'   function does not have the correct number of arguments.
#' @param ... arguments to pass to the user-defined function to test result, output or error in a later stage
#' @param state the state to start from
#' @param append Whether or not to append the feedback to feedback built in previous states
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example:
#' my_op <- function(a, b) {
#'   stopifnot(length(a) == length(b))
#'   return(abs(a) + abs(b))
#' }
#' # Robust SCT
#' ex() %>% check_fun_def('my_op') %>% check_correct(
#'   {
#'     check_call(., c(1, 2), c(3, 4)) %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
#'     check_call(., c(1, -2), c(3, -4)) %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
#'     check_call(., c(-1, 2), c(-3, 4)) %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
#'     check_call(., 1, c(3, 4)) %>% check_error()
#'     check_call(., c(1, -2), 3) %>% check_error()
#'   },
#'   {
#'     check_arguments(.)
#'     check_body(.) %>% {
#'       check_function(., 'stopifnot') %>% check_arg('...') %>% {
#'         check_function(., 'length', index = 1) %>% check_arg('x') %>% check_equal(eval = FALSE)
#'         check_function(., 'length', index = 2) %>% check_arg('x') %>% check_equal(eval = FALSE)
#'         check_code(., '==')
#'       }
#'       check_function(., 'abs', index = 1) %>% check_arg('x') %>% check_equal(eval = FALSE)
#'       check_function(., 'abs', index = 2) %>% check_arg('x') %>% check_equal(eval = FALSE)
#'     }
#'   }
#' )
#' }
#' @name check_fun_def

#' @rdname check_fun_def
#' @export
check_fun_def <- function(state, name, undefined_msg = NULL, no_fundef_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  student_env <- state$get("student_env")
  solution_env <- state$get("solution_env")
  fundef_state <- FunDefState$new(state)
  fundef_state$add_details(type = "fundef",
                          case = "defined",
                          name = name,
                          message = undefined_msg,
                          append = append,
                          pd = NULL)
  check_defined(name, solution_env)
  solution_object <- get(name, envir = solution_env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (!is.function(solution_object)) {
    stop(sprintf("%s is not a user-defined function in the solution code.", name))
  check_that(is_true(exists(name, envir = student_env, inherits = FALSE)), feedback = fundef_state$details)
  student_object <- get(name, envir = student_env, inherits = FALSE)
  fundef_state$set_details(case = "correcttype",
                           message = no_fundef_msg
                           #pd = extract_function_definition(state$get("student_pd"), name))
  check_that(is_true(inherits(student_object, "function")),
             feedback = fundef_state$details)
  fundef_state$set_details(case = "correct",
                           message = NULL)
  fundef_state$set(name = name,
                   student_object = student_object,
                   solution_object = solution_object)

#' @rdname check_fun_def
#' @export
check_arguments <- function(state, incorrect_number_arguments_msg = NULL, append = TRUE) {
  stud_arguments <- as.list(formals(state$get("student_object")))
  sol_arguments <- as.list(formals(state$get("solution_object")))
  fundefargs_state <- FunDefArgsState$new(state)
  fundefargs_state$add_details(type = "fundef",
                               case = "arguments",
                               message = incorrect_number_arguments_msg,
                               append = append,
                               pd = NULL)
  check_that(is_equal(length(stud_arguments), length(sol_arguments)), 
             feedback = fundefargs_state$details)

#' @rdname check_fun_def
#' @export
check_body.FunDefState <- function(state, not_found_msg = NULL, append = TRUE, ...) {
  name <- state$get("name")
  student_pd <- state$get("student_pd")
  solution_pd <- state$get("solution_pd")
  body_state <- SubState$new(state)
  body_state$add_details(type = "fundef",
                         case = "coded",
                         message = not_found_msg,
                         append = append,
                         pd = NULL)
  solution_fun_def <- extract_function_definition(solution_pd, name)
  if (is.null(solution_fun_def)) {
    stop(sprintf("The function definition of %s was not found in the solution code", name))
  student_fun_def <- extract_function_definition(student_pd, name)
  check_that(is_false(is.null(student_fun_def)), feedback = body_state$details)
  body_state$set_details(type = "body", pd = student_fun_def$pd)
  decorate_state(body_state, student_fun_def, solution_fun_def)

#' @rdname check_fun_def
#' @export
check_call <- function(state, ...) {
  state$assert_is("FunDefState", "check_fun_def")
  expr_state <- ExprState$new(state)
  fn_name <- state$get("name")
  fn_call <- substitute(list(...))
  fn_call[1] <- call(fn_name)
  expr_state$set(expr = as.expression(fn_call))

# Deprecated functions

test_function_definition <- function(name, 
                                     function_test = NULL,
                                     body_test = NULL,
                                     undefined_msg = NULL, 
                                     incorrect_number_arguments_msg = NULL) {
  body_test <- substitute(body_test)
  function_test <- substitute(function_test)
  fundef <- ex() %>% check_fun_def(name, 
                                   undefined_msg = undefined_msg, 
                                   append = is.null(undefined_msg))
  if (!is.null(function_test)) {
    fun_res <- run_until_fail(function_test)

    if (!fun_res$correct) {
      fundef %>% check_arguments(incorrect_number_arguments_msg = incorrect_number_arguments_msg,
                                 append = is.null(incorrect_number_arguments_msg))
  body_passed <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(body_test)) {
    oldstate <- ex()
    on.exit(tw$set(state = oldstate))
    body_state <- check_body(fundef)
    tw$set(state = body_state)
    body_res <- run_until_fail(body_test)
  if (is.null(function_test) || fun_res$correct) {
    # all good
  } else {
    if (is.null(body_test) || body_res$correct) {
      check_that(failure(), feedback = fun_res$feedback)
    } else {
      check_that(failure(), feedback = body_res$feedback)
datacamp/testwhat documentation built on June 26, 2022, 9:07 a.m.